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"I understand that you were promised some rest and recreation time while you were here on the Donn, but we have just received a top priority assignment for you."
―Commander Zeke Rondel, to a team of Rebel Alliance agents[3]

Berrol's Donn, also known as the Donn, was a celestial body located in the Outer Rim Territories' Kriz sector, on the Corellian Trade Spine hyperlane. It was situated outside the borders of the Galactic Republic and the Galactic Empire, and eventually it served as the site of a Rebel Alliance base. It also featured a town, a restaurant, and a bar called Sangorn's Net. Around the time of the Battle of Yavin, the crew of the Rebel spacetug Worthless Fool was dispatched from the Berrol's Donn base on a mission to find and retrieve the valet/translator droid KL-6TLF7V/T, who knew the facility's location and had been kidnapped by forces affiliated with the Empire.


Berrol's Donn, also referred to as the Donn, was a terrestrial celestial body[3] located in the Berrol's Donn system, a part of the Kriz sector[1] in the Western Reaches portion of[2] the Outer Rim Territories.[1] It was situated on the super-hyperroute known as the Corellian Trade Spine, which linked it to the Yarith sector's Togominda system as well as the Sil'Lume system[2] of the Seitia sector.[6] In addition, Berrol's Donn was located at a distance of six hours' travel—using a Class 2 hyperdrive—from the Rayter sector planet Najarka.[3]


Republic and Empire[]

Javin Oversector

During the Clone Wars, Berrol's Donn was located in the area of operations of the Galactic Republic's Nineteenth Sector Army.

Space surrounding Berrol's Donn was explored between 3000 BBY and 1000 BBY. Although during the Clone Wars Berrol's Donn was situated outside of the territory controlled by the Galactic Republic,[2] the Republic's Nineteenth Sector Army was nevertheless tasked with engaging the military forces of its enemy, the Confederacy of Independent Systems, in the celestial body's vicinity during the first campaigns of the Clone Wars in 22 BBY.[7] Berrol's Donn remained outside of the borders of the Republic's successor, the Galactic Empire, by 17 BBY.[7]

During the Galactic Civil War, the Rebel Alliance maintained on Berrol's Donn a base led by Commander Zeke Rondel.[3] The Alliance Intelligence member Fulkrehm Protial served at the facility, with Alliance General Airen Cracken noting Berrol's Donn as Protial's current location at some point by the time shortly after the Battle of Yavin in an entry dedicated to the agent that was part of a datafile detailing various Rebel operatives.[5]

Fulkrehm Protial

Rebel Alliance Intelligence operative Fulkrehm Protial served on Berrol's Donn.

The Berrol's Donn base was also home to a group of pilots who once visited a nearby town and became intoxicated there. Protial, who noted the behavior of the returning pilots and who had himself suffered in combat irreparable damage to his motor control skills that rendered his movements and speech outwardly similar to those of an inebriated person, eventually put into motion an operation in which he eavesdropped on the conversations of criminals at the local Sangorn's Net bar while pretending to be drunk. Later, he expanded the operation to drinking establishments throughout the Kriz sector.[5]

A group of individuals visited a restaurant on Berrol's Donn at one point during the Galactic Civil War, with a Rodian bounty hunter also entering the venue at the same time. Upon noticing the group and consulting a datapad, however, the bounty hunter, not taking a seat, instead slowly walked back out of the restaurant.[4]

Trouble in the Rayter sector[]

"This agent is also important to our cause, for Alliance Intell has informed us that he is aware of the location of this base. If he breaks under Imperial interrogation, this base will be lost."
―Commander Zeke Rondel, on the Rebel Alliance agent embedded in Crying Dawn Singer's entourage[3]

The knowledge possessed by KL-6TLF7V/T (pictured) endangered the Rebel Alliance base on Berrol's Donn.

