Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Ensign Wendy was a Human female Starfleet command division junior officer who lived during the late 24th century. She served as a flight control officer aboard the USS Cerritos during the early 2380s. She had been friends with Jennifer Sh'reyan, Castro, and Anya since their Starfleet Academy days.

In 2380, she was at the conn when the Cerritos was in orbit of Beta III, when she reported to Captain Carol Freeman that they couldn't depart for Starbase 77 yet, as Brad Boimler and Beckett Mariner were still on the surface. As Jack Ransom attempted to contact them to return to the ship, Wendy, along with the rest of the bridge overheard Boimler reveal that Mariner was the captain's daughter.

Wendy takes a selfie with Mariner

Wendy takes a selfie with Mariner

Later, Wendy stopped Mariner in the corridor and forced Mariner to take a selfie with her. (LD: "No Small Parts")

In 2381, Wendy participated in a ballroom dancing competition on the Cerritos. Much to Wendy's dismay, the competition was abruptly cancelled by Captain Freeman so the Cerritos crew could assist in the rescue of the USS Archimedes. (LD: "First First Contact")

Later that year, Wendy was at the conn when the Cerritos arrived at Deep Space 9. She later attended the salon held in Castro's quarters, where she officially met Mariner, who was now Jennifer's girlfriend. (LD: "Hear All, Trust Nothing")

Wendy was voiced by Merrin Dungey.

Wendy's name was revealed in the episode's closed captioning of her second voiced appearance.
