


Akial was a Jawa male who served the Jedi Order, having ascended to the rank of Jedi Knight shortly before a celebration that took place around 21 BBY on Dorumaa, the moon of the planet Almas. Akial and Jedi Knight Krin D'bis were chosen by the Almas Academy to represent the Academy at the celebration, presenting different approaches to being a Jedi as a Jedi Consular and Jedi Guardian respectively.


Living Force Campaign Guide cover PotJ

Akial represented the Almas Academy. (pictured)

Akial was a male Jawa who was a member the Jedi Order[1] by around 21 BBY[2] and trained to become a Jedi Consular,[1] a Jedi specialization that focused on studying the mysteries of the Force.[3] Shortly before a celebration that took place on the moon Dorumaa[1] around 21 BBY,[2] Akial passed his Jedi Trials and ascended to the rank of Jedi Knight.[1]

At that time,[2] Akial and the Kel Dor Jedi Guardian Krin D'bis were picked to visit a celebration organized by the Metatheran Cartel as the official representatives of the Jedi academy on Almas,[1] the planet[4] orbited by Dorumaa.[1] Akial and D'bis were chosen for the task by the Academy due to their difference in opinion, to avoid presenting the Jedi as single-minded at the event. They traveled from Almas to Greentree Pointe resort on Dorumaa, where the celebration was being held. The two Jedi set up a booth there in order to try and recruit potential students for the Academy.[1]

While at the celebration, Akial and D'bis happily debated with visitors of their booth on topics including the Cartel and the threat posed by the Sith cult known as the Believers.[1]

Personality and traits[]

As a Consular and Guardian respectively, Akial and D'bis represented different paths that members of the Jedi Order could take, having different approaches to problems and representing the Jedi as diverse. Akial agreed with D'bis that the Believers were a significant problem, but while D'bis proposed a more aggresive solution, Akial thought it would be better to investigate the cult to be certain about their capabilities and who they are. He also disagreed with D'bis on the topic of the Metatheran Cartel, thinking that if the Cartel reestablishes its diplomatic position within the Cularin system and demonstrates itself to be trustworthy, they should be forgiven for their past transgressions. The Jawa spoke flawless, unaccented Basic, and disliked when others used[1] the common Jawaese word[5] "Utinni" while speaking to him, wrinkling his face whenever it happened.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Akial appeared in the "Paarty On!" adventure of the Living Force roleplaying campaign, released in 2003 and written by Morrie Mullins.[1]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 Paarty On!Living Force
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Living Force Campaign Guide dates the beginning of the campaign to be around 31 BBY, while "Below the Belt: Philology" shifts the campaign by ten years, therefore to around 21 BBY. "Paarty On!" is set after the events of "Below the Belt: Philology," therefore it must be set around 21 BBY as well.
  3. Star Wars Roleplaying Game Revised Core Rulebook
  4. Living Force Campaign Guide
  5. Galactic Phrase Book & Travel Guide
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