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6D6-RA-8 was an RA-7 protocol droid that lived during the reign of the Galactic Empire.[1] Between around 8 BBY and 2 BBY,[2] 6D6-RA-8 was present on the Imperial capital of Coruscant when Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Phaedra traveled to Coruscant to undertake a heist and retrieve an urn that had been taken from the Millennium Falcon when it had been impounded by the Empire and given to Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, which he them stored inside his office. In need of a way to get Tarkin to leave his office, Phaedra saw 6D6-RA-8 and came up with an idea of climbing into the droid and impersonating it. Phaedra then made her way to Tarkin's office, where she encountered Tarkin's guard of death troopers, who she informed that she had an urgent communiqué from Emperor Palpatine for Tarkin. The grand moff arrived and expressed his suspicions as Palpatine did not convey messages through a droid. Phaedra then insisted that they were chosen as it was a matter of delicacy, and when Tarkin enquired as to what the matter was, she asked to speak with him in private. The grand moff responded that the troopers could be trusted. Phaedra still insisted on speaking in private, Tarkin told her that his time was valuable and to either speak or get out, but to do it quickly. In response, Phaedra leaned over to Tarkin and whispered to him about the Emperor's apparent request for his presence in his chambers as he believed that Mas Amedda conspired to kill him.[1]

Tarkin doubted the claim, and Phaedra responded that given the sensitivity of the information, the moff could surely see why the Emperor had decided to send the request through a droid. Tarkin conceded the point and left with several of his troopers to speak with Palpatine. With Tarkin out of the office, Phaedra informed one of the remaining troopers that she needed to visit the restroom, even though droids didn't use it. She then added that she had two friends, Solo and Chewbacca, who would be entering the office through one. At this moment, Solo and Chewbacca arrived and killed the troopers. Solo then pointed his blaster at Phaedra, unaware that she had disguised herself as the droid, but she told him not to shoot, and take off the droids head, revealing to Solo that it was her.[1]

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