Soulcalibur Wiki
Soulcalibur Wiki

Soulcalibur VI has given many characters on the roster is given unique traits of their own to help separate them from other beyond the baseline fighting mechanics. Many of these include a new icon on the UI.

List of Abilities[]

Character Ability
2B 2B has flight attacks, and has a special evade mechanic that can quickly move her to an advantageous position. She also can collect Analysis Points on the opponent when connecting with certain moves (mostly unarmed attacks), which in turn change the properties of her attacks to become Lethal Hits as well as greatly restoring her Guard Stamina. These Analysis Points carry over between rounds.
Amy Amy has two different Rose Perceptions: red, which enhances her offense capabilities; and white, which enhances her defensive capabilities. If both perceptions reached maximum level, all moves with auto-guard impact will become Resist Impacts, and her Critical Edge has all the benefits from both Red and White Rose Perceptions as well as restoring some of her Soul Gauge on hit. Furthermore, entering Soul Charge can also give additional benefits to her Rose Perception, eg. when Amy has her Red Rose Perception maxed and is Soul Charged, the last hit of her AAA becomes a Break Attack and knocks down/wall splats.
Astaroth He is one of the two characters that can escape back throws.
Azwel Azwel can switch between Axe Mode and Sword Mode depending on which of his attacks connect. His Reversal Edge options do not result in the usual outcomes. He has a unique Critical Edge while in Soul Charge.
Cassandra Some of Cassandra's moves causes her to enter a state known as Divine Force, shown with her weapon being imbued with lightning. She gains additional moves under this state, and her Critical Edge causes more damage. The drawback of using a Divine Force enhanced move, however, is making the Guard Gauge weaker, a nod to her strength showed in her Soulcalibur III and Soulcalibur IV endings.
Geralt Geralt can access five different signs during combat at the use of meter: Aard, Igni, Yrden, Quen, and Axii. This works the same as Brave Edge from Soulcalibur V. His Soul Charge enables him to use all five without meter.
Grøh Grøh gains the ability to Teleport while in Avenger stance during Soul Charge. He also has access to a Brave Edge mechanic with the move Black Gambit.
Haohmaru Haohmaru carries over many of the mechanics seen in the Samurai Shodown games:
· Haohmaru's special moves, called "Ronin Techniques", can be performed by either pressing two buttons or, to deal extra damage, by doing the command input. Furthermore, not only do Ronin Techniques deal chip damage but certain attacks, on hit or on block, can be cancelled into Ronin Techniques, allowing Haohmaru to be unpredictable even when guarding his attacks.
· Haohmaru also has Deflect and Blade Catch, the former a Guard Impact the latter a Resist Impact, that can deflect high and middle attacks (except for K attacks), although Blade Catch won't disarm the opponent like in Samurai Shodown. He can also Dodge vertical attacks as well.
· Power Slashes are moves that have long startup by deal high damage. However, if they're blocked, Haohmaru will stagger back, although Haohmaru can cancel this stagger state into Deflect or Ronin Techniques.
· Haohmaru also has two unique states: Max Rage and Rage Explosion. Haohmaru can enter Max Rage by having his HP fall below 30% or by doing a unique 14-Slash Combo Soul Attack, and doing so not only gives him access to stronger attacks but also gives him access to a new Critical Edge (his Weapon Flipping Technique) that will instantly end Max Rage when used. While in Max Rage, his Soul Charge is replaced with Rage Explosion. It has the benefits of both Soul Charge and Max Rage, but he deals more damage than when in a normal Soul Charge and now has access to Lightning Blade, a fast attack that deals massive damage. However, like in Samurai Shodown, Rage Explosion can only be done once per match as he will no longer be able to enter Max Rage or Rage Explosion once it ends. Lightning Blade also instantly ends Rage Explosion but leaves him Soul Charged.
Hilde In addition to her unique "charge attacks" returning, Hilde gains two new powered states, Sword Regalia and Spear Regalia, which unlock more powerful attacks with their respective weapon. These can be attained by completing certain attack strings, winning a Reversal Edge clash, or at-will during Soul Charge.
Hwang Hwang can make use of his talismans to maintain control of the battle, which includes increased range on his attacks, regaining health, buffed defense, and many more. However, spending the use of it below the zero count consumes a portion of his life in the following round.
Kilik Kilik accesses his possessed state when in Soul Charge, which rapidly depletes his health but greatly increases his damage, gives him devastating new moves, and a new Critical Edge that can be used with no meter costs. He has access to projectiles when in Soul Charge and can heal a portion of his life in exchange for ending his Soul Charge.
Maxi Maxi can switch into a different stance with an additional input after attacks or stop briefly to enter a Pure Soul Loop stance, which increases his damage. Constellation appears on Maxi to show how close he is to entering Pure Soul Loop.
Mitsurugi Mitsurugi now has access to the Shura Blade state where his sword arm glows red and gains access to stronger attacks.
Nightmare Many of Nightmare's moves will cause him to enter Terror Charge, which allows him to access new attacks and even more attacks while in Soul Charge.
Raphael Raphael is capable of feinting his Reversal Edge, and many of his recoil moves have Guard Impact properties.
Seong Mi-na Multiple of Seong Mi-na's attacks cause her to heal small bits of life and gauge. Many attacks have different properties when they land at tip range, such as doing more damage; having different frame data, such as Wing Cross (3A) going from -18 on block to -4 when in tip range; or even becoming a Lethal Hit, such as Root Fang ((4)A).
Setsuka Setsuka has Three Visions: Moonlit Reflection is split in three parts, Vernal Reflection in five, and Wintry Reflection in six. As their gauges are filled up, certain attacks do more damage. Some of her moves also have timing, which defines the amount of damage it gives.
Siegfried Siegfried has a special state called Dark Legacy, being reached either by a Guard Impact move, or when he's under low health, which grant him additional options such as new Lethal Hit combos, and grant him access to Nightmare's Soul Wave.
Sophitia Soul Charge adds extra lightning abilities to Sophitia's attacks, granting her new combo opportunities with extra hitstun.
Taki Taki's Mekki-Maru causes chip damage at all times. She additionally can feint her Reversal Edge.
Talim Talim has a new Wind Bearer mode, which heavily involving using wind as a weapon that increases her damage and causes her to heal small bits of life. Her Critical Edge regains a portion of her health and is cancellable. Additionally she can feint her Reversal Edge into her stance options.
Tira Tira has two different playing styles depending on whether she's in her Jolly or Gloomy states. Upon switching states multiple times, she will enter a 'burning' Gloomy state that allows her to access Soul Charge-exclusive moves until she switches back to Jolly.
Voldo He's the only character who can engage in Reversal Edge backturned. Upon activating Soul Charge while facing forward, he will turn to face backwards and vice versa. He is one of the two characters that can escape back throws.
Yoshimitsu Yoshimitsu can absorb his enemies "soul" to increase his own meter gauge using his Soul Steal mechanic, which he then can spend on unique moves using his Soul Burn mechanic, also working the same as Brave Edges of Soulcalibur V.
Zasalamel Zasalamel can cast and stack up to three levels of curse on his opponent, which he can then spend on an ability to temporarily freeze time. The time freeze duration is proportional to the level of curse stacked.