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Your conquests served you alone, not Outworld's people!"


—Kotal Kahn to Shao Kahn in Mortal Kombat 11.

Ko'atal, most commonly referred to as Kotal Kahn or just simply Kotal, is a character in the Mortal Kombat fighting game series. A powerful, high-ranking Osh-Tekk, he is the former Emperor of Outworld, serving as the realm's Emperor after the death of Shao Kahn in the second timeline.

Kotal Kahn made his playable debut in Mortal Kombat X, serving as a tertiary antagonist in the game's Story Mode opposite to Shinnok and Quan Chi.

Kotal Kahn returned in Mortal Kombat 11 as a playable character while also serving as a supporting character in the game's Story Mode.

About Kotal Kahn

Kotal is a warrior from the realm of Osh-Tekk, which was once ruled by Kotal K'etz, his father, but was later merged into Outworld by conquest. After the death of his father, he became the last of his kind. At some point in history, he journeyed throughout Earthrealm and encountered the Mayan civilization, wherein he came to be considered a hero after driving off invading Spanish conquistadors. The Mayans named him "Buluc Chabtan", their god of war. In his honor, the Mayans began emulating his penchant for consuming blood. However, this caused the Mayans to contract blood disease, killing thousands. In horror and shame, Kotal left the Mayans and exiled himself to Outworld for many years, mourning the deaths of the innocents that died because of the event.

Upon his return, Kotal rose in the military rankings, eventually becoming one of Shao Kahn's generals. During this time, he would eventually begin a romantic relationship with Jade, one of Shao Kahn's assassins and the personal body guard of Princess Kitana. Shao Kahn would eventually betray Kotal and his remaining Osh-Tekk, only to be spared and used for experimentation by Shang Tsung. After Shao Kahn's failed invasion of Earthrealm and eventual execution by the Elder Gods, Kotal was freed from captivity.

After the Outworld throne was seized by Mileena, Shao Kahn's daughter, Kotal rose in the political rankings and planned a coup to seize the throne from Mileena with the help of D'Vorah and Reptile, who believed Kotal to be a more suitable leader. He would eventually succeed in his plans with the help of the latter and the unexpected assistance from Ermac and usurp Mileena as the new Emperor of Outworld.

Unlike previous Outworld emperors, Kotal Kahn is uninterested in conquering other realms, preferring instead to focus on internal affairs and stabilizing the realm. For this reason, he is strongly opposed to liberating realms that are already under Outworld's domain, believing that a united Outworld would prove stronger against its enemies. He also bears no hatred for Earthrealm or its inhabitants, and has willingly cooperated with them on several occasions, although he is shown to be distrustful of Raiden. This animosity towards the Thunder God would worsen after Raiden assumed his Dark Form from the original timeline, where the Thunder God lashed out at all realms he deemed a threat to Earthrealm. After discovering this Raiden was erased from the timeline, he again sided with Earthrealm in an attempt to prevent a time-displaced Shao Kahn from retaking the Outworld throne.

Despite his charisma and popularity among Outworlders as well being a more benevolent and noble ruler compared to his predecessors, Kotal Kahn does not stray away from harsh and even inhumane treatment of Outworld inhabitants like previous leaders. After the Tarkatan's alliance with Mileena during the Outworld Civil War, Kotal Kahn ordered the species’s genocide as punishment. Additionally, he is apparently responsible for the death of Prince Goro during the start of the Outworld Civil War, leading to further conflicts with the Shokan and the now Queen Sheeva. He would eventually mend these wounds between the restored Tarkatans and Sheeva, as the fractured timeline incited Outworld's people to unite instead of dividing even further.


Kotal Kahn's appearance resembles an Aztec eagle warrior, the elite soldiers from the Aztec empire. Kotal's headdress resembles the headwear used by Huitzilopochtli, the Aztec God of War and the Sun. His attire consists of gold, metal armlets on both of his arms, along with a belt that holds his Tecpatl with a leather cloth hanging from the belt. There also seem to be remnants of bones disseminated on the cloth. Kotal Kahn's torso has several tattoos which glow in varying colors depending on his combat variation.

Combat Characteristics

Powers and Abilities

As an Osh-Tekk, Kotal Kahn is incredibly powerful, possessing superhuman strength allowing him to smash a grown man's head into bits of bone and gore with ease while also allowing him to wield his massive Macuahuitl with a single hand. As an Osh-Tekk, he can draw power from sunlight to strengthen himself and heal his wounds, while also being able to use it to directly harm enemies in beams of solar fire or even imbue his weapons with it for more damage. In MK11, he also has the ability to turn himself into a black jaguar whilst still wearing his headpiece to maul his opponent at will. Kotal Kahn also has the ability to use telekinesis, but it is not as potent as other wielders, such as Ermac, since he is limited to restraining people only.

With Outworld's Kamidogu, he can invoke Blood Magik to further strengthen himself and his natural abilities over sunlight. While in his Blood God state, he was able to call down an intense beam of solar flames through storm clouds summoned by the Edenian demigod, Rain, and physically overpower and cut off Goro's arms. His power has been compared to that of a God by humans from Earthrealm. Additionally with his use of Blood Magik, Kotal Kahn can empower himself by drawing his own blood or the opponent's and can even heal himself by absorbing the opponent's blood.

Fitting to his Aztec/Mayan inspired design, Kotal has the ability to summon totems that empower him during battle. These totems can be used as sources of power that boosts his damage and reduces the damage he takes. One of his totems has the ability to absorb spilled blood and use it to heal Kotal himself. Said totems can be used as improvised weapons as shown in his Fatal Blow.

Like all Osh-Tekk, he is physically weakened when deprived of sunlight, and unable to call on its power. Kotal Kahn is also capable of teleporting in a burst of smoke and flames, though this is not a gameplay element.

