


"History...Is an interesting thing. We know only...the versions we are told. It does not mean...that there are not...other truths."

Bobbajo was a male Nu-Cosian[2] with a white beard who lived on Jakku approximately thirty years after the Battle of Endor.[6] He carried a group of animals around in cages, including frog-like gwerps, chicken-like pishnes, a lonlan, two zhhee and an ill-tempered worrt named J'Rrosch.[2][4] His calm demeanor helped settle down the animals while he transported them.[5] He roamed between the settlements of the planet telling stories to local villagers and entertaining children with the talents of his menagerie. He claimed his creatures were responsible for the destruction of the first Death Star, but few believe him. This earned him the names of the "Storyteller" and the "Crittermonger."[2] Bobbajo was the only other vendor known to be allowed to sell food in Niima Outpost by Unkar Plutt. His customers, however, were restricted solely to spacers.[7]

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Behind the scenes[]

Bobbajo was first shown in "Star Wars: Force for Change - A Message from J.J. Abrams," a video released on YouTube in 2014 in which J.J. Abrams introduced the charity campaign Star Wars: A Force for Change. The video was filmed on the set of Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens and showed the creature walking behind Abrams while he talked, at one stage drawing the director's attention. He was one of the first new characters from Episode VII to have been shown. He was portrayed by Aidan Cook (credited as "creature and droid puppeteer") in the film.[8]


Non-canon appearances[]


Notes and references[]

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