Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Breen prisoner

Thot Prad, prior to his infiltration of Earth

Name: Matt
Date of Birth: 04/14/88
Origin Breen
Current Whereabouts: Cardassia Prime
Occupation: Windshield Inspector for Pilkington Glass
Favourite Series: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Favourite Trek Species: Breen & Cardassian

Thot Prad has been a member of Memory Alpha since March 31, 2006, although he has made additions and viewed this site prior to becoming a member. His contributions to Memory Alpha can be found below. Having made massive additions to the Cardassian, Cardassian history and Dominion War pages, as well as many others, Prad wishes to continue his work at Memory Alpha and is overjoyed to see some of his works listed as featurd articles.

Deep Space Nine is his all-time favourite series because it strayed away from previous Star Trek series and had some of the better characters of the Star Trek universe, including Dukat and Elim Garak. It also was the first series to show the Breen and develop their species. But while the battles are what got him into the world of Star Trek, it was the deep plot, characters, stories and overall vision of Star Trek that kept him a fan. Furthermore, the rich socio-political-religious themes of the series allowed it to feature some of the greatest episodes in Star Trek. He personally considers himself a "Trekker" as he watches the series on a daily basis, and even finds himself defending the series against his older brother, a fan of the rival series Star Wars.

Currently living in Ontario, Canada, he has recently returned from 5 months abroad in Europe. He hopes to major in Professional/Creative Writing, though he has also considered careers in psychology and teaching. In his spare time, he spends time on his laptop, talks on MSN, hangs out with friends, videogames, reads, or watches movies. He also has a large amount of Star Trek Micro Machines, which are listed below, along with his other various Trek possessions.

Matt's Trek Possessions[]


Playmates Toys:

  • Gul Dukat (in original package)
  • Jean-Luc Picard (Captain jacket uniform from Darmok)
  • William Riker
  • James T. Kirk
  • Hikaru Sulu
  • Leonard H. McCoy
  • Spock
  • Uhura
  • Pavel Chekov
  • Montgomery Scott

Star Trek Micro Machines:

  • 1 Deep Space Nine
  • 1 Runabout (USS Rio Grande)
  • 2 Cardassian Obsidians (Keldons)
  • 9 Cardassian Warships (Galors)
  • 3 Romulan Bird of Preys
  • 5 Romulan Scoutships
  • 3 Romulan Warbirds
  • 2 Jem'Hadar Attack Ships
  • 4 Klingon Birds of Prey
  • 2 Klingon D7 Battlecruisers
  • 3 Klingon Vor'Cha Attack Cruisers
  • 2 USS Enterprise NCC-1701's
  • 1 USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A
  • 1 USS Enterprise NCC-1701-B
  • 1 USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D
  • 1 USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D (with detatchable saucer section)
  • 1 USS Reliant
  • 2 USS Excelsiors
  • 1 Type 6 shuttlecraft (Berman)
  • 1 Ferengi Marauder (now missing...)

Major Contributions to Memory Alpha[]

Created Articles:

From: Bajoran Resistance[]

Formation of the Resistance[]

When the Cardassians officially occupied Bajor in 2328, there was no resistance from the Bajoran people. To the contrary, the peaceful Bajorans simply surrendered without a fight, unaware that their oppressors would soon turn them into forced laborers and commit mass genocide. After decades of oppression from the Cardassian military, the once peaceful Bajorans began to form the Resistance, with the hope that they would one day achieve independence. (DS9: "Duet")

Resistance Tactics[]

Realizing that a direct confrontation with the Cardassian forces would ultimately result in failure, the Resistance used guerrilla tactics to cause disarray and fear to spread throughout their Cardassian oppressors. The Resistance had managed to create a few, light raider vessels to use against Cardassian warships. While these ships were severely weaker than those at the Cardassian's disposal, their purpose was predominantly to annoy the Cardassians. (DS9: "The Siege")

Cardassian Response[]

As the attacks from the Resistance increased in size and frequency, the assigned prefect of Bajor was forced to crack down on the Bajorans in hopes of ultimately quelling the Resistance. Each time an act of terrorism was committed against the Cardassians, they would respond by summarily rounding up suspected Resistance members and executed them without a trial. This only infuriated the Bajor people more, causing the Resistance to grow in size. (DS9: "Things Past")

In 2359, the newly appointed prefect Gul Dukat attempted a softer approach, believing it was the only way to make the Resistance stop its attacks. His first act as prefect was to cut labor camp output quotas by 50%, abolish child labor, and improve medical care and food rations. These measures led to a 20% drop in the camp death rates. On his one month anniversary as prefer of Bajor, the Bajoran Resistance destroyed an orbital drydock, resulting in the deaths of 200 Cardassians. In response, Dukat rounded up 200 suspected members of the Resistance and had them executed, believing this to be a "fair" response. During Dukat's reign as prefect, the Resistance attempted five assassination attempts, all of which failed. (DS9: "Things Past", "Waltz")

Occupation's End[]

Despite all of Central Command's attempts to rectify things, the situation on Bajor grew out of hand. After decades of the Resistance guerrilla and terrorist attacks, as well as political pressure from the Federation, the Cardassian Central Command was ordered to withdraw from Bajor by the Civillian Government on Cardassia Prime. (DS9: "Duet")

From: Breen[]

History and Politics[]

  • While the size of the Klingon fleet is unknown, it can be assumed that it consisted of a large number of ships, due to the fact the Chancellor intended on invading deep into Breen space and conquering the Breen home planet. This shows that the Breen were a force to be reckoned with long before the 24th century.
  • With the necessary counter measures to the Breen's energy dampening weapon obtained, the Federation Alliance was able to go on the offensive once again, choosing to invade Cardassia Prime itself. In hopes of boosting the Breen's will to fight, the Female Changeling offered them control of Earth and Romulus if they succeeded in winning the battle. During the Battle of Cardassia, the Breen were still able to inflict major casualties on the allies, even without the use of their energy dampening weapon. Up to a third of the entire allies' fleet was destroyed during the battle, including the Romulan flag ship. The Breen continued to fight with the Dominion until the end, demonstrating a willingness to die for the cause that matched that of the Jem'Hadar. However, when the Cardassian forces switched sides mid-battle, the Dominion and Breen were forced to withdraw to Cardassia Prime. After Odo convinced the Female Changeling to surrender, the Dominion War ended. As a member of the Dominion, the Breen leaders were present during the Treaty of Bajor. (DS9: "What You Leave Behind")


  • The Breen's body is able to take a considerable beating before being taken down. When Worf attacks a Breen with a blow that could normally fell a Nausicaan, the Breen goes unfazed. It then successfully zaps him with its neural truncheon. (DS9: "'Til Death Do Us Part")
  • The Breen constantly wear refrigeration suits in order to maintain a cold temperature like that on their homeworld. According to Worf, no one had ever seen what a Breen looked like under their refrigeration suits and lived. Even after joining the Dominion, their appearance was unknown to their new allies. Weyoun couldn't help but wonder what they looked like. (DS9: "Indiscretion", "'Til Death Do Us Part", "What You Leave Behind")
  • Quark even compared Odo to being as "cold as a Breen winter". (DS9: "Crossfire")

Society and Culture[]

Treatment of Prisoners[]
  • The Breen are known to use slave labor; and at least some of these slaves are captured in raids on other species. When the Breen were using Bajorans slaves to mine dilithium ore, there are always at least eight guards within the mines. (DS9: "Indiscretion")
  • The Breen are very prudent when dealing with prisoners. When capturing prisoners, the Breen typically stun them from long range with their distruptors, rather than approaching them and risking close combat. When Worf and Ezri Dax were discovered by the Breen on Goralis III while sleeping, the Breen used this technique to subdue them. The Breen feed their prisoners a diet of algae paste, as well as hang them upside down to ensure they cannot escape. (DS9: "Penumbra", "'Til Death Do Us Part")
  • On board starships, the Breen typically send in three guards at a time when they wish to remove a single prisoner from a cell that is being shared with other prisoners. Worf's various attempts at escape always failed, including his attempt to persuade the Breen guards that Ezri was sick, as well as his attempt to short-circuit the door. When Worf attempted to attack the Breen guards, they used a type of neural truncheon to paralyze him. Even after he fell to the ground, partially paralyzed, two Breen guards continued to use the truncheons on him to ensure he would not get back up, before two guards removed Ezri from the cell. In another incident, Worf simply showed signs of anger towards Weyoun and was again shocked by the neural truncheon. (DS9: "Strange Bedfellows", "'Til Death Do Us Part")
  • To extract information from captives, the Breen use cortical implants, despite the severe pain and damage it causes to the recipient. (DS9: "'Til Death Do Us Part")

From: Cardassian[]


Society and culture[]