Signature Moves

  • Blood Offering: Kotal Kahn draws his knife and carves a wound across his chest, increasing the damage dealt by his next three attacks by 50% at the cost of 10% of his health. This includes if the attacks are blocked. If Kotal Kahn does not perform the attacks in time, the buff will wear off. Connecting or being struck by an X-Ray attack ends this effect prematurely, however only the initial strike of Kotal Kahn's X-Ray gains the damage bonus. This damage buff can stack with Crystal Totem or Mace Parry or both at the same time. (MKX)
  • Sunstone: Kotal Kahn summons a discus with a skull engraved on it covered in burning sunlight before throwing it at his opponent. Kotal Kahn is vulnerable while summoning the discus before it is thrown. This projectile has an increased hitbox and can hit ducking opponents. In MK11, the attack is called Yeyecame Disk. (MKX, MK11)
    • The enhanced version is called Burning Sunstone and has Kotal Kahn throw a larger flame covered disc at a faster speed. When performing the attack in the corner of the arena, Kotal Kahn is allowed a moment for extended combos; otherwise, the opponent is knocked away. The attack also absorbs or destroys incoming projectiles when enhanced. Additionally, Kotal Kahn is much more safe when this version of the attack is blocked by the opponent.
    • In MK11, if the attack is used as a Kounter or Punish at the maximum distance the attack can be used at, the attack turns into a Krushing Blow, with the impact of the disk being significantly increased, causing damage to the opponent's organs, dealing over three times the original damage and increasing the attack's knockback effect.
      • This Krushing Blow's damage can be increased by his various damage bonuses, or extremely increased if they are all active at once.
    • In MK11, the attack can be amplified in two different ways depending on an Equip Ability selected, however neither can be selected together, as both abilities conflict with each other and disable the option to select each other:
      • Grand Disk: Kotal Kahn delays throwing his Yeyecame Disk by spinning around and taking a couple steps forward before throwing it. If the opponent is near Kotal Kahn when he spins, they will take damage from an additional hit before being hit by the disk. While Kotal spins, he is granted armor.
        • If the attack is used as a Kounter or Punish at the maximum distance the attack can be used at, the attack turns into a Krushing Blow, with the impact of the disk being significantly increased, causing damage to the opponent's organs, dealing over three times the original damage and increasing the attack's knockback effect.
          • This Krushing Blow's damage can be increased by his various damage bonuses, or extremely increased if they are all active at once.
      • Directed Beams: Kotal Kahn now directs a ray of sunlight off the disk instead of throwing it, sending a beam of light at the opponent that burns them, however the damage is the same.
        • If this version of the attack is used while any of Kotal Kahn's totems are active at a stack of three, the attack turns into a Krushing Blow, with the beam having more impact on the opponent and dealing nearly double the original damage. Additionally, the opponent will catch fire and stumble from the flames, stunning them and setting them up for additional attacks.
          • This Krushing Blow's damage can be increased by his various damage bonuses, or extremely increased if they are all active at once.
  • God Ray: Kotal Kahn extends his arm into the air and calls down a shaft of sunlight into the arena. If his opponent is caught under it, they take damage-over-time, and if Kotal Kahn stands under it, he regains health. The ray can be called down at different ranges, called Close/Far God Ray, respectively. In MK11, the attack is identical his Tonatiuh Beam, sharing the same exact properties, however it cannot be amplified and the attack is placed on the fightline rather than over Kotal Kahn. Additionally the attack can be used at different ranges, called Far God Ray, respectively, however its maximum range is placed a little over halfway across the arena. This ability replaces Tonatiuh Beam when equipped. (MKX, MK11 - Equip Ability)
    • The enhanced version is called Sunlight and doubles the damage dealt to the opponent and doubles the healing received by Kotal Kahn. Like the original version, the attack can be called down from different ranges, called Close/Far Sunlight, respectively.
  • Air Takedown: Kotal Kahn snatches his jumping opponent and slams them onto the ground. (MKX)
    • The enhanced version is called Anti-Air Throw and has Kotal Kahn bounce the opponent off the ground for a juggle, however the damage remains the same.
  • Mace Parry: Kotal Kahn draws his sickles before himself and parries any attack that connects with them, parrying any type of attack including projectiles, however he cannot parry X-Ray or Fatal Blow attacks. Successfully parrying an attack increases Kotal Kahn's overall damage by 33% for a short time. The more attacks parried, the greater the bonus is multiplied by. Connecting or being struck by an X-Ray or Fatal Blow attack ends this effect prematurely, however Kotal Kahn's X-Ray or Fatal Blow receives the damage increase for as long as the damage bonus lasts. In MK11, this is called Coatl Parry. (MKX - Blood God/Sun God Variation, MK11)
    • The enhanced version is called Master Mace Parry and simply actives faster, but the damage bonus remains the same.
    • In MK11, the parry can be delayed.
  • Crystal Totem: Kotal Kahn summons a crystal totem that glows lime green, increasing all of Kotal Kahn's damage dealt by 33% while it is active. Connecting or being struck by an X-Ray attack ends this effect prematurely, however only the initial strike of Kotal Kahn's X-Ray gains the damage bonus. This damage buff can stack with Blood Offering or Mace Parry or both at the same time. (MKX - Blood God Variation)
  • Obsidian Totem: Kotal Kahn summons an obsidian totem that reduces all the damage that Kotal Kahn takes by 50% as long as it remains on the field. Additionally, Kotal Kahn gains Super Meter from successfully blocking attacks while the totem is active. Connecting or being struck by an X-Ray attack ends this effect prematurely, however Kotal Kahn still receives the damage reduction for the initial strike of the opponent's X-Ray. (MKX - Blood God Variation)