As part of ongoing negotiations between the Alliance and the Shashay species of[3] the Wild Space[8] planet Crytal Nest, the Alliance added the valet/translator droid KL-6TLF7V/T, who knew the location of the Berrol's Donn base, to the entourage of the Shashay performer Crying Dawn Singer. Around the time of the Battle of Yavin, Chief Administrator Braig Farool of TransGalMeg Industries, Incorporated and his brother Nak, Special Assistant to Imperial Moff Nile Owen of the Rayter sector, put into motion a plan to discredit the Alliance by kidnapping Crying Dawn Singer and his entourage. In addition to that event endangering the negotiations between the Alliance and the Shashay, Alliance Intelligence also informed the Rebel base on Berrol's Donn that KL-6TLF7V/T's knowledge put its location at risk of discovery by the Empire.[3]

The Worthless Fool, a spacetug that was making regular supply runs to the base on Berrol's Donn, at that point had completed a run to that facility, with its crew of Rebel agents looking forward to a period of rest and recreation that they had been promised at the base. However, before they even left their ship, the Rebel team was delivered a package from Rondel with a data plaque and a directional transceiver inside it. The data plaque contained a holographic message from the commander assigning the team to immediately travel to Najarka in order to locate and retrieve KL-6TLF7V/T, the signal from whose homing transponder could be tracked by the transceiver. After receiving the orders, the Worthless Fool rapidly departed the Berrol's Donn base and left for the Najarka system.[3]


The population of the Berrol's Donn system around 25 ABY numbered between ten and one hundred million.[2]


During the Galactic Civil War, Berrol's Donn was the site of a Rebel Alliance base. The facility's personnel included members of Human and other species.[3] The celestial body additionally hosted a town in which intoxicating substances could be acquired;[5] a restaurant;[4] and a bar called Sangorn's Net that was frequented by criminals.[5]

Behind the scenes[]

Publication history[]

The Abduction

Berrol's Donn was introduced as a setting in The Abduction.

Berrol's Doon first appeared in The Abduction, a 1992 roleplaying adventure authored by Chuck Truett and published by West End Games for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.[3] The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Berrol's Donn system, and therefore the celestial body itself, in grid square K-19.[2] The 1993 Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game sourcebook Star Wars Gamemaster Handbook mentioned Berrol's Donn in an example gameplay passage that illustrated the possible use of relatively generic characters controlled by the gamemaster player. This article assumes the scenario plays out as described.[4]

In The Abduction, the second of the adventure's six episodes sees the player-characters—barring their deaths or capture by the Galactic Empire—eventually depart the planet Najarka after locating KL-6TLF7V/T. Depending on whether they took the droid with them, the adventure suggests several ways the scenario unfolds in order to connect with the subsequent episodes.[3]

In the adventure's first episode, the player-characters can successfully learn from KL-6TLF7V/T that Crying Dawn Singer has been taken to the Laim system, which the group can then travel to. This article assumes this outcome as being canonical with respect to the Star Wars Legends continuity.[3]

Alternate events[]

"That Droid you left behind was an agent of the Alliance. It had the locations [sic] of this base in its memory, and the Force knows what else!"
―Commander Zeke Rondel, to a team of Rebel Alliance agents on Berrol's Donn in an alternate branch of events of The Abduction[3]

In The Abduction, the player-characters can potentially be directed to travel from Berrol's Donn to the Laim system (pictured).

Alternatively, if the player-characters do not learn this information and, as a result, are not certain of their next move, The Abduction suggests that their starship, the Worthless Fool, returns to the Rebel Alliance base on Berrol's Donn—noting that the ship's captain, Maytoc Kollene, would only take them there anyway. At the base, Alliance droid technicians extract the information from KL-6TLF7V/T and Commander Zeke Rondel then directs the player-characters to the Laim system.[3]

If the player-characters do not retrieve KL-6TLF7V/T from Najarka, however, the droid is captured by the Empire, allowing it to learn the location of the Berrol's Donn base. The Worthless Fool returns to the base amid frantic evacuation, and the player-characters are confronted by Rondel, who is angered over the failure of their mission. The commander then informs the group that the Alliance has traced the holotransmission implicating the Rebellion in Crying Dawn Singer's kidnapping—one that the player-characters witness in the adventure's first episode—to a subspace relay station in the Laim system. As the group then departs aboard the Worthless Fool, several Imperial Star Destroyers arrive in the Berrol's Denn system and a battle begins against the Rebel forces of the base.[3]


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Notes and references[]