  • Hostility and overt irritability towards a member of the opposite sex is a typical sign of interest in a physical relationship. Cardassians also value cleanliness, especially from their women. (DS9: "Destiny", "Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night")
  • Another aspect of great importance in Cardassian culture is to outlive your enemies. Enabran Tain told his son on his death bed "A man shouldn't allow his enemies to outlive him". When an elderly family member is dying, they will generally enact the tradition of Shri-tal, thus passing on all of their secrets to another family member so they may use them against the dying one's enemies. (DS9: "In Purgatory's Shadow", "Ties of Blood and Water")
  • Cardassian architecture typically has the commanding officer's office above the rest of the operations center. This is so that all others present are forced to look up at the commander with respect. (DS9: "Emissary")
  • Cardassian engineering standards are usually lower than Starfleet's. When Miles O'Brien ran a diagnostic of Deep Space 9's fusion powerplant, it revealed that it was operating at 13% below peek efficiency. The station's computer, still running by Cardassian standards, explained that Cardassian specifications accept operating efficiency within 20%.(DS9: "The Forsaken")
  • Cardassians are well known for genetic engineering, even allowing other galactic powers to study their creations, such as the Federation. To distinguish their creations, they always build distinctive monoclonial links into their DNA. (DS9: "Babel")


  • The Cardassian education system is considered to be unparalleled in the Alpha Quadrant, and educational attainment is regarded as a key asset in Cardassian society. Cardassian children are often put into intensive mind training programs from as early as age 3 or 4. It is because of these mind training programs that some Cardassians are able to resist a Vulcan Mind meld. Cardassians are also trained during this time to have photographic memories. A typical view of how children should be raised is summed up in Dukat's statement "Education is power... joy is vulnerability." (DS9: "The Maquis, Part I")


  • Prior to the formation of the Cardassian Union, the ancient Cardassian society was very religious and spiritual. Unfortunately, plague and famine became rampant throughout the homeworld and the society perished. The survivors abandoned their religious ways and went on to create the Cardassian Union over the centuries. Their loyalty to the State became absolute when it resolved the problems on the homeworld. (TNG: "Chain Of Command, Part II")
  • Despite being a non-religious society, Cardassians still hold funeral services for the dead, sometimes burying the bodies under large monuments. Like their criminal trials, funeral services are able to be viewed by the entire Cardassian public, especially for memorable figures such as Gul Darhe'el.


  • "Rom is an enemy of the State, and enemies of the State do not deserve mercy." - Gul Dukat
  • Much like the Nazis of the 20th century on Earth, the Cardassians often view themselves as superior to other species and cultures. This belief is summed up by Dukat when he announced Cardassia's membership in the Dominion, saying: "The Dominion recognizes us for what we are... the true leaders of the Alpha Quadrant." The Cardassians were particularly adamant that the Bajorans were a weak and inferior race. While stranded on a planet with Benjamin Sisko, Dukat explained how the Cardassians felt about the Bajorans, saying: "From the moment we arrived on Bajor, it was clear that we were the superior race. But they couldn't accept that. They wanted to be treated as equals, when they most certainly were not. Militarily, technologically, culturally -- we were almost a century ahead of them in every way! We did not choose to be the superior race, fate handed us our role. And it would've been so much easier on everyone if the Bajorans had simply accepted their role." This kind of smug, cruel, arrogant attitude attributed to most Cardassians was even enough to push the Ferengi Quark into helping Major Kira's resistance cell on Terok Nor in 2374. (TOS: "Patterns of Force", DS9: "By Inferno's Light", "Favor the Bold", "Sacrifice of Angels", "Waltz")
  • Cardassian philosophy typically upholds the idea that the ends justify the means. After unearthing the burial vaults of their ancestors, which were filled with rare artifacts, they sold them to other species to pay for their war efforts as well as to feed the starving population on the homeworld. Additionally, the extraction of Bajor's natural resources was considered an appropriate means to feed Cardassia's population, despite the fact it required the occupation of the Bajoran's homeworld. Furthermore, in an attempt to help the USS Voyager make it back to the Alpha Quadrant safely, Seska was willing to sacrifice a Starfleet replicator to the Kazon-Nistrim in return for their protection, believing that Voyager's quick and safe return home would justify whatever actions were taken to attain that end. (TNG: "Chain Of Command, Part II", DS9: "Duet", VOY: "State of Flux")


  • The Cardassian military is perhaps the largest organization in Cardassian society. Men, as well as women, may serve in the military, though it may be that only men are drafted. Women, on the other hand, are the majority in the sciences. Even the Cardassian Science Ministry however is a branch of the military, and must abide by its regulations. (TNG: "The Chase"; DS9: "Destiny")

State Intelligence[]

  • To ensure that the population remained completely loyal to the State, the Cardassian Obsidian Order - the Union's primary intelligence agency - closely watched over the people. It is said that a Cardassian citizen cannot sit down to a meal without each dish being duly noted and recorded by the Obsidian Order. Like the military, the Obsidian Order was supposed to submit to the Detapa Council, but in practice, the Order had far more authority. Even members of the Cardassian military were not immune to Obsidian Order inquiries. Almost every Cardassian lived in fear of the Order, as its constant surveillance led to the sudden eliminations of numerous "traitors". (DS9: "The Wire", "Defiant")


  • After Dukat's breakdown into insanity due to the death of his daughter, Tora Ziyal, Damar was placed in command of the Cardassian people. Lacking the self-confidence and leadership skills of his former mentor and predecessor, Weyoun was able to take more and more control over the Cardassian people, with Damar becoming little more than a figure head. Eventually, Damar had absolutely no say in any political decisions. This became blatantly obvious when Weyoun made territorial concessions to the Breen in 2375 in order to convince them to join the Dominion. Eventually, the Cardassians rebelled under Damar's leadership near the end of the Dominion War, allowing the Federation Alliance to gain a decisive advantage during the Battle of Cardassia and eventually win the Dominion War. The political future of Cardassia is left unknown at the end of the war, with the Dominion forced to surrender their governance over them. DS9: "Sacrifice of Angels", "Statistical Probabilities", "Strange Bedfellows", "The Changing Face of Evil", "What You Leave Behind")


  • Considering that the Cardassians are a militaristic society, it can be assumed that despite their vessels technological shortcomings, they are able to be formidable opponents in most engagements. This is likely why the Federation-Cardassian War proved to be a stalemate as opposed to an easy victory for the Federation, as well as why the Cardassians were able to cause a stale mate in the later conflict with the Klingons. This concept is reinforced in "The Way of the Warrior" when a Klingon describes the tactics used by the Cardassians before striking. See above for more information.


Main article: See Cardassian history.
  • In its ancient history, before Cardassia became a military dictatorship, the Cardassian society was known as the Hebitians. It was home to fine art and beautiful architecture. Once the Hebitian civilization fell into decay from lack of natural resources, millions of Cardassians were starving and the planet was subjected to utter anarchy. Though the Hebitian society and way of life eventually became extinct, the remaining Cardassians turned to the military to solve their problems. This began the Cardassian policy of expansion into the galaxy, to provide the much-needed natural resources to sustain its population. (TNG: "Chain Of Command, Part II"; DS9: "Duet")
See: Occupation of Bajor
  • The third and largest of these conflicts was the Dominion War. In order to drive out the Klingons from their territory, destroy the Maquis in the Demilitarized Zone and regain Cardassia's status in the Alpha Quadrant, Gul Dukat signed a treaty making Cardassia a member of the Dominion. Cardassian and Dominion forces proceeded to push the Klingon fleet out of Cardassian territory and wipe out the entire Maquis movement within a few days. (DS9: "In Purgatory's Shadow", "By Inferno's Light")
  • While initially the alliance with the Dominion seemed to be beneficial to Cardassia, in the long run it resulted in an exponential loss of life and ships. Near the end of the Dominion War, Cardassia Prime was struck by Jem'Hadar raids and orbital bombardment from the Dominion and Breen forces in orbit of the planet, which attempted to wipe out the Cardassian species entirely for their betrayal. (DS9: "A Time to Stand", "What You Leave Behind")

From: Dominion War[]

  • Edited sidebar at the top with political powers' logos to fit properly
  • Edited images on the pages
  • By the end of the war, the Alpha Quadrant had lost a notable power - the Cardassian Union, the Klingon Defense Force was set back for decades, and there remained a catastrophic death toll for all powers involved.

Dominion Success and Stalemate[]

  • During the first few months of 2374, Dukat was leading an extremely successful campaign against the allies, forcing them to retreat on nearly every front. It was projected that even without reinforcements from the Gamma Quadrant, the Dominion would successfully triumph, although the war would take much longer. However, due to a shortage of Ketracel-white in the Alpha Quadrant, Weyoun was adamant on taking down the minefield and reopening the supply lines through the wormhole to guarantee success.