  • Blood Totem: Kotal Kahn summons a small totem with a blood red aura that depletes the opponent's Super Meter when Kotal Kahn deals damage to them. Additionally, when the totem ends on its time limit, Kotal Kahn generates Super Meter based on how much damage was dealt and is healed for 25% of the damage he dealt to the opponent. The totem is destroyed instantly is Kotal Kahn sustains damage and after connecting his the first strike of his X-Ray. Kotal Kahn does not regain health if the totem is destroyed by any other means. Connecting or being struck by an X-Ray attack ends this effect prematurely. (MKX - Blood God Variation)
  • Saw Blade: Kotal Kahn slams his sword down on the opponent's shoulder and drags the blade back. This replaces Mace Parry for the War God variation. (MKX - War God Variation)
    • The enhanced version is called Buzz Saw and does additional damage as well as having Kotal Kahn follow up with a rising uppercut with his sword, knocking the opponent away.
  • Overhead Sword Strike: Kotal Kahn swings his sword down, causing a small tremor when it connects with the ground. (MKX - War God Variation)
    • The enhanced version is called Overhead Sword Smash and while doing additional damage, has Kotal Kahn follow up with a rising slash allowing for extended combos.
  • Sword Sweep: Kotal Kahn draws his sword and swipes it at a low angle at his opponent's feet, tripping them. (MKX - War God Variation)
    • The enhanced version is called Sword Takedown and does additional damage and has armor on start up.
  • Sword Toss: Kotal Kahn draws his sword and throws it horizontally at his opponent. Kotal Kahn is extremely safe if the attack is blocked by the opponent, but is extremely vulnerable while grabbing the sword to throw it. This projectile can hit ducking opponents, unlike most projectiles, but is not an overhead attack. This replaces Sunstone for the War God variation. (MKX - War God Variation)
    • The enhanced version is called Spinning Sword Toss, which activates much faster and has Kotal Kahn toss the blade spinning at a vertical angle for additional hits and damage. Similar to Burning Sunstone, when performing the attack in the corner of an arena, Kotal Kahn is allowed a brief moment of extended combos; otherwise, the opponent is knocked away. Unlike Burning Sunstone, it will not destroy incoming projectiles. Kotal Kahn remains safe when this attack is blocked by the opponent.
  • Sword Shake: Kotal Kahn draws his sword with a spinning flourish before slamming the tip into the ground and causing a shockwave of unblockable damage. The attack can be cancelled before causing the quake. The attack strikes the entire arena. In MK11, the attack is called Xolal Quake and is significantly slower. Also in MK11, Kotal Kahn stabs the ground rather than slamming the end of his Macuahuitl on the ground to cause the quake. Additionally in MK11, the attack only covers a small area in front of Kotal Kahn rather than the entire arena. Kotal Kahn is completely vulnerable when stabbing the ground. (MKX - War God Variation, MK11)
    • The enhanced version is called Sword Quake has armor on startup but deals no additional damage. This version can also be cancelled before causing the quake. The enhanced version is capable of striking downed opponents.
    • In MK11, amplifying the attack has Kotal Kahn deliver a second overhead swing for increased damage. The second strike is not unblockable unlike the first.
  • Sun God Choke: Kotal Kahn grabs the opponent by the face and slam the opponent on the ground in the opposite direction. Each use of the attack extends the ability and causes the gold tattoos on Kotal Kahn's body to glow brighter. (MKX - Sun God Variation)
    • The attack builds up to 3 levels:
      • Level 1 - Kotal Kahn grabs the opponent by the face and slam the opponent on the ground in the opposite direction. This is the base version of the attack.
      • Level 2 - After slamming the opponent on the ground, Kotal Kahn delivers a double fisted slam on the opponent for increased damage.
      • Level 3 - After the double fist slam, Kotal Kahn picks the opponent up above his head and calls down a powerful beam from the sun that burns the opponent. After the opponent is burned, he throws them away in the same direction the attack is initiated from unlike the other two levels.
        • The enhanced version, called Moon God Choke, adds armor but no extra damage. When enhanced, the attack will connect on standing opponents during a combo.
  • Soul Scorch: Kotal Kahn regenerates some Super Meter using the power of the sun based on the level of Sun God Choke, purging the current level of the attack in the process. Kotal Kahn must regain the levels of Sun God Choke once this is used. (MKX - Sun God Variation)
    • The amount of Super Meter gained is based on the Level of Sun God Choke purged:
      • Level 1 - 25% Meter gain
      • Level 2 - 40% Meter gain
      • Level 3 - 75% Meter gain
        • The enhanced version, Soul Burn, regenerates lost health for Kotal Kahn instead of Super Meter. Similar to the original, the amount of health restored is based on the Level of Sun God Choke purged.
          • Level 1 - 8% health restored
          • Level 2 - 12% health restored
          • Level 3 - 18% health restored
  • Soul Spark: Kotal Kahn opens his arms and a beam from the sun strikes him, granting him a level of his Sun God Choke and causing his tattoos to glow without the use of Sun God Choke itself. Once Sun God Choke reaches Level 3, this attack can no longer be used unless Soul Scorch is used. (MKX - Sun God Variation)
    • The enhanced version, called Soul Charge, instantly charges Sun God Choke to Level 3, regardless of how many levels Kotal Kahn still needs to gain.
  • Mehtizquia Cut: Kotal Kahn quickly draws his Macuahuitl, slashing and stabbing the opponent in the waist with an uppercut of the sword, lifting them off the ground before putting them down and sawing at their waist before retracting the blade, knocking the opponent away. This attack has armor breaking properties, ignoring the armor granted by specific abilities and Fatal Blows. When breaking the armor of a Breakaway, the attack deals slightly increased damage. (MK11)
    • Amplifying the attack reduces the sawing to only one, but has Kotal Kahn slam the opponent down in the opposite side for increased damage compared to the original. Like the original, when breaking the armor of a Breakaway, the attack deals slightly increased damage.
      • If the attack is used as a Kounter or Punish on an airborne opponent or breaks armor and is then amplified, the attack turns into a Krushing Blow, with the slam on the ground having more impact and the blade is dug deeper as a result, causing blood to splatter and dealing over double the attack's amplified damage. This Krushing Blow can only be triggered by either of these conditions once during the match.
