


"You brought this danger with you. But I see now who, and why, you fight. Arnot, put me down and help these people load whatever provisions we can spare. They need to rejoin the Rebellion!"
―Lesa Benex[1]

Arnot was a woodcutter on the planet Ison, in a mountain village named Haven. In 3 ABY, several days after the Battle of Hoth, a group of rebels sought refuge at the village, which brought the attention of the bounty hunter Dengar. Dengar kidnapped the leader of Haven, a woman named Lesa Benex, and held her for ransom. The rebels confronted Dengar and saved Benex, bringing her back to Haven. Upon their return, Arnot went to help the injured Benex, to which she told him to help the rebels load any provisions the village could spare onto the shuttle so the group could rejoin the Rebellion. While Arnot was aiding the rebels, an Imperial transceiver was found and alerted them of an upcoming invasion by General Sorin. Arnot then left to find Benex and help the villagers seek refuge.


Arnot was a burly woodcutter who lived in Haven, a village on the planet Ison.[1]

This section of the article assumes a specific path in a video game. Any alternate paths may be noted in the "Behind the scenes" section. The events in this section may or may not have been confirmed as canon.

Several days after the Battle of Hoth, in 3 ABY,[2] a group of rebels sought refuge at Haven. The bounty hunter Dengar, who was searching for the group, tracked them to the village. While the rebels were off on a mission, Dengar kidnapped Lesa Benex, the leader of Haven, and left behind a holoprojector. When the rebels returned to Haven, they watched the recording of Dengar demanding they pay him ten thousand credits or else he would deliver Benex to the Empire. Not going through with Dengar's demand, the rebels confronted him on the moon Nar Shaddaa and rescued Benex. When they returned to Haven, Arnot pushed forward from the amassing crowd to help. As he attempted to carry the injured Benex down from the shuttle, Benex told him to put her down and go help the rebels load any provisions they could spare so the rebels could rejoin the Rebellion. While Arnot helped load the supplies onto the shuttle, the rebels found an Imperial transceiver and discovered that General Sorin knew their location and was preparing for an invasion. The group of rebels convinced Arnot to return to Benex and help the villagers seek refuge in the mountains, to which he left with a sense of urgency.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Arnot appeared in the Star Wars: Imperial Assault companion app Legends of the Alliance, in the "Return to Hoth" campaign, in 2019. This article assumes a specific path is taken in the campaign, where the players successfully rescue Lesa Benex from Dengar. If the players are unsuccessful at rescuing Benex, or choose to not rescue her, then Arnot will not make an appearance during the campaign.[1]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Legends of the Alliance
  2. According to FantasyFlightGamesLogo Return to Echo Base on Fantasy Flight Games' official website (backup link), the events of the "Return to Hoth" campaign of Legends of the Alliance takes place several days after the Battle of Hoth, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates to 3 ABY.