Total War Begins[]

  • Despite a seemingly successful negotiation between Weyoun and Captain Sisko, which would have limited Dominion vessels from the Gamma Quadrant to medical and economical supplies to help the Cardassian Union rebuild, the Dominion prepared to attack Deep Space 9. Strangely, the Federation turned down Captain Sisko's request for reinforcements, leaving the station to fend for itself against the Dominion fleet. Shortly afterwards, General Martok on board his Klingon Bird-of-Prey near the Cardassian border, contacted Deep Space 9, informing them that a large contingent of Cardassian and Dominion vessels were heading towards the station. His transmission was cut short when the Dominion fleet jammed his transmission. Gul Dukat then contacted the station, asking if the Federation was willing to surrender the station and avoid "unnecessary bloodshed". Captain Sisko outright declined the invitation, leading to Dukat ending the conversation with the comment: "I was hoping you'd say that".
  • Shortly afterwards, the Dominion fleet arrive, and began their attack on Deep Space 9. Despite the Dominion's arrival prior to the minefield's activation, the USS Defiant was able to successfully complete the deployment of the mines and activate it, thus preventing reinforcements from the Gamma Quadrant. Although the Dominion had failed to prevent the activation of the minefield, they continued their assault on Deep Space 9, eventually forcing all Federation forces on board to evacuate. With the battle over, the Dominion had successfully captured the station, winning the Second Battle of Deep Space 9 (not to be confused with the First Battle of Deep Space 9 that opened the Federation-Klingon War (2372-73) in 2372).
  • By the second quarter of that year, it was revealed to the Federation that the Dominion was close to deactivating the minefield blocking the wormhole, and Captain Benjamin Sisko told Starfleet that the station's recapture must be seen as the top priority of the war. Although Admiral Coburn objected to the plan, fearing too many ships would be diverted away from Earth, allowing the Dominion to attack it. Sisko was able to convince him that the key to winning the war was by preventing Dominion reinforcements from the wormhole. With only days before the minefield could be deactivated, the Federation was forced to launch what ships they had been able to gather to attack Deep Space 9. Without any ships from the Klingon Empire to back them up, it seemed like a hopeless cause. Nevertheless, a Federation fleet of over 600 vessels departed from Starbase 375 towards the station. (DS9: "Favor the Bold")
  • Although Gul Dukat had pulled over 1,200 ships from the front lines to combat this fleet until the minefield was destroyed, a surprise attack mid-battle from the Klingons turned the tide into the allies favor, and enabled the USS Defiant to break through the lines and get to Deep Space 9 without further delay. Although Dukat made good on his promise to destroy the minefield, it prove useless to the Dominion, as Captain Sisko was able to convince the Prophets to wipe the Dominion reinforcements entirely. With no reinforcements on their way, and the fleet battle in favor of the Federation-Klingon forces, the Dominion was forced to withdraw from the station. Operation Return was the first major alliance victory of the war, and also saw the end of Dukat's leadership of Cardassia. His underling, Damar, replaced him. (DS9: "Sacrifice of Angels")
  • Despite their successful retaking of Deep Space 9, the Federation and Klingon forces were far from obtaining victory. Ships patrolling the Cardassian border were frequently destroyed, including the USS Cortez. (DS9: "Far Beyond the Stars") The Dominion also began breeding Jem'Hadar in the Alpha Quadrant, thereby removing their need for reinforcements from the Gamma Quadrant. (DS9: "One Little Ship"")
  • In late 2374, the Dominion was able to capture Betazed. With the capture of this system, the Dominion was in a position to invade Vulcan, Andor, Tellar and Alpha Centauri. Furthermore, the Federation was suffering a manpower shortage after sustaining massive casualties up to this point, and many of their shipyards were still being rebuilt. The Dominion's shipyards on the other hand were producing at 100% capacity, and legions of Jem'Hadar were being bred at an incredible rate. Without the help of the Romulans, it was only a matter of time that the Dominion would defeat both the Klingons and the Federation. (DS9: "In the Pale Moonlight")

The Turning of the Tides[]

  • Captain Sisko had temporarily left his duties as a Starfleet officer after the death of Jadzia Dax and the destruction of the Bajoran wormhole by Dukat. With one of Starfleet's major tacticians and leaders out of the picture, the Dominion had time to regroup and hold off against further invasion attempts. The Cardassians were able to halt the Klingon's advance at Monac IV, inflicting at least thirty percent casualties against the Klingons, forcing the Allies to remain bottled up in the Chin'toka system. (DS9: "Image in the Sand")
  • To do this, General Martok brought 1,100 starships to the border as the Allies' defense. Even with this sizable fleet, the Klingon force was outnumber twenty-to-one by the Dominion, Breen and Cardassian forces. To compensate, Martok would have his fleet operate in small battle groups, remaining cloaked until they would engage the enemy, in an attempt to keep them off balance. (DS9: "The Changing Face of Evil", "When It Rains...")
  • Although the war turned significantly in the Dominion's favor with the Breen's entry into the war, the Dominion's obvious favoring of the Breen finally frustrated Damar to the point that he formed an active resistance on Cardassia. A number of Cardassian officers, including Gul Rusot, who shared Damar's frustration and retained their loyalty to him joined his rebellion, and attacked the cloning facilities on Rondac III. Although the fleet was successful destroying the facility, half of Damar's entire military force was destroyed in the battle. Despite this, the Dominion realized they could not hope to win the war against the Allies until the internal rebellion was crushed. This gave the Allies the time they needed to obtain a counter measure to the Breen's energy dissipator. (DS9: "The Changing Face of Evil")
  • Realizing Damar's rebellion would be crushed without the necessary change in strategy and outside support, the Federation dispatched Kira Nerys - with a new commission as a Starfleet Commander, Elim Garak and Odo to help train the Cardassian Liberation Front in guerrilla tactics, while also providing food replicators to sustain the rebellion. With Kira's knowledge of guerrilla warfare passed onto Damar's forces, the rebellion began destroying individual ships via sabotage, and was successful in the destruction of the Tevak shipyards. (DS9: "Tacking Into the Wind")
  • Unfortunately for the Allies, Chancellor Gowron took control of the Klingon forces, in an attempt to defeat the Dominion without assistance from the Federation or Romulan Empire. During his brief campaign, he ordered General Martok to engage the Dominion at Avenal Seven - a world deep inside Dominion territory. Outnumbered six-to-one, the raid on Avanal Seven was an utter failure, losing seven ships, with another five seriously damaged. Realizing that these useless raids could not continue, Sisko ordered Commander Worf to deal with Chancellor Gowron. After killing him in battle, Worf declared Martok the new Chancellor of the Klingon Empire. (DS9: "When It Rains...", "Tacking Into the Wind")
  • With the help of Odo, the Cardassian Rebellion was able to capture a Jem'Hadar attack ship fitted with one of the Breen's energy dampening weapons from the Kelvas facility. With the weapon delivered to the Federation, a counter measure was able to be produced for both Federation and Romulan ships, thus returning the tactical advantage into the Allies' favor. Shortly afterwards however, the Cardassian Liberation Front was completely wiped out by the Dominion after Gul Revok betrayed it, allowing all 18 rebel bases to be found and destroyed. Even after this success however, the Dominion realized that the Federation Alliance had developed a counter measure to the Breen's weaponry, and withdrew all of their forces from Klingon, Federation and Romulan space in order to shorten their supply lines and fortify within Cardassian territory until they were able to rebuild a sufficient armada to win the war. (DS9: "Tacking Into the Wind", "The Dogs of War")
  • Although Damar's military rebellion was crushed, his brief but effective campaign gained massive support from the Cardassian civilian population. After a raid on a Jem'Hadar barracks on Cardassia Prime, Damar was able to rally the support of the entire civilian population on Cardassia, which proved to be vital during the Allies' final invasion. The determination was made by the Allied commanders that the best hopes of success for an invasion was now, before the Dominion was allowed to strengthen itself any further. A three-pronged attack into Cardassia was organized and led by Admiral William Ross, now-Chancellor Martok and presumably Velal. (DS9: "The Dogs of War")
  • During the battle, the civilian population on Cardassia Prime was able to cause a planet-wide blackout, cutting off all communication from the Dominion Headquarters to their fleets in combat. In retaliation for this, the Female Changeling ordered the destruction of Lakarian City as a deterrent to further acts of rebellion. This action had the opposite effect however - when the Cardassian military found out about the fate of Lakarian City, it switched sides and began combating the Dominion and Breen ships along with the Allies.

Minor Contributions to Memory Alpha[]

From: Alynna Nechayev

  • Picard tried making amends in 2370, offering her Bularian canapés to help her feel welcome on board the Enterprise.

From: Benzar

From: Breen interceptor

  • During this engagement, a Breen warship was able to outmaneuver the USS Defiant, displaying exemplary maneuverability.
  • Breen warships were also deployed in orbit of Cardassia Prime after the Dominion's retreat.

From: Cardassian Central Command

  • Every Cardassian ship, outpost and space station within the Cardassian Union can be controlled by Central Command's primary base on Cardassia Prime. This same base was later used by the Dominion to oversee all aspects of the war. To ensure that no intruders could penetrate their doors and force their way inside, the doors to the base were made of solid neutronium, a metal impenetrable to moderate explosives.