        • This Krushing Blow's damage can be increased by his various damage bonuses, or extremely increased if they are all active at once.
  • Tonatiuh Beam: Kotal Kahn calls down a ray of sunlight that shines on himself, similar to his God Ray from MKX. If the opponent stands in the sunlight, they will suffer from damage-over-time and all their damage dealt will be reduced by 25%. Only the first or initial strikes of the opponent's Fatal Blow will be reduced. If Kotal Kahn stands in the sunlight, he will receive a heal-over-time bonus and his overall damage will be increased by 25%. Only the initial strikes of Kotal Kahn's Fatal Blow gain the damage bonus. Connecting or being struck by a Krushing Blow or Fatal Blow ends this effect prematurely. (MK11)
    • Amplifying the attack has Kotal Kahn send the ray of sunlight to the opponent, where it will track and follow them for the duration of the ability.
  • Tonatiuh Burst: Kotal Kahn draws his Yeyecame Disk and strikes it with a beam of sunlight. If the opponent is near Kotal Kahn when the beam strikes, they will take damage, however this has a better chance of striking airborne opponents. (MK11 - Equip Ability)
    • Amplifying the attack has Kotal Kahn strike the disk with a second beam and rips it in half in an explosion of sunlight, making the attack more capable of striking standing opponents while also dealing increased damage.
  • Amocualli Totem: Kotal Kahn summons a blue totem that causes a green aura to surround his arms and legs that remains on the fightline for some time. While active, Kotal Kahn's overall damage is increased based on how many times the totem is stacked. Only the initial strikes of Kotal Kahn's Fatal Blow gain the damage bonus. Connecting or being struck by a Krushing Blow or Fatal Blow ends this effect prematurely. Only two of Kotal Kahn's totems can be equipped and active at once. Stacking a totem will reset the totem's duration and can be stacked up to a maximum of three times. (MK11 - Equip Ability)
    • 1st Stack - 20% increase in damage
    • 2nd Stack - 40% increase in damage
    • 3rd Stack - 60% increase in damage
  • Teoyohtica Totem: Kotal Kahn summons a black totem that causes a dark blue aura to surround his upper body that remains on the fightline for some time. While active, Kotal Kahn takes reduced damage based on how many times the totem is stacked. Only the first or initial strikes of the opponent's Fatal Blow will be reduced. Connecting or being struck by a Krushing Blow or Fatal Blow ends this effect prematurely. Only two of Kotal Kahn's totems can be equipped and active at once. Stacking a totem will reset the totem's duration and can be stacked up to a maximum of three times. (MK11 - Equip Ability)
    • 1st Stack - 20% reduced damage
    • 2nd Stack - 40% reduced damage
    • 3rd Stack - 60% reduced damage
  • Chicahtoc Totem: Kotal Kahn summons a gold totem that remains on the fightline for some time, While active, the totem increases the regeneration of Kotal Kahn's Offensive and Defensive Meters based on how many times the totem is stacked. Connecting or being struck by a Krushing Blow or Fatal Blow ends this effect prematurely. Only two of Kotal Kahn's totems can be equipped and active at once. Stacking a totem will reset the totem's duration and can be stacked up to a maximum of three times. (MK11 - Equip Ability)
  • Eztli Totem: Kotal Kahn summons a red totem that causes a red aura to surround his upper body that remains on the fightline for some time. While active, Kotal Kahn absorbs the opponent's blood, causing any attack Kotal Kahn lands, with the exception of his Fatal Blow or a Krushing Blow, to heal Kotal Kahn when the totem ends based on how many times the totem is stacked. Kotal Kahn, however, does not gain health back from blocked attacks. Connecting or being struck by a Krushing Blow or Fatal Blow ends this effect prematurely. Only two of Kotal Kahn's totems can be equipped and active at once. Stacking a totem will reset the totem's duration and can be stacked up to a maximum of three times. (MK11 - Equip Ability)
    • 1st Stack - 37.5% damage returned as health
    • 2nd Stack - 75% damage returned as health
    • 3rd Stack - 112.5%% damage returned as health
  • Huehhueyi: Kotal Kahn grabs his opponent and slices them across their stomach with his sickle causing them to bleed profusely. Immediately after, Kotal Kahn lifts the opponent up above his head and lets the blood pour onto his face and body, absorbing the blood, before slamming the opponent on the ground head-first and tossing them away in the opposite direction. Upon successfully landing this attack, Kotal Kahn's overall damage will increase and will stack up to a maximum of three times. Additionally, the tattoos on his body will glow brighter with every successful use of the attack. Unlike other damage bonuses, this damage increase proceeds through both Kotal Kahn's Fatal Blow and Krushing Blows and will increase the damage of his Fatal Blow entirely. Additionally, the bonus is not lost when he is struck by a Fatal Blow or Krushing Blow. (MK11 - Equip Ability)
    • 1st Stack - 10% increase in damage
    • 2nd Stack - 25% increase in damage
    • 3rd Stack - 33% increase in damage
    • Amplifying the attack has Kotal Kahn slam the opponent on the ground head-first an additional time before tossing them away for increased damage. Additionally, the distance Kotal Kahn tosses the opponent after the attack is complete is increased. Also, Kotal Kahn is given the option to throw the opponent forwards rather than in the opposite direction.
  • Tecuani Maul: Kotal Kahn transforms into a jaguar attacks the opponent, first knocking them into the air before pouncing on them and biting their neck before jumping off and returning to his normal form. Kotal Kahn can travel full-screen distance to attack the opponent, however the damage dealt will be reduce due to the first strike being absent as compared to being up close to the opponent. (MK11 - Equip Ability)
    • Amplifying the attack adds armor while Kotal Kahn charges and increases the attack's damage in the process. Additionally, Kotal Kahn is immune to any and all projectiles while he charges.
  • (Air) Tecuanil Pounce: Kotal Kahn performs Tecuani Maul while in the air, leaping at the opponent from the air. Retails the same properties and amplified effects as Tecuani Maul. Equipping this allows the attack to be used on its own while in the air and does not modify the original. (MK11 - Equip Ability)

