

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 
This article is about the Black Sun fortress on Mustafar. You may be looking for the Black Sun Fortress on Ralltiir.

"It's a fairly fortified compound, but nothing I haven't broken into before."
Asajj Ventress, on the Black Sun fortress[2]

The Black Sun fortress was a fortified compound built into a cliffside on the volcanic Outer Rim world of Mustafar. From within, a cabal of Falleen nobles led and operated the criminal syndicate known as the Black Sun during the Clone Wars[1] and beyond.[3] It was here that Maul and the Death Watch Mandalorians confronted the Black Sun leadership with an ultimatum to join the Shadow Collective, a criminal alliance set up and led by Maul.[4] Pirate Queen Maz Kanata made reference to the fortress in her journal as the site from which the Black Sun leadership governed the syndicate.[3]

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Behind the scenes[]

The Black Sun fortress made its first appearance in "Eminence," the fourteenth episode of the fifth season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars.[5] Although the installation was not named in its debut appearance,[5] the accompanying episode guide identified it as the Black Sun fortress.[6]



Notes and references[]

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