From: Cardassian dissident movement

From: Cardassian destroyer

  • It is unknown whether the term Cardassian destroyer is limited to Galor-class ships, as they may also be applied to Keldon-class vessels.

From: Cardassian military

  • After the Cardassian Union joined the Dominion, Dukat controlled the Cardassian and Dominion fleets, with Weyoun at his side overlooking his decisions. After the Second Battle of Deep Space 9, Dukat lost his status as leader of the Cardassian people. His successor, Legate Damar, had limited control over the Cardassian military, since Weyoun and the Female Changeling would often override his military decisions. When Damar decided to rebel against the Dominion oppressors, Legate Broca was appointed leader of Cardassia. Unlike the two who held that position before him, Broca allowed Weyoun and the Female Changeling to control the Cardassian military at their discretion, simply carrying out their orders. (DS9: "Penumbra", "'Til Death Do Us Part", "Strange Bedfellows", "What You Leave Behind")

From Cardassian Union

  • Many of the primary worlds in the Cardassian Union lacked an abundance of natural resources. For this reason, the Union relied heavily on strip mining resources from neighboring planets which were not part of other Alpha Quadrant powers, such as Bajor. As opposed to making trade alliances with them, the Cardassian Central Command would often instill occupations on worlds and use the populations as forced laborers. (TNG: "Ensign Ro"; DS9: "Emissary", "Duet")

From: Emperor

From: Federation-Cardassian Treaty

From: Galor-class

  • Replaced images on sidebar with new ones to reveal various weapon arrays on the Galor class vessel
  • In the episode "The Wounded", Jean-Luc Picard stated that he was running from a "Cardassian warship" while Captain of the USS Stargazer. This may be a reference to a Galor-class ship, or yet another unseen vessel. Furthermore, in 2367, the USS Phoenix was able to destroy a Cardassian warship with relative ease, while in 2374, a wing of Cardassian warships was successful in the USS Honshu just as efficiently.
  • In 2367, the Cardassian warships lacked the ability to read Federation starships transponder codes, while the latter had that ability. The Cardassians were granted this ability when Captain Picard gave Gul Macet the Federation's codes to track the USS Phoenix. Federation starships also had superior terminal interface systems. (TNG: "The Wounded")

From: Keldon-class

  • Edits to the side bar and other misc formats to this page
  • The Keldon-class ship was never shown in the regular Cardassian fleet throughout DS9. However, Gul Dukat mentions to Sisko when the USS Defiant is being chased that he has never before seen Keldon-class ships going at such speeds. Considering this is the first time it became known the Obsidian Order had a fleet, it can be presumed that Keldon-class ships were used in the rest of the Cardassian military. (DS9: "Defiant")

From: Klingon-Cardassian War

  • Although the Klingons were successful in taking the Cardassians by complete suprise with their unprovoked and sudden invasion, the Cardassians were considered to be 'honorable' enemies. Despite being outnumbered, Cardassians were able to maintain a stalemate with the Klingons by causing their ships to chase sensor ghosts and holo-projections as a trap before striking. (DS9: "Soldiers of the Empire")

From: Unnamed Breen

  • Some have suggested that this Breen was replaced by a Founder in order to persuade the Breen to join the Dominion, which they did in 2375 during the final stages of the Dominion War. This is however just a theory, and there has been no official information released to verify it.

From: Mavek

  • Unlike many other Cardassians, Mavek did not despise the Bajorans and had no qualms with working along side them. This can be seen in his daily routine of providing Kira Nerys a raktajino at the beginning of her shift each morning. Mavek fled Terok Nor alongside his fellow Cardassians and Dominion allies during Operation Return.

From: Sabotage

From: Tyra system

  • During the first few months of the war, the Federation and Klingon forces were suffering staggering defeats consistently. With the Dominion pushing deeper into Federation territory, the Seventh Fleet was dispatched to the Tyra system in an attempt to prevent the Dominion from moving further into their space. Comprised of 112 vessels, the Federation was confident the fleet would be successful at Tyra. However, the fleet was defeated and suffered incredible losses; only 14 ships out of a fleet of 112 made it back to Federation territory. The battle badly damaged the allies' morale. (DS9: "A Time to Stand")

Images Contributed[]

Articles I'm Most Proud Of[]

The following are two articles I have put a lot of time and effort into, making both Featured Articles as well as Articles of the Week.


For this article, I have placed the "finished" version in here after my last edit. Note that the article became a featured one on July 15, 2007, though the version I am putting in here is from August 18, 2007, after receiving some edits from other members and myself. Again, the images have been removed in this version. Also note that I did not so any work under the Appendices section.


The Cardassians are a humanoid species from the Alpha Quadrant. They are native to the planet Cardassia Prime, capital world of the Cardassian Union. Known throughout the Alpha Quadrant for their ruthlessness, the Cardassians became one of the greatest enemies of the United Federation of Planets and Klingon Empire when they joined the Dominion in 2373. Their xenophobic attitude towards other species was well established throughout the quadrant after the Setlik III massacre during the Cardassian War, as well as when their atrocities from the Occupation of Bajor were revealed after their withdrawal in 2369.


The Cardassians evolved from reptilian ancestors and they prefer a darker, hotter, and more humid environment than Humans. Externally, Cardassians are easily recognizable by each having light-gray skin, two thick vertical neck ridges that recede back to the crown of their head and an inverted tear-shaped ridge in the center of the forehead. The ridge is thickest immediately above the eyes, protecting them and creating an especially deep-set appearance. There is also another inverted tear-shaped ridge feature in the center of the Cardassian chest. On Cardassian females, the ridge in the center of the forehead has a blue coloration, as does the second or third rung down on their neck ridges. They have straight hair that varies in color from dark brown to the far more common jet black. Males typically slick their hair back, while the women have more varying hairstyles. As with Humans, their hair turns white with age. Furthermore, a Cardassian's hearing is not as acute as a Human's. (TNG: "The Wounded", "The Chase"; DS9: "Profit and Loss", "Cardassians", "Distant Voices")

Compared to other species, the Cardassians have a very strong resistance to the effects of alcohol, depressants and anesthetics. One Cardassian was able to down more than two bottles of kanar without being affected, and was even injected with 30 ccs of triptacederine without consequence, despite the fact that a dose of that magnitude would be enough to put an Algorian mammoth to sleep. The Cardassians are known for their photographic memories, and some even have the ability to resist a mind meld. Medical conditions to which Cardassians are susceptible include the Rudellian plague, Coleibric hemorrhage, Kalla-Nohra Syndrome, Pottrik Syndrome and Yarim Fel Syndrome. (DS9: "Rules of Engagement", "Duet", "The Wire", "For the Cause", "Ties of Blood and Water")

Since scale patterns on Cardassian necks have been shown to change from appearance to appearance (Garak, for example), makeup artist Michael Westmore theorized in a 2005 issue of Star Trek Insider that Cardassians continually shed and regrow scales. See below for more information on the evolution of the Cardassian "look".

Like many humanoid species, Cardassians are able to produce offspring with a variety of species, including Bajorans and Kazon. Dukat was known to have two half Bajoran children, including Tora Ziyal and another with Mika. Additionally, Seska had a son with the Kazon Culluh while stranded in the Delta Quadrant. It is also possible that Humans and Cardassians are able to cross-breed, as Seska nearly convinced Chakotay the child was his. Furthermore, Gilora Rejal was willing to bear Miles O'Brien children, convinced he wished to pursue a relationship with her. (DS9: "Destiny", "Indiscretion", "Covenant"; VOY: "Basics, Part I", "Basics, Part II")

Society and culture[]

Traits considered admirable in Cardassian society are different from those valued by Humans. Advanced age, for example, is seen as a sign of strength and power in Cardassian society; the 40th birthday of a Human, often a dreaded event in their culture, would thus be cause for celebration for a Cardassian. Every Cardassian is raised with an appreciation of fine arts and culture, though the government may not have always been so open-minded in its policies. (DS9: "The Maquis, Part I", "Distant Voices")

Hostility and overt irritability towards a member of the opposite sex is a typical sign of interest in a physical relationship. Cardassians also value cleanliness, especially from their women. (DS9: "Destiny", "Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night")

Family is one of the most important things in all Cardassian culture, and it is not uncommon for three or more generations to live in one home. On the other hand, Cardassian orphans have no place in their society and are forgotten. Similar to some other cultures, Cardassians expect their young to remain loyal to their families, and an order from one's mother or father is expected to be obeyed. Fertility is considered a most desirable trait in Cardassian women, suggesting Cardassians place great value on the continuation of family lines.(DS9: "Destiny"} Sometimes, Cardassian children will visit their parents at work to see what they do, even if their job involves torture. To be looked upon favorably, one must also take care never to show weakness; indeed, the irony in the Human tragedy Julius Caesar was lost on Garak, who thought Caesar a fool for not suspecting that Brutus would betray him. (TNG: "Chain Of Command, Part II"; DS9: "Cardassians", "Distant Voices", "Improbable Cause", "Indiscretion", "In Purgatory's Shadow", "Sons and Daughters")