X-Ray/Fatal Blow

  • X-Ray - Sunburn: Kotal Kahn calls a powerful beam from the sun, scorching the opponent. Right after, he summons a large knife and charges the opponent, stabbing them through the throat with the new blade. Kotal Kahn proceeds to grab both ends of the blade, twisting it to snap the opponent's neck, breaking it. He then retracts the blade from the now kneeling opponent, and delivers a skull shattering knee strike, shattering the entire front of the opponent's skull, knocking them halfway across the arena. (MKX)
  • Fatal Blow - Pinned Down: Kotal Kahn slashes his opponent with his sickles, burying one in their forehead. He then impales his opponent through the chest with his sword before leaping into the air and slamming them into the ground. Summoning his totem, he slams it into the handle of the sword, forcing it deeper into the opponent's body. He then tosses the opponent on the opposite side. (MK11)

Other Moves

  • Throw: Kotal Kahn grabs his opponent by the chest and lifts them up while pulsing yellow energy into them before tossing them aside. (MKX)
  • Rising Fist: Kotal Kahn lunges forwards with a rising open hand strike, knocking the opponent in the air for a juggle. In MK11, this attack is called Kahn-Cut and is an Equip Ability, however the appearance is slightly altered with a beam of light that engulfs Kotal Kahn's arm and the juggle effect is slightly reduced. Additionally, the attack is slightly slower compared to the MKX version. This ability replaces Mehtizquia Cut when equipped. (MKX, MK11 - Equip Ability)
  • Throw (Forward): Kotal Kahn hoists the opponent by their throat with one hand and burns them with a Tonatiuh Beam before knocking them to the ground with a headbutt. (MK11)
    • If Kotal Kahn performs this on an opponent who has failed a Throw Escape during a previous Throw before, the attack turns into a Krushing Blow, with the headbutt shattering and destroying the front of the opponent's skull and dealing over double the original damage. If this is successful, Kotal Kahn can not perform the Krushing Blow version of his Throw (Backward).
      • This Krushing Blow's damage can be increased by his various damage bonuses, or extremely increased if they are all active at once.
  • Throw (Backward): Kotal Kahn slams his opponent into the ground behind him and then grinds the tip of his sword into the opponent before ripping it out, flipping the opponent over. (MK11)
    • If Kotal Kahn performs this on an opponent who has failed a Throw Escape during a previous Throw before, the attack turns into a Krushing Blow, with the stab to the chest being dug significantly deeper, dealing over double the original damage. If this is successful, Kotal Kahn can not perform the Krushing Blow version of his Throw (Forward).
      • This Krushing Blow's damage can be increased by his various damage bonuses, or extremely increased if they are all active at once.
  • Cuazquia: Kotal Kahn performs a reaching backhand before headbutting then slamming the opponent to the ground with an overhead double fist slam. (MK11)
    • If this combo is performed on the opponent as a Kounter or Punish, the combo turns into a Krushing Blow, with the double overhead smash shattering the top of the opponent's head, dealing increased damage and bouncing them in the air for a juggle.
      • This Krushing Blow's damage can be increased by his various damage bonuses, or extremely increased if they are all active at once.
  • Mehtizquia: Kotal Kahn slashes the opponent twice, launching them into the air before slamming his sword over the airborne opponent, knocking them away. When this combo in its entirety is blocked by the opponent, it creates considerable pushback, however, the final overhead swing is capable of being Flawless Blocked by the opponent, leaving Kotal Kahn completely vulnerable. Alternatively, Kotal Kahn is completely vulnerable in some instances before landing the final overhead slam. If Kotal Kahn does not finish this combo with the overhead slash, the combo becomes Tonaltzintli, in which Kotal Kahn can continue combos after launching the opponent into the air. (MK11)


  • Be Mine!: Drawing his knife, Kotal Kahn carves open his opponent's chest before jamming his hand through their rib cage, rips out his enemy's heart and holds it high over his head as they collapse, and crushes it, pouring the blood all over his face and into his mouth while yelling. (MKX)
  • Tight Squeeze: Kotal Kahn bear hugs the opponent and starts violently squeezing their body, causing their head to explode along with their internal organs flying out from the squeezing, letting the corpse collapse afterwards. (MKX)
  • Totem Sacrifice: Kotal Kahn summons a torso-shaped altar behind his opponent and kicks them into it. With two more kicks he brutally severs his opponent's head and spine. Summoning a skull-shaped totem above the altar, he drops it onto the victim's head, crushing it and sending one eyeball flying toward the viewer. (MK11)
  • Kat Food: Kotal Kahn carves open his opponent's chest with his sickles, leaving their heart and lungs exposed. He then transforms into a black jaguar and pounces on his victim, ripping their throat open before tearing out their heart and crushing it in his jaws. (MK11)


Mortal Kombat X

  • Kotally Awesome: Kotal Kahn performs either a God Ray or Sunlight that fries the opponent's flesh and causes their head to fall off.
  • Stick Around: Kotal Kahn performs a Sunstone that lodges into the opponent's torso. When War God Kotal performs a Sword Toss, and the macuahuitl impales the opponent through the chest.
  • Offering: Kotal Kahn performs a Blood Offering, killing himself by carving open a hole across his chest.
  • Totem This: While Crystal Totem is active, Kotal Kahn performs his uppercut on the opponent which obliterates their torso and send their head flying upwards. Their head falls back onto the arena shorty after. (Blood God Variation)
  • Sawed Off: Kotal Kahn performs a Saw Blade where he brutally saws his opponent's torso in half diagonally from the shoulder to the waist. (War God Variation)
  • Dry Rub: Kotal Kahn performs a Moon God Choke, only this time, the sunbeam is extended, scorching the opponent and eventually ripping them in half. (Sun God Variation)
  • Dry Rub Humiliation: Kotal Kahn performs his Dry Rub Brutality, only this time, he turns around and faces away from the camera and the opponent. (Sun God Variation - Secret)

