


The 1.8 FD Anti-Infantry Autoturret, known simply as the 1.8 FD, was a model of autoturret manufactured by the Atgar SpaceDefense Corporation. It was created by recycling much of the 1.4 FD P-Tower's components.[1]

The 1.8 FD's purpose was to suppress enemy infantry without putting its own troops at risk. It could be linked to an Atgar artillery remote to allow smaller groups of individuals to face much larger groups from relative safety. It was considerably lighter than the P-Tower and could be repositioned with a light speeder or loader droid. Its weight came at the cost of its ammo capacity, as it could only fire a few salvos before its energy reserves depleted. To counteract this, the 1.8 FD could be linked to an energy source to provide it with unlimited ammunition.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The 1.8 FD Anti-Infantry Autoturret was first mentioned in Forged in Battle,[1] a 2016 sourcebook for the Star Wars: Age of Rebellion roleplaying game published by Fantasy Flight Games.[2]


Notes and references[]
