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AV-6R7 was an Imperial V-series droid supervisor manufactured by MerenData. The supervisor droid oversaw work droids building the Empire's Death Star II superweapon by 4 ABY and was serving in that year on the Super Star Destroyer Executor during the Battle of Endor, with the Executor colliding with the Death Star in the course of the battle.



AV-6R7 (left) on the Executor

Manufactured by MerenData,[1] AV-6R7 was a V-series droid supervisor of the Galactic Empire.[2] By 4 ABY,[3] the supervisor droid served the Empire's Moff Tiaan Jerjerrod by overseeing work droids building the Death Star II superweapon,[2] which was in construction over the Forest Moon of Endor.[4] At one point, AV-6R7 was deprived of arms for failing to keep track of a faulty power droid.[2]

In 4 ABY,[3] AV-6R7—both arms intact—was aboard the Super Star Destroyer Executor in orbit over Endor. When the Executor questioned the Lambda-class T-4a shuttle Tydirium, which requested to land on the moon, AV-6R7 was present aboard the bridge crew pits as the Sith Lord Darth Vader allowed the shuttle to pass. Not long after, AV-6R7 was still aboard the Executor's bridge during the early stages of the Empire's Battle of Endor against the Alliance to Restore the Republic's fleet. As the battle progressed, the Executor collided with the Death Star and was destroyed.[4]


AV-6R7 had a logic processor and an augmented monitor system on the head, with a monitor power hookup extending from the neck to the head. The droid had black polished plastron plating.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

AV-6R7 first appeared in 1983's Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, the third film in the original trilogy.[4] The droid's scenes were filmed on February 8, 1982 on Elstree Studios's Stage 1.[5] In 1998, AV-6R7 was first named in Star Wars: The Visual Dictionary, a reference book written by David West Reynolds.[2]



Notes and references[]

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