Another aspect of great importance in Cardassian culture is to outlive one's enemies. Enabran Tain told his son on his death bed "A man shouldn't allow his enemies to outlive him". When an elderly family member is dying, they will generally enact the tradition of Shri-tal, thus passing on all of their secrets to another family member so they may use them against the dying one's enemies. (DS9: "In Purgatory's Shadow", "Ties of Blood and Water")

Courtship among Cardassians largely consists of bitter, ferocious arguing, a fact unknown to the confrontational Miles O'Brien, who engaged in repeated disputes with his female Cardassian co-worker Gilora Rejal, only to be shocked when it led to her falling in love with him. (DS9: "Destiny")

Cardassian architecture typically has the commanding officer's office above the rest of the operations center. This is so that all others present are forced to look up at the commander with respect. (DS9: "Emissary")

The Cardassian design ethic shows a preference for dark colors. Their architecture tends to have things in sets of three, and to have a sense of symmetry. Designs favor trapezoids instead of squares, and ovals instead of circles. (Herman Zimmerman - The Official Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Magazine issue 3)

Cardassian engineering standards are usually lower than Starfleet's. When Miles O'Brien ran a diagnostic of Deep Space 9's fusion power plant, it revealed that it was operating at 13% below peak efficiency. The station's computer, still running by Cardassian standards, explained that Cardassian specifications accept operating efficiency within 20%. (DS9: "The Forsaken")

Cardassians are well known for genetic engineering, even allowing other galactic powers to study their creations, such as the Federation. To distinguish their creations, they always build distinctive monoclonial links into their DNA. (DS9: "Babel")

A year after the conclusion of the Federation-Cardassian War, Worf stated "Cardassians have no honor". Conversely, during the Klingon-Cardassian War, an officer aboard a Klingon Bird-of-Prey stated that the Cardassians were honorable and formidable warriors in comparison to their Jem'Hadar counterparts. (TNG: "The Wounded"; DS9: "Soldiers of the Empire")

Cardassians, much like minions of the Dominion, are known for their punctuality. They are similar to the Romulans in their xenophobic tendencies, and also share the Romulan belief that there is no such thing as luck. Like the Breen, they treat their prisoners with little tolerance or sympathy, and have no qualms with using torture to extract information. Additionally, they are similar to the Ferengi in that they are known for paying their bills. During the Cardassian's occupation of Bajor, many officers accepted bribes to overlook suspicious activities, for additional food, or for other "favors". To many Alpha Quadrant species, Cardassians were seen as nothing more than arrogant, cruel, cold-blooded killers. (DS9: "Necessary Evil", "The Wire", "Distant Voices", "The Way of the Warrior", "In Purgatory's Shadow", "Call to Arms", "Behind the Lines", "The Changing Face of Evil", "The Dogs of War")


The Cardassian educational system is considered to be unparalleled in the Alpha Quadrant, and educational attainment is regarded as a key asset in Cardassian society. Cardassian children are often put into intensive mind training programs from as early as three or four. It is because of these mind training programs that some Cardassians are able to resist a Vulcan mind meld. Cardassians are also trained during this time to have photographic memories. A typical view of how children should be raised is summed up in Dukat's statement "Education is power... joy is vulnerability." (DS9: "The Maquis, Part I")


Prior to the formation of the Cardassian Union, the ancient Cardassian society was very religious and spiritual. Unfortunately, plague and famine became rampant throughout the homeworld and the society perished. The survivors abandoned their religious ways and went on to create the Cardassian Union over the centuries. Their loyalty to the State became absolute when it resolved the problems on the homeworld. (TNG: "Chain Of Command, Part II")

Cardassians think little of the religions of other galactic species. During the Bajoran Occupation, the Cardassians thought of the Bajoran's religion as silly superstition. After Cardassia joined the Dominion in 2373, most Cardassians refused to think of the Founders as gods, but as little more than Shapeshifters. (DS9: "Waltz", "Tears of the Prophets", "What You Leave Behind")

Despite being a non-religious society, Cardassians still hold funeral services for the dead, sometimes burying the bodies under large monuments. Like their criminal trials, funeral services are able to be viewed by the entire Cardassian public, especially for memorable figures such as Gul Darhe'el. (DS9: "Duet")


"Rom is an enemy of the State, and enemies of the State do not deserve mercy." - Gul Dukat

The ideal Cardassian life is one of complete loyalty and servitude to the State. The Cardassian government is assumed to be omniscient, omnipotent and benevolent. In a sense, when the Cardassians abandoned their spiritual ways and began their expansion throughout the Alpha Quadrant centuries ago, they simply applied a twisted form of their religion to their political philosophy. (DS9: "The Wire", "Second Skin")

A typical example of the Cardassian approach to life is found in their criminal trials, in which the verdict is always determined beforehand, and the purpose of the proceedings is not justice in the Human sense but bringing the offender to recognize the power and benevolence of the State. The typical Cardassian approach is direct, simple and ruthless, uncaring about how many aliens – or Cardassians – are trampled on in the interests of the state. Cardassians pride themselves on their attention to detail and memories. They have no interest in science for its own worth, and demand that scientific projects, like everything, serve military benefits. (DS9: "Tribunal", "Destiny")

Much like the Nazis of the 20th century on Earth, the Cardassians often view themselves as superior to other species and cultures. This belief is summed up by Dukat when he announced Cardassia's membership in the Dominion, saying: "The Dominion recognizes us for what we are... the true leaders of the Alpha Quadrant." The Cardassians were particularly adamant that the Bajorans were a weak and inferior race. While stranded on a planet with Benjamin Sisko, Dukat explained how the Cardassians felt about the Bajorans, saying: "From the moment we arrived on Bajor, it was clear that we were the superior race. But they couldn't accept that. They wanted to be treated as equals, when they most certainly were not. Militarily, technologically, culturally – we were almost a century ahead of them in every way! We did not choose to be the superior race, fate handed us our role. And it would've been so much easier on everyone if the Bajorans had simply accepted their role." This kind of smug, cruel, arrogant attitude attributed to most Cardassians was even enough to push the Ferengi Quark into helping Major Kira's resistance cell on Terok Nor in 2374. (TOS: "Patterns of Force", DS9: "By Inferno's Light", "Favor the Bold", "Sacrifice of Angels", "Waltz")

Cardassian philosophy typically upholds the idea that the ends justify the means. After unearthing the burial vaults of their ancestors, which were filled with rare artifacts, they sold them to other species to pay for their war efforts as well as to feed the starving population on the homeworld. Additionally, the extraction of Bajor's natural resources was considered an appropriate means to feed Cardassia's population, despite the fact it required the occupation of the Bajoran's homeworld. Furthermore, in an attempt to help the USS Voyager make it back to the Alpha Quadrant safely, Seska was willing to sacrifice a Starfleet replicator to the Kazon-Nistrim in return for their protection, believing that Voyager's quick and safe return home would justify whatever actions were taken to attain that end. (TNG: "Chain Of Command, Part II"; DS9: "Duet", VOY: "State of Flux")

In the aftermath of the Dominion War, and the utter devastation it created for Cardassia, it remains to be seen whether a new philosophy may emerge. One of the greatest questions facing the Alpha Quadrant is whether Cardassia will remain entrenched in its old, bloody system or if a reform to a more Federation-style democracy is possible. (DS9: "What You Leave Behind")

Citizenry and the State[]

Cardassians give their first molar to the Bureau of Identification at age ten.

Cardassian society has the most rigid and, to the Federation, incomprehensible of all legal systems. Every suspect is guilty before even appearing in court, their sentence already spelled out – almost always death. No prisoner ever escapes the death penalty, and only very tempting incentives can change the sentence to a lifetime in a labor camp. The criminal is given a Conservator, equivalent to a public defender, except that the Conservator is not supposed to win but to prepare the criminal for a moving confession of guilt on the floor of the court. The accused is also permitted an advocate, the Nestor, to advise them during the trial. The Chief Archon, or judge, of the court plays to a televised audience, her duty not to judge the prisoner's innocence or guilt, but rather to give an emphatic display of the futility of crime on Cardassia and reinforce the public's trust in the justice system. (DS9: "Tribunal")


The Cardassian military is perhaps the largest organization in Cardassian society. Men, as well as women, may serve in the military, though it may be that only men are drafted. Women, on the other hand, are the majority in the sciences, leading to the impression that males don't have a "head for" technical matters. Even the Cardassian Science Ministry however is a branch of the military, and must abide by its regulations. (TNG: "The Chase"; DS9: "Destiny")

When the Cardassian Union was formed, the Cardassian military was supposed to be ruled by the civilian-run Detapa Council. However, for over five centuries the military had run its own agenda, and even surpassed the authority of the Detapa Council. This briefly changed when the Cardassian dissident movement successfully overthrew Cardassian Central Command in 2372, after the destruction of the Obsidian Order the previous year, thus restoring the Detapa Council's authority. However, when Gul Dukat negotiated Cardassia's membership into the Dominion, he made himself the sole leader of the Cardassian people, thus eliminating the Detapa Council's power and restoring the military's authority. (DS9: "Defiant", "In Purgatory's Shadow", "By Inferno's Light")


