Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
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This page contains information regarding Star Trek: Discovery, and thus may contain spoilers.

UFP-99 was a UFP-02-type Federation shuttlecraft operated by