Mortal Kombat 11

  • The Klassic: Kotal Kahn performs his uppercut, decapitating the opponent with a rising uppercut with their spine still attached.
  • Burnt: Kotal Kahn performs his Throw (Forward) where he incinerates the opponent in the intense sunlight.
  • Back Stabber: Kotal Kahn performs his Throw (Backward) and after stabbing the opponent in the chest, he then cuts off their arms and decapitates them while they lay on the ground. Kotal Kahn leaves his Macuahuitl in the ground where the opponent's head originally was while he performs his Brutality Victory Pose.
  • Bad Kitty: Kotal Kahn performs a Tecuani Maul where he eats the opponent's face off.
  • Down the Middle: Kotal Kahn performs an amplified Xolal Quake, with the second Macuahuitl strike cutting the opponent in half vertically from the head down.
  • Not a Violent Kahn: Kotal Kahn performs an amplified Huehhueyi, slamming the opponent into the ground several times before slamming their corpse into the ground a final time where their legs and remaining part of their torso comically stick out of the ground.
  • Taste of Blood: Kotal Kahn performs a Huehhueyi, causing the opponent to bleed to death as their blood pours on his face. He then tosses their corpse behind him afterwards.
  • Sawed: Kotal Kahn performs a Mehtizquia Cut, sawing the opponent in half at the waist. He lifts up the opponent's upper body with his Macuahuitl to examine it before dropping it shortly after.
  • Kitty Kibbles: Kotal Kahn performs (Air) Tecuani Pounce, ripping the opponent's chest cavity open before returning to his normal form and ripping out their heart before tossing it away.
    • А button must be held.
  • Coming In Hot: Kotal Kahn performs the Directed Beams version of his amplified Yeyecame Disk, burning a hole in the opponent's body.
  • Departed: Kotal Kahn performs his Coatl Strikes combo, causing the opponent's head to fly off with the final swing.

Other Finishers

  • Friendship - G.T.L.: Kotal Kahn sets up a lawn chair and begins to sunbathe under. (MK11)


Mortal Kombat X

  • "You know Mileena's location." (To Kano)
  • "I must attack her. Immediately. End this conflict. As you say, it drains us.
  • "What is it, D'Vorah?"
  • "Akta... Tok Norei...!"
  • "You wound me, Kano. Your offer of aid was but wind and air?" (To Kano, after his betrayal is revealed)
  • "You're not worth the dirt on my shoe." (to Kano)
  • "You are the Edenian, Tanya."
  • "I will never forget those who freed Mileena." (To Tanya)
  • "A united Outworld stands strong against its enemies." (To Tanya)
  • "Your rebellion is all that prevents it."
  • "You are a fool to trust Mileena." (After defeating Tanya)
  • "She tasks me. For the last time." (Upon discovering Mileena on top of a building)
  • "Mileena."
  • "Another Edenian. The supposed half-god." (To Rain)
  • "Surely Mileena suspects your true intentions, Son of Argus."
  • "That should silence you." (After defeating Rain)
  • "There will be an execution this day." (After defeating Mileena)
  • "You will atone for your dissent, Mileena. Your blood will make right. Up the stair path... To the fire's edge." (To Mileena)
  • "A mere cub... Grown to be a jaguar." (After surviving Mileena's amulet attack)
  • "Your news of refugees is troubling. Their exodus to Earthrealm was not known to me." (To Cassie Cage)
  • I do know this: I invited no guests from Earthrealm. Certainly none who would disrupt the execution of justice."
  • "How do I know you are not allied with Mileena? Perhaps her newfound power has earned her new friends?"
  • "She employed Shinnok's Amulet against me?! The very item Earthrealm swore would be safe in its care?! When Outworld was offered no participation--"
  • "At least one Earthrealmer can forge words like silver." (to Kung Jin)
  • "But I recall an Earthrealm expression: "There is more honor among thieves than diplomats"."
  • "You are allied with Mileena. You may carry out your sentence."
  • "You know much of Outworld." (to Kung Jin)
  • "You have won nothing. Merely...... a few more seconds of breath." (Before fighting Kung Jin)
  • "The charges against you are void. I say to all that Earthrealm means Outworld no harm."
  • "Now kill me. Be done with it."
  • "D'Vorah. Can you not perceive... I am indebted to them."
  • "Take her away." (Tasked them to take Mileena to her prison cell)
  • You don not deserve death by an emperors hand. Instead I give that honour to my worthy first Minster.” (To Mileena before her execution)
  • "The rebellion is over." (After D'Vorah killed Mileena)
  • "You wound me, D’Vorah." (After learning D’Vorah’s betrayal)
  • "We know D'Vorah is here. Where is the amulet?"
  • "Do not fling your spittle at me."
  • "I will kill you both."
  • "The heavens boil... Earthrealm is lost!"
  • "I will appease Shinnok. Bring him your heads. Gain time to bolster Outworld's defenses."
  • "It is too late for Earthrealm." (To Jacqui about Earthrealm)
  • "Shinnok is now its master."
  • "Chattel. You die tonight."
  • "Nitah!"