When the Cardassian military withdrew from an area, they typically would rig their supplies with pressure grenades for the enemy to encounter. The Cardassian military also tends to favour sneak attacks above direct confrontation. During their attempt to take over Minos Korva, they hid several vessels in the McAllister Nebula and were waiting to see if the Federation would trade the planet for the release of Captain Jean-Luc Picard before striking. The Cardassian Central Command was also secretly arming their citizens in the Demilitarized Zone to combat the Maquis. During the Klingon-Cardassian War, the Cardassians were able to win many engagements against the Klingons by implementing decoys with sensor ghosts and holo-projections, before striking their confused enemies. (TNG: "Chain Of Command, Part II", DS9: "Armageddon Game", "The Maquis, Part I")

State intelligence[]

To ensure that the population remained completely loyal to the State, the Cardassian Obsidian Order – the Union's primary intelligence agency – closely watched over the people. It is said that a Cardassian citizen cannot sit down to a meal without each dish being duly noted and recorded by the Obsidian Order. Like the military, the Obsidian Order was supposed to submit to the Detapa Council, but in practice, the Order had far more authority. Even members of the Cardassian military were not immune to Obsidian Order inquiries. Almost every Cardassian lived in fear of the Order, as its constant surveillance led to the sudden eliminations of numerous "traitors". (DS9: "The Wire", "Defiant")

After the Battle of the Omarion Nebula, the Obsidian Order ceased to exist. However, after Cardassia joined the Dominion in 2373. the Order's role was replaced by the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau, which was just as effective. In fact, when Elim Garak attempted to contact some of his contacts on Cardassia Prime in 2374, every one of them was found and killed within one day of speaking to him. Garak called it "a testament to the effectiveness of Dominion security," adding "One should admire such... efficiency." (DS9: "The Die is Cast", "Rocks and Shoals", "In the Pale Moonlight")


The governing body of Cardassia is the Cardassian Union. The elected Detapa Council has ruled for centuries but, over the years, the Council's power was usurped by Cardassian Central Command, the military branch of the government, transforming Cardassia into a police state similar to Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union. By the late 24th century, the Central Command's control was slipping due to civilian protests and the Cardassian dissident movement. The Obsidian Order had been given limited autonomy and thus took a very active role in Cardassians' lives, but it was forbidden from raising an army and its autonomy could be revoked at any time. (DS9: "Emissary", "Defiant")

The latter half of the century saw significant changes. A secret joint operation between the Obsidian Order and the Romulan Tal Shiar, intended to cripple the Dominion, raised an armada of ships armed with cloaking devices. Led by Enabran Tain, the plan nearly succeeded but had been sabotaged by a Changeling infiltrator. The joint Cardassian-Romulan fleet was utterly destroyed at the Battle of the Omarion Nebula, and the staggering losses suffered by the Order combined with public outcry had caused its downfall. (DS9: "Improbable Cause", "The Die is Cast")

Without the Obsidian Order to keep the populace in line, the dissident movement eventually succeeded in securing control of the government. A civilian uprising reinstated the power of the Detapa Council, but this drew the attention of the nearby Klingon Empire. Claiming that the Detapa Council was replaced by Changelings, Chancellor Gowron (who was himself under the influence of a Changeling infiltrator) initiated the Klingon-Cardassian War in a thinly veiled attempt to seize control of Cardassian territory. The invasion, combined with terrorist pressure from the Maquis in the Demilitarized Zone, resulted in utter chaos. In an attempt to restore Cardassia to its former glory, Dukat secretly negotiated Cardassia's entry into the Dominion. (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior")

When Gul Dukat completed negotiations with the Dominion in 2373, the Detapa Council ceased to exist altogether, just as the Obsidian Order had two years prior. Placed as the leader of the Cardassian Union, Gul Dukat had control over the majority of Cardassian affairs. However, he was forced to work under the regulations of the Dominion. During the first three months of the Dominion War, Dukat generally controlled the Cardassian and Dominion fleets, with Weyoun overseeing his decisions. Dukat was able to maintain an equal standing with Weyoun, though both were subjected to the unquestionable orders of the Founders. (DS9: "The Die is Cast", "In Purgatory's Shadow", "By Inferno's Light", "Call to Arms", "A Time to Stand", "Favor the Bold")

After Dukat's breakdown into insanity due to the death of his daughter, Tora Ziyal, Damar was placed in command of the Cardassian people. Since the new leader lacked the self-confidence and leadership skills of his former mentor and predecessor, Weyoun was able to take more and more control over the Cardassian people, with Damar becoming little more than a figurehead. Eventually, Damar had absolutely no say in any political decisions. This became blatantly obvious when Weyoun made territorial concessions to the Breen in 2375 in order to convince them to join the Dominion. Eventually, the Cardassians rebelled under Damar's leadership near the end of the Dominion War, allowing the Federation Alliance to gain a decisive advantage during the Battle of Cardassia and eventually win the Dominion War. The political future of Cardassia is left unknown at the end of the war, with the Dominion forced to surrender their governance over them. (DS9: "Sacrifice of Angels", "Statistical Probabilities", "Strange Bedfellows", "The Changing Face of Evil", "What You Leave Behind")

In the non-canon Deep Space Nine relaunch novels, Garak is the leader of a civilian restoration, working with Alon Ghemor (the nephew of Tekeny Ghemor). Keiko O'Brien also aids Cardassia in its reconstruction efforts.

Mirror universe[]

In the mirror universe, the Cardassians were a founding race of the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance. (DS9: "Crossover")


In 2367, Cardassian technology was notably inferior to that of the Federation. A Cardassian warship was easily destroyed by the USS Phoenix, even when the warship had the ability to penetrate the Phoenix's shields. Cardassians on board the USS Enterprise-D made several comments about the superiority of Federation technology, notably the ship's transporter technology, as well as the vessel's sensors, which were able to detect the classification of Cardassian ships at long ranges, an ability that Cardassian sensors did not have. However, at this time, Cardassians did possess the ability to mask the contents of their supply ships from the Enterprise's scans. (TNG: "The Wounded")

Nevertheless, the Cardassians were formidable opponents. The bulk of the Cardassian military consisted of Galor-class ships, which were outclassed by Galaxy- and Nebula-class Federation ships, though they had no trouble dealing with Miranda- or Excelsior-class vessels. Furthermore, despite the Federation's superior vessels, the Federation-Cardassian War saw a stalemate between the two powers for a prolonged period of time. Admiral Haden told Picard "the Federation is not prepared for a new sustained conflict" with the Cardassians, revealing that, despite the technological advantage the Federation had, the Cardassians were an even match for the interstellar organization. (TNG: "The Wounded"; DS9: "Sacrifice of Angels")

During the Klingon-Cardassian War, the Klingons had rendered considerable damages to the Cardassian military due to their sudden, unprovoked invasion. Nevertheless, the Cardassians were able to sustain a stale-mate after the invasion blunted. Compensating for their ships' relative weaknesses, the Cardassians were able to win many engagements by employing unique tactics (see above). (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior", "Soldiers of the Empire")

Considering that the Cardassians are a militaristic society, it can be assumed that, despite their vessels' technological shortcomings, they are able to be formidable opponents in most engagements. This is probably why the Federation-Cardassian War proved to be a stalemate as opposed to an easy victory for the Federation, as well as why the Cardassians were able to cause a stalemate in the later conflict with the Klingons. This concept is reinforced in "Soldiers of the Empire", when a Klingon describes the tactics used by the Cardassians before striking. See above for more information.

By the late 24th century, the Cardassians used beritium, dolamide, kelindide, rhodinium and uridium in the construction of their ships and military equipment. (DS9: "The Search, Part I", "Indiscretion", "Dramatis Personae")


Main article: See Cardassian history.

