


Adi Vonapa was a Rodian who lived on Nal Hutta, specifically on the Minboosa District. He was one of the leaders of the Minboosa slave uprising alongside Rakit.[1]


Early life[]

As a child, Adi Vonapa's entire family was decimated in the midst of Rodia's endless and bloody clan feuds. The neighboring clan responsible for their destruction captured Adi and sold him along with other children to settle a debt with Vobbara Yusinduu.[2]

Encountering the Alliance Commander[]

"You probably noticed, but we're trying to get a lot of people out from under the tail of Yusinduu—our esteemed employer."
―Adi Vonapa to the Alliance Commander[3]

During the third Galactic War, former Jedi Padawan Sa'har Kateen and the Alliance Commander traveled to Nal Hutta to steal one of the Hidden Chain's shuttles and prevent Heta Kol from using Darth Nul's holocron to create an army of Force-sensitive Mandalorian shock troopers. During a confrontation with Yusinduu, Vonapa managed to save the Commander from a guard attempting to kill them and informed Sa'har and the Commander that the shuttle was in the refinery's hangar, the exact location Vonapa and the workers were attempting to get into. Vonapa and the workers had spent months planning a way to get in, but they lacked many of the people to execute the plan.[1]

Minboosa uprising[]

While Vonapa was repairing the freight elevator and Rakit was trying to overload the turret defenses at the refinery, a safety protocol set up by Yusinduu kept overriding their efforts. Vonapa informed the Commander that unless they figure this out soon, a lot of people wouldn't escape the refinery with them. Rakit shared a few ideas and remained hopeful. When everyone were on the landing platform, they fought against Yusinduu. After defeating Yusinduu, the workers boarded the shuttle.[4]

Behind the scenes[]

"Please... it's up to you to protect them. I know you can."
―Adi's final words to Rakit[4]

Adi Vonapa first appeared in the 2024 Game Update 7.5 of Star Wars: The Old Republic: Legacy of the Sith, the eighth digital expansion to the massively multiplayer online role-playing game Star Wars: The Old Republic.[5]

Gampeplay alternatives[]

If Vonapa is helped with repairing the freight elevator, more slaves are able to escape, but he is shot by the turrets and dies shortly before the workers can get on the shuttles. If the turrets are overloaded, Adi lives, but fewer workers are able to escape.[4]


Notes and references[]