Mortal Kombat 11

Story Mode

Part 1: Mortal Kombat 11

  • "For years you escaped my justice. Sucked dry the bounty of Outworld's people. Today, your debt is paid." (To Kollector)
  • "You mistake me for Shao Kahn." (To Kollector)
  • "I do not inflict bandits upon the poor." (To Kollector)
  • "Your master is dead, so is his "law". Never again will Outworld suffer from his corruption." (To Kollector)
  • "Raiden? Shao Kahn?"
  • "Kotal Kahn." (To Shao Kahn that he had became Emperor)
  • "It is mine, by right and deed. You were killed, long ago. As was your repugnant spawn, Mileena." (To Shao Kahn about the situation)
  • "We are decades beyond those events." (To Raiden about the Tournament)
  • "Kitana, Baraka, Skarlet, all Outworld champions long since gone."
  • "If you have all returned, has...?"
  • "Jade."
  • "Osh-Tekk custom requires all refugees be offered assistance. I offer it to you, Shao Kahn--"
  • "It is you with no future, Baraka. Your Tarkatans are dead." (To Baraka about his future self's fate)
  • "They allied with Mileena against me."
  • "Persist, and you will die again." (To Baraka)
  • "Filthy Tarkatan." (After defeating Baraka)
  • "The orphan turned assassin." (To Skarlet)
  • "Pride will be your downfall." (After defeating Skarlet)
  • "Shao Kahn betrayed me. Ambushed my legion. I was kept alive for Shang Tsung's experiments. Only when he died, was I freed." (To Jade about his whereabouts)
  • "I will not lose you twice." (To Jade)
  • "Go help the Earthrealmers. I will deal with this."
  • "Your future self is ally, not enemy, Erron Black." (To Erron Black)
  • "Given who you become, I would not have thought you so reckless."
  • "Outworld rejected your pointless wars."
  • "Your conquests served you alone, not Outworld's people!"
  • "You are Kahn no more." (After defeating Shao Kahn)
  • "D'Vorah."
  • "I have not known stranger days."
  • "I know you."
  • "We were allies who became enemies."
  • "Everything changed after your defeat of Shinnok."
  • "Our realms joined to fight him. But in victory, you were hardened. To protect Earthrealm, you lashed out at all realms you deemed threats."
  • "My Raiden wears Shinnok's Amulet as a symbol of his fury."
  • "Agreed."
  • "I will have my scouts tracks Shao Kahn." (To Raiden)
  • "The Tarkartans, long extinct, have also returned." (To Raiden about the Tarkatans' return)
  • "Your duty lies elsewhere, Princess." (To Kitana)
  • "I need you to enlist Queen Sheeva. Her support is critical, against both Kronika and Shao Kahn."
  • "Queen Sheeva does not trust me. No Shokan has since my bloody battle with Goro."
  • "Thank you, Princess."
  • "My life has changed as Outworld's Kahn. Thankfully, you have not."
  • "Many have tried."
  • "None of them were you."
  • "Set fire to them. If he's hidden, he will be smoked out." (Commands his Osh-tekk army)
  • "No..."
  • "Ack-Na ! Kot-tek-kah!"
  • "You will bleed for your betrayal, D'Vorah."
  • "Ghosts of my past. D'Vorah spoke the truth." (After D'Vorah revealed Kotal and Jade of Shao Kahn's location)
  • "We are outnumbered."
  • "What you purpose is dangerous."
  • "Line them up. Execute them." (Commands his army to execute the Tarkartans)
  • "You forget, in my time they joined Mileena in rebellion against me."
  • "Shao Kahn has crippled me. Left me defenseless."
  • "You would have me? Even with my hardened heart?"
  • "Thank you."
  • "Baraka, Sheeva..."
  • "I have not served your peoples well. Yet still you aided me. I will not forget."
  • "That is up to her now." (To Baraka)
  • "The throne is yours. You have united Outworld, Kitana Kahn."

Part 2: Aftermath

  • "Sheeva?"
  • "What is... Where is Jade? And why is he here?"
  • "I recall my captivity in your Flesh Pits all too well."
  • "I am strong enough to kill him."
  • "Necromancy is forbidden! You have taken leave of your senses."
  • "Reverse the spell you have cast on them, sorcerer!"
  • "You dare obstruct my justice? If you wish to keep all four arms..."
  • "Stand aside!"



  • According to his in-game bio, the Mayans named Kotal Kahn "Buluc," or "Buluc Chabtan," the Mayan God of War. This name is mentioned by Rain in the Story Mode, by Raiden and Kotal Kahn during interactions and Nightwolf in MK11 to which Kotal Kahn admit that he made a mistake embracing its name.
  • Kotal Kahn is one of three characters to have a Brutality in which the initiate dies as a result of the Brutality. The other is the Predator, though Kotal Kahn's is more akin to a Hara-Kiri, and is the only Brutality in where the opponent wins the match. The other is Erron Black in Mortal Kombat 11.
  • Kotal Kahn's Blood Offering, Skarlet's Blood Ball, Kano's Power Up, Alien's Acid Blood, and Ferra/Torr's Pain and Gain are the only special moves in the Mortal Kombat series that drain health from the user when performed.
  • Kotal Kahn is one of the few characters to fight with bare feet. Others include Goro, Kintaro, Sheeva, Kobra, Moloch, Drahmin, Reptile, Meat, Blaze, D'Vorah and Kollector.
  • Before Phil LaMarr announced his return as Kotal Kahn, he reprised his role for a video on the Cameo website.
  • In both MKX and MK11, Kotal Kahn is playable on Chapter Two of both stories.
  • Kotal Kahn is the only character with a Fatality akin to an Animality, as he turns into a jaguar to maul and eat the opponent's heart during his Kat Food Fatality.
  • An image of Kotal Kahn appears as a cameo in Mortal Kombat (2021 film).
  • In Mortal Kombat 1, Kotal, going simply by Kotal, is mentioned as having fought and been defeated by Raiden during the Outworld tournament in Chapter 3, along with Sheeva and Motaro.

Mortal Kombat X

  • Kotal Kahn is the only character in MKX with multiple damage bonuses.
    • His Blood Offering, Crystal Totem, and Mace Parry all increase his damage and can be active all at once.
      • These bonuses can also stack for very high increased damage.
      • Kotal Kahn and Ferra/Torr are the only characters with damage buffs that stack to increase the damage further than before.
        • Jason Voorhees is given two separate ones, one in his Relentless variation, Damned, which is a passive ability and increases his damage as his health gets lower, and one in his Unstoppable variation, Punishment, which acts as a regular special move.
    • This trait also follows him in MK11, as Kotal Kahn has five different damage bonuses in total.
  • Kotal Kahn is able to teleport, though this is only done in the Story Mode when confronting Mileena and Rain and during interactions before a fight.
    • He is also shown to have a form of telekinesis, being able to bind Cassie and her team after they retrieve Shinnok's Amulet.
      • Additionally, his sickles are used as lethal weapons in the Story Mode, using them to dismember Tarkatans ordered to attack him. However, during gameplay, they are used only to parry attacks.
        • As of MK11, Kotal Kahn now uses his sickles as lethal weapons, as seen in his Fatal Blow.
  • His Blood God variation is never used in the Story Mode. He uses his Sun God variation during his chapter and when fighting against him as Kung Jin and his War God variation when fighting him as Jacqui Briggs.
  • Kotal Kahn is one of two characters with an anti-air grab ability. The second is Jason Voorhees.
    • Unlike Jason, Kotal Kahn can enhance his anti-air grab for extended combos.
  • Kotal Kahn is one of the few characters with a ranged X-Ray attack.
  • Kotal Kahn is one of the few characters whose fighting style is altered by the addition of removal of a weapon.
  • Kotal Kahn is one of the few characters with a projectile that hits ducking opponents without being enhanced.
  • Kotal Kahn is the only character in MKX with three universal Brutalities in his Brutality List, whereas everyone else has two. Other characters may have more, but these Brutalities are secret ones.