In its ancient history, before Cardassia became a military dictatorship, the Cardassian society was known as the Hebitians. It was home to fine art and beautiful architecture. Once the Hebitian civilization fell into decay from lack of natural resources, millions of Cardassians were starving and the planet was subjected to utter anarchy. Though the Hebitian society and way of life eventually became extinct, the remaining Cardassians turned to the military to solve their problems. This began the Cardassian policy of expansion into the galaxy, to provide the much-needed natural resources to sustain its population. (TNG: "Chain Of Command, Part II"; DS9: "Duet")

See: Occupation of Bajor

During the 24th century, Cardassians were involved in three cataclysmic wars. The first major war was with the Federation in the mid-24th century, which ended in a turbulent peace treaty. (TNG: "The Wounded") A second war broke out when the Klingon Empire launched an unprovoked and unjustified invasion into Cardassian territory after a successful rebellion had overthrown the military's rule. The Klingons believed the coup to be a result of Changeling infiltration, and therefore attempted to take over the Cardassian Union. The coup was in fact successful due to the collapse of the Obsidian Order after the Battle of the Omarion Nebula. This war devastated Cardassian infrastructure, with a great loss of life and territory. (DS9: "The Die is Cast", "The Way of the Warrior")

The third and largest of these conflicts was the Dominion War. In order to drive out the Klingons from their territory, destroy the Maquis in the Demilitarized Zone and regain Cardassia's status in the Alpha Quadrant, Gul Dukat signed a treaty making Cardassia a member of the Dominion. Cardassian and Dominion forces proceeded to push the Klingon fleet out of Cardassian territory and wipe out the entire Maquis movement within a few days. (DS9: "In Purgatory's Shadow", "By Inferno's Light")

While initially the alliance with the Dominion seemed to be beneficial to Cardassia, in the long run it resulted in an exponential loss of life. Near the end of the Dominion War, Cardassia Prime was struck by Jem'Hadar raids and orbital bombardment from the Dominion and Breen forces in orbit of the planet, which attempted to wipe out the Cardassian species entirely for their betrayal. (DS9: "A Time to Stand", "What You Leave Behind")


Related topics[]



Physical appearance[]

The Cardassians were introduced in TNG: "The Wounded", but their physical appearance and uniforms changed after "Ensign Ro" (their second appearance). The make-up used in later episodes and particularly throughout DS9 is smoother, and their uniforms changed entirely from a bulky, brown design to the familiar sleek, black one. The addition of the blue pigment to the females' "spoon" area was an attempt to differentiate them from their male counterparts, as there is little to distinguish one from the other when in uniform. An early attempt to remedy this can be seen in "Journey's End", where a female Cardassian appears with pigtails.

Acording to the Millennium series, this tear-shaped ridge is actually the Cardassian equivalent of a belly button, although Cardassian myth says it is where the gods planted their mark to show the Cardassians had achieved true wisdom. It is unknown if this coloration is a natural gender difference or if it is some kind of makeup.

It is also worth noting that Macet (the first Cardassian seen on-screen) is the only Cardassian known to wear a beard. However, his facial hair appears to have been shaved, or simply does not grow, in portions of his face outside his lower cheek area. The potential for confusion may have influenced the decision not to give further Cardassians facial hair. (Unlike male Vulcans, who also generally shave facial hair, the Cardassians' mirror universe counterparts do not wear beards.)


Andrew Robinson (Elim Garak) has likened the Cardassian brain to the reptilian portion of the Human brain which, in Robinson's words, "knows what boundaries are ... [and] how to take care of itself so that the species survives." [1](X) Consequently, Cardassian philosophy places order above both freedom and equality, resulting in an Orwellian society where the good of the state is placed above that of the individual. The Cardassians by and large are willing to sacrifice freedom and equality for order.

There were also numerous similarities between Cardassians and reptiles. For example, while their skin is closer to that of Humans than reptiles, their neck ridges bear a resemblance to scales. Additionally, they prefer relatively dark rooms, enjoy the heat, are intolerant to cold (reptiles are cold-blooded), and are frequently portrayed as aggressors, an attribute often associated with reptiles.

On the other hand, the socio-political status of Bajor and the Cardassians' occupation of that planet have been likened to the Nazi Germany's treatment of Jews and Imperial Japan's occupation of Korea. The episode which introduced the Bajorans, "Ensign Ro", did not make any specific attempts at creating a metaphor but, as the storyline of Bajoran-Cardassian relations developed, so did the similarities. The Cardassians were firmly cemented in fans' minds as "the Nazis of the galaxy", so to speak, in DS9: "Duet". There, Aamin Marritza gives graphic details of how the Cardassians slaughtered Bajoran laborers.


In the alternate timeline of the Deep Space Nine book trilogy Millennium, the Cardassians were all but extinct. When Weyoun took a fleet of Dominion warships to see if the second Bajoran wormhole would lead to the Gamma Quadrant (the original Bajoran wormhole would not open), he returned with a fleet of Grigari warships, as well as claiming that the Pah-wraiths had made him their Kai. Weyoun took his fleet to Cardassia Prime to request that to the Female Changeling and Damar that the Dominion join the Grigari. When they refused, the Grigari fleet laid waste to the entire Cardassian Union. By the time they were done, less than a million Cardassians were left in the Alpha Quadrant, the survivors driven insane, or leading a life of piracy.

External links[]

Cardassian History[]

For this article, all of the images and their captions have not been included here, though all of the ones present as of December 16, 2006 are ones I put there myself (aside from the one of Cardassia Prime at the top right of the page). Most of the information below was added by me, though numerous other members contributed to it.

Cardassian History[]

Cardassian history is perhaps one of the most brutal histories of the species inhabiting the Alpha Quadrant. Originally, the Cardassian homeworld was that of a deeply spiritual and artistic people, which soon fell into decay when famine and plague struck their civilization. Over the years, Cardassian society evolved to adopt a philosophy that sacrificed their individual freedoms for the greater good of the state and their society. For over five centuries, the iron fisted Cardassian military sought to solve Cardassia's problems through the conquest of numerous worlds and species throughout the galaxy, leading to an era of expansion and conflict. This ultimately left Cardassian civilization in ruins once again after suffering the staggering losses of two major wars.

Early History[]

The ancient Hebitians were a spiritual and peaceful civilization which thrived on Cardassia Prime centuries prior to the formation of the Cardassian Union. The Hebitian burial vaults were said to be magnificent and filled with many jeweled artifacts made of jevonite. Due to the planet's scarcity in natural resources, the impoverished society suffered from famine and disease, leading to millions of deaths. The frail population then turned to a militaristic ideology thus ending the Hebitian way of life. (TNG: "Chain Of Command, Part II")

First Republic[]

The First Republic was established in the late-21st century, and featured an era of excellent literature, such as the works of Iloja of Prim. (DS9: "Destiny")

Modern Empire[]

Having assumed a militaristic philosophy after the Hebitian society perished, Cardassians relied heavily on the military's expansion into the galaxy to obtain the natural resources which were scarce on their homeworld. The military colonized numerous worlds to obtain the resources for their population, and in return had almost complete power over the people. This arrangement satisfied both the military and the people for many years. However, as the Cardassian Union continued to expand over the decades, so did the military's requirements. Eventually, the military was taking in the majority of the obtained resources, and providing the remains to the rest of the Cardassian citizens. This lead to a period of social discontent, as famine and disease once again struck Cardassia, as it had with its ancient civilization. To compensate, the military conquered neighboring planets and forced their native people to work as forced laborers. The most well known of these occupations was that of Bajor in 2328. The Occupation effectively ended in 2369 due to political pressure from the Federation on top of the constant terrorism and guerilla warfare from the Bajoran Resistance. (TNG: "Chain Of Command, Part II", "Ensign Ro"; DS9: "Duet", "Cardassians", etc)

See: Occupation of Bajor

Eventually their expansion brought them into conflict with the Klingon Empire, causing the Betreka Nebula Incident. (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior") Their expansion also caused them to clash with the Federation, resulting in the Cardassian Wars, eventually ending with the signing of a peace treaty in 2368 and the creation of a Demilitarized Zone two years later. This was a perturbed peace and minor conflicts continued between both sides from time to time, including the Cardassians attempt to take Minos Korva by negotiating the release of Captain Jean-Luc Picard. The layout of the DMZ also contributed to the tensions. Due to the change in borders, some Federation worlds became Cardassian territories and vice versa. Many of the people whose worlds were turned over to the Cardassians did not wish to leave, and were granted permission to remain on their worlds. Disgruntled by the treatment they received from the Cardassians, some of the citizens decided to revolt. This gave birth to the Maquis. (TNG: "The Wounded", "Chain Of Command, Part I", "Chain Of Command, Part II"; DS9: "The Maquis, Part I", "The Maquis, Part II")


After exhausting much of their resources during the Federation-Cardassian War, the Cardassian Union was in no shape for renewed conflict with the Federation so soon after the peace treaty. To make matters worse, the Maquis were located in the Demilitarized Zone, preventing the Cardassian military from launching a full-scale invasion to wipe them out. This enabled the Maquis to carry out numerous acts of sabotage and small military engagements against the Union. As the Maquis grew is size and strength, tensions grew higher between the Federation and the Cardassian Union, with neither side having a concrete solution to the problem. Instead, the Central Command secretly armed their citizens in the DMZ to combat the Maquis, while the Maquis procured weapons by raiding various vessels, as well as receiving materials from the Klingon Empire in later years. (DS9: "The Maquis, Part I", "The Maquis, Part II", "Defiant", "For the Uniform", "Blaze of Glory")

Central Command attempted to deal with the situation in the DMZ by discrediting the Federation and providing evidence that they not only sanctioned the Maquis' actions, but were providing them with weapons to combat the Cardassians. Their undercover operative secretly developed evidence that Miles O'Brien was shipping photon torpedoes to the Maquis from Deep Space 9. The plan was foiled when Central Command's agent was discovered by the station's senior staff, and the evidence against O'Brien to be fabricated. (DS9: "Tribunal")

