

For other uses, see Balmorra (disambiguation).

The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

An Imperial outpost[1] was located on the planet Balmorra.[2] By 18 BBY,[3] the base primarily was used to imprison former clone troopers that had questioned Imperial orders and mutinied.[1]


Main complex[]

The main building of the outpost was a large sprawling complex built into a mountainside[1] somewhere in the wilderness of Balmorra.[2] Serving not only as a warehouse where crates of supplies were wheeled inside by troopers, the outpost doubled as a prison camp and kept several mutinous clone troopers in captivity. Though the bulk of the outpost's personnel was comprised of TK stormtroopers, numerous clone personnel such as Imperial clone commandos and clone stormtroopers were stationed at the outpost as well.[1]


Directly outside of the main complex was a large shipyard where ships delivered supplies to the base and Gozanti-class cruisers from the Galactic Empire's Advanced Science Division shipped clone prisoners off-world.[1]

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Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Tipping Point"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 StarWars "Tipping Point" Story Gallery | The Bad Batch on StarWars.com (backup link) (Slide 1)
  3. Per the reasoning here, the seventh and eighth episodes of The Bad Batch Season 2, "The Clone Conspiracy" and "Truth and Consequences," can be placed in 18 BBY. Therefore, all Season 2 episodes proceeding "The Clone Conspiracy" occur between 19 BBY, which features the end of The Bad Batch Season 1 according to Star Wars: Timelines, and 18 BBY. The Galactic Empire, the formation of which Star Wars: Timelines dates to 19 BBY, sent Mayday's squad to Barton IV over a year prior to the events of the twelfth episode, "The Outpost." As it occurs over a year into the Imperial Era and is set shortly after the events of "Truth and Consequences," the events of "The Outpost" occur around 18 BBY. Following that logic, the ninth through eleventh episodes ("The Crossing" through "Metamorphosis") are also set around 18 BBY because they occur between the events of "Truth and Consequences" and "The Outpost." Finally, all season 2 episodes set after "The Outpost" occur shortly after its events, thereby placing those episodes around 18 BBY as well.
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