Injustice 2

  • He is mentioned in Sub-Zero's ending the DC Comics fighting game Injustice 2 where Sub-Zero is featured as a guest character alongside Raiden. It is revealed that Sub-Zero arrived in that universe after driving Kotal Kahn and his forces back to Outworld during the ending of Mortal Kombat X.

Mortal Kombat Mobile

  • Kotal Kahn's Dark Lord Card was the first of two cards where a completely different character takes the fighter's place without resurrection. The second was Noob Saibot's MK11 card.

Mortal Kombat 11

  • Kotal Kahn will mention in an intro dialogue between him and Sub-Zero that the Lin Kuei assassins outclassed his army during the events of MKX. The latter blames him for this, although he does compliment Kotal's fighting skills.
  • The Story trailer shows Kotal with a different macana from the one he uses in the game itself.
    • The one from the trailer was seemingly based directly on the one he could use in his War God variation in MKX.
    • This macana can be equipped in MK11 using its Gear system.
  • If the player choose Kotal Kahn with Johnny Cage as an announcer, Cage will mockingly call him Kotal the Barbarian, a reference to Conan the Barbarian.
    • Interestingly, Kotal receives a DLC skin where he dressed up as Conan the Barbarian.
  • The events of his broken back were foreshadowed in Shao Kahn's gameplay reveal trailer, where Shao Khan performs his Last Breath Krushing Blow on Kotal Kahn, shattering his spine in a similar fashion to the Story Mode.

Mortal Kombat 1

  • Although he does not appear in any capacity, Kotal is mentioned by Sindel, having been defeated off screen by Raiden during the current tournament alongside Motaro and Sheeva.
    • However, he appears in archival footage from his battle with Shao Kahn in Mortal Kombat 11.
    • Mileena mentions that Kotal has replaced Shao's old post.


  • The new blade Kotal Kahn uses during his X-Ray completely vanishes after he knees the opponent in the face during the X-Ray itself.
  • The feathers on Kotal Kahn's helmet will clip into his arms and Maces during interactions, Fatalities and when selecting him before a fight.
  • Kotal Kahn's Sword in his War God Variation will clip through both his helmet and waist.
    • His sickles will also clip through his helmet.
  • The Sword from his War God variation completely vanishes during his Be Mine! Fatality, but is present during his Tight Squeeze Fatality.
  • When viewing Kotal Kahn in his alternate outfit, when approaching during selection, one can see the knife he uses at his waist is clipping into his hip as he walks.
    • Additionally, when viewing that outfit and his taunt in the Kollection, the knife is clipping into the fabric around his waist.
    • This is also the same for his Dark Lord outfit, as the knife completely clips into the fabric around his waist and clips even more during his taunt.
      • His sword and sickles clip into the back of the shoulder plates in his Dark Lord outfit as well.
  • Kotal Kahn's knife will always clip into his thigh when crouching during gameplay.
    • Additionally, the knife vanishes when he uses his X-Ray, after the opponent is scorched.
  • If one were to look at Kotal Kahn's outfit pictures in the Kollection in the Costume Select, one can see that his knife is missing for his default and alternate outfit.
    • However, the knife is present for his Dark Lord outfit.
  • In the mobile game, with his Dark Lord Card, if that card is equipped with an equipment card that grants a chance of Power Drain for his Special 2 and he summons an Osh-Tekk Warrior, every time the Warrior uses his Special 1, it will Power Drain the opponent, regardless of the percentage of the equipment.
  • In MK11, the picture used for his Ghosted Victory Pose shows his jaguar appearance has yellow eyes with grey cat-like irises. However when actually previewing the Pose, his eyes are blue with white, circle irises.
  • In MK11, Kotal Kahn's Amocualli Totem have multiple errors that effect overall gameplay;
    • Stacking the totems gives a specific damage bonus listed above, however, stacking them in specific ways causes his damage and the damage of his Krushing Blows to incorrectly change.
      • Stacking two totems then spawning a third, separate totem causes his damage to increases as if he had only two totems active, but his Krushing Blows now deal significantly more damage.
      • Doing the opposite, one totem then stacking two, results in him only having the damage bonus of two totems across all his attacks despite there being three totems on the arena. Unlike the previous note, is Krushing Blows damage stays at two totems.



Ashrah | Baraka | Blaze | Bo' Rai Cho | Cassie Cage | Cetrion | Chameleon | Cyrax | D'Vorah | Daegon | Dairou | Darrius | Drahmin | Ermac | Erron Black | Ferra/Torr | Frost | Fujin | General Shao | Geras | Goro | Hanzo Hasashi | Havik | Hotaru | Hsu Hao | Jacqui Briggs | Jade | Jarek | Jax Briggs | Johnny Cage | Kabal | Kai | Kano | Kenshi | Khameleon | Kintaro | Kira | Kitana | Kobra | Kollector | Kotal Kahn | Kronika | Kung Jin | Kung Lao | Li Mei | Liu Kang | Mavado | Meat | Mileena | Mokap | Moloch | Motaro | Nightwolf | Nitara | Onaga | Quan Chi | Raiden | Rain | Reiko | Reptile | Sareena | Scorpion | Sektor | Shang Tsung | Sheeva | Shinnok | Shujinko | Sindel | Skarlet | Smoke | Sonya Blade | Stryker | Sub-Zero | Takeda | Tanya | Taven | Tremor | Triborg

Conan the Barbarian | Freddy Krueger | Ghostface | Homelander | Jason Voorhees | The Joker | Kratos | Leatherface | Omni-Man | Peacemaker | The Predator | RoboCop | Rambo | Spawn | The Terminator | The T-1000 | The Xenomorph
Batman | Captain Marvel | Catwoman | Dark Kahn | Darkseid | Deathstroke | The Flash | Green Lantern | The Joker | Lex Luthor | Superman | Wonder Woman