Another failed attempt by Central Command was to wipe out the Maquis' munitions base in the Badlands with the creation of their ATR-4107 missile (which would later be renamed Dreadnought). While the ATR-4107 effectively acted as a missile, it was also a fully autonomous warship capable of warp speeds and carried a wide range of defensive weaponry. The Dreadnought had successfully made it to the Maquis munitions depot after fighting its way through every Maquis defense. However, due to the Cardassian's use of an outdated Kinetic detonator, the Dreadnought did not detonate as planned, but instead drifted in orbit of the planetoid. There, the Maquis reprogrammed the super weapon to attack a Cardassian fuel station on Aschelan V. The Dreadnought unexplainably disappeared in the Badlands while on the way to its new destination, only to be found by the USS Voyager two years later. (VOY: "Dreadnought")

Attempting to reestablish relations with Bajor after the end of the occupation, the Cardassians secretly worked out a treaty with the Bajorans. With Legate Turrel representing the Cardassian Union and Vedek Bareil initiating the talks and working out the details, five months of secret discussions began between the two, from war reparations to an official apology from the Cardassians. However, Bareil was injured on his way to Deep Space 9 to finalize the treaty, so Kai Winn completed the negotiations, thus creating the Bajoran-Cardassian Treaty. (DS9: "Life Support")

The discovery of a large, hostile empire in the Gamma Quadrant in 2370 would prove to be one of the most devastating events for the Cardassian Empire. By 2371, no major Alpha Quadrant power was willing to commit to a firm solution to the threat of a Dominion invasion. Thus, the retired leader of the Obsidian Order took it upon himself to see Cardassia's involvement in preventing a major war. With the help of the Tal Shiar, Enabran Tain was able to develop his own small fleet in the Orias system, which he would use later that year in an attempt to wipe out the Dominion's rulers; the Founders. His plan was ultimately foiled by a changeling infiltrator, resulting in the disastrous Battle of the Omarion Nebula. The battle caused the Obsidian Order to completely collapse, allowing for the Cardassian dissident movement to overthrow the Central Command's authority the following year. The movement saw the restoration of the Detapa Council and civilian rule. (DS9: "The Jem'Hadar", "Improbable Cause", "The Die is Cast", "The Way of the Warrior")

Having been suppressed for so long, the civilian population's ability to restore the Detapa Council was believed to be influenced by the Founders in the eyes of the Klingon Empire. Because of this, as well as Chancellor Gowron being influenced by an actual changeling, the Klingon Empire launched an unprovoked and abrupt invasion of the Cardassian Union, thus beginning the Klingon-Cardassian War. The war devastated Cardassian infrastructure, and crippled a large portion of their fleets. The Detapa Council, with the help of Gul Dukat and the Federation was able to obtain asylum aboard Deep Space 9. After the Klingons were successfully driven away, the war became a stale mate, with Klingon ships able to roam freely throughout Cardassian territory. Later in that year, Dukat was able to procure a Klingon vessel with the help of Major Kira Nerys. Despite the substantial information he obtained from the ship's computer logs and status reports, the Detapa Council wished to find a diplomatic solution to the war, as opposed to using the information for launching a new offensive. Dukat then began a one-ship war against the Klingons with his captured Bird of Prey. (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior", "Return to Grace", "Rules of Engagement")

With the Cardassian Obsidian Order no longer existing to keep the population in line, a fanatical separatist group known as the "True Way" began to unleash their frustration on the Federation and Bajor through terrorism and sabotage. Blaming the Federation for Cardassia's economical and political problems, and strongly opposed to the Bajoran-Cardassian Treaty made the year prior, the True Way was responsible for destroying the runabout USS Orinoco, as well as a failed attempt at the life of Shakaar Edon. (DS9: "Our Man Bashir", "Crossfire")


In 2373, the Dominion suddenly invaded the Alpha Quadrant, with dozens of ships coming through the Bajoran wormhole. The Federation was preparing for the worst, assuming the fleet was going to begin an interstellar war by attacking Deep Space 9. However, the fleet immediately changed course and headed directly for Cardassian space. Shortly afterwards, Dukat revealed that he had secretly negotiated an alliance with the Dominion over the past few months, and made Cardassia an official member only weeks prior to the Dominion's entry of the Alpha Quadrant. The Detapa Council became completely powerless with Cardassia formally annexed, and Dukat as the designated leader of the Cardassian people. Dukat later "justified" his actions by saying the alliance with the Dominion would restore Cardassia to its former glory, promising to push every Klingon ship from Cardassian territory and wipe out every Maquis colony in the DMZ. Dukat made good in his promise, for within 3 days every Maquis colony was destroyed with only a few members able to evade capture or death, and the entire Klingon invasion force was in full retreat. (DS9: "By Inferno's Light", "Blaze of Glory")

Membership in the Dominion[]

Early Success[]

With the Cardassian Union's borders returned to their pre-war state, Dukat had successfully raised the Union to be a first-rate power in the Alpha Quadrant. However, Dukat's personal ambitions, combined with the Founders desire to bring order to the galaxy, meant that an interstellar war was inevitable. Requiring constant reinforcements of ships, supplies, troops and Ketracel-white from the Gamma Quadrant to be able to conquer the entire Alpha Quadrant, the Federation decided to mine the entrance of the wormhole to prevent the strength of the Dominion from growing. This move was the provocation the Dominion needed to start a full-scale war against the Federation without coming across as the agressors. The Dominion then sent a fleet of ships to capture Deep Space 9 and prevent the minefield from completion, which resulted in Dukat retaking the station. Thus, the Dominion War began. (DS9: "Call to Arms")

For the first few months of the war Cardassia and the Dominion were unmatched on all fronts, constantly forcing the Federation and Klingon Empire to retreat. The utter failure of the Federation's Seventh Fleet at Tyra was one of the many engagements resulting in complete success for the Dominion. At the current rate of success it was only a matter of time before Earth and the rest of the Federation became completely conquered by the Dominion. However, a bold attack lead by Captain Benjamin Sisko saw the first engagement of the war where the allies were successful. Conversely, this was only due to the help of the Bajoran Prophets which destroyed all 2,800 Dominion ships inside the wormhole before they could enter the Alpha Quadrant. The sudden turn of events, topped with the death of his daughter Tora Ziyal, caused Dukat to have a mental breakdown. It was after this that Cardassians began to lose their status as equals with the Vorta and Jem'Hadar in the Dominion. (DS9: "A Time to Stand", "Sacrifice of Angels")

Puppet Government & Rebellion[]

After Dukat's subsequent capture earlier that year Damar was placed as the new leader of the Cardassian people. However, Damar's position would gradually become nothing more than a simple formality, with the Female Changeling and Weyoun running a de facto government. Shortly after Deep Space 9 was lost to the Federation, Damar was forced to call for peace by Weyoun, despite his personal objections. Over time, Damar was forced to obey Weyoun on almost all political and military decisions, including the order to reinforce the Son'a outpost on Devos II as opposed to perusing the USS Defiant, as Damar had initially ordered. (DS9: "Statistical Probabilities", "Penumbra")

Damar gradually realized that he was simply running a puppet government under the Dominion regime, and that Cardassians were becoming second-class citizens within their own territory. When the Founder negotiated with the Breen to join the Dominion in 2375, she made territorial concessions on behalf of Cardassia. Damar, forced to sign the negotiations as the designated leader of Cardassia, realized his power had been completely usurped. It was then that Damar began his rebellion against the Dominion oppressors. (DS9: "The Changing Face of Evil", "When It Rains...", "Tacking Into the Wind")

His military rebellion was destroyed when Gul Revok betrayed it and provided the Dominion with the information necessary to locate their bases. However, Damar learned upon arriving back on Cardassia Prime that he had more of an impact on all Cardassians than he thought. The entire civilian population eventually joined Damar's rebellion and was able to cause a planet-wide blackout during the Battle of Cardassia. The confusion and lack of communication with their main headquarters enabled the allies to defeat the Dominion forces, forcing them to retreat to Cardassia Prime for one final stand. When the Dominion destroyed Lakarian City in retaliation for the blackout, the remaining Cardassian military forces switched sides, helping the Federation Alliance defeat the Dominion once and for all. (DS9: "The Dogs of War", "What You Leave Behind")

By the end of the Dominion War, Cardassia Prime was devastated by orbital bombardment and Jem'Hadar raids by the Dominion, who wished to wipe out the Cardassian species for their betrayal. Over 800 million men, women and children were slaughtered in the planet-wide genocide. The Cardassian military was reduced greatly from two years of total war with the Federation Alliance, an entire Order was wiped out from a single engagement, and their economy was crippled. Cardassia Prime had once again become a planet plagued with famine, death, disease and destruction, leaving the remaining Cardassians to rebuild. (DS9: "What You Leave Behind")
