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"Ikas-Adno has been in the speeder market for centuries, and the 88-R Nightscreamer might be the best thing their craftserfs have ever knocked together."
―Chentu Chek, Tools of the Trade, a chapter from Bounty Hunters' Guild Handbook[1]

The 88-R Nightscreamer was a speeder bike manufactured by Ikas-Adno. In contributing a chapter to the Bounty Hunters Guild Handbook, bounty hunter Chentu Chek recommended the 88-R Nightscreamer as a high-end speeder bike option. Chek felt that the Nightscreamer was Ikas-Adno's best product due to its speed, particle shield, and the availability of aftermarket packages.


"Its top speed is a suicidal 750kph, and it generates a forward-facing particle shield that deflects wind and grit…"
―Chentu Chek, Tools of the Trade, a chapter from Bounty Hunters' Guild Handbook[1]

The 88-R Nightscreamer was a speeder bike model produced by the manufacturing company Ikas-Adno that sold for at least 11,500 credits. With a maximum speed of 750 kilometers per hour, it had a forward-facing particle shield that protected the rider from wind and sand, and could also nudge the vehicle away from glancing collisions. A standard aftermarket package was available that added low-slung twin blaster cannons and a rear-mounted shrapnel cloud emitter to avoid pursuit. A side-car could also be installed on the speeder bike to accommodate a passenger or extra cargo.[1]


"Punch that shrapnel cloud when you've got a baddie glued to your tail, and I swear you'll never again underestimate the effect of metal fragments in the face."
―Chentu Chek, Tools of the Trade, a chapter from Bounty Hunters' Guild Handbook[1]

By 0 ABY, which marked the end of the Bounty Hunter Wars,[2] the veteran bounty hunter Chentu Chek recommended the 88-R Nightscreamer as a high-end speeder bike in the chapter Tools of the Trade, which was published in the Bounty Hunters Guild Handbook. In Chek's opinion, the Nightscreamer was the best product that Ikas-Adno had produced during the manufacturer's previous centuries due to its shield, availability of aftermarket packages, and a top speed that he described as suicidal.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The 88-R Nightscreamer was introduced in The Bounty Hunter Code: From the Files of Boba Fett, a reference book released in 2013. The book was co-written by Daniel Wallace, Ryder Windham, and Jason Fry.[1]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 The Bounty Hunter Code: From the Files of Boba Fett
  2. According to The Bounty Hunter Code: From the Files of Boba Fett, Chentu Chek knew the bounty hunter Dengar, who was active during the Rise of the Empire and Rebellion eras. Additionally, the book contains an opening letter by Cradossk, who states the book includes "overviews of trade tools" that were "recently introduced to the market." According to The New Essential Chronology, Cradossk died at the conclusion of the Bounty Hunter Wars, which occurred in 0 ABY. Taken together, these facts indicate that the 88-R Nightscreamer was in use during one or both of the aforementioned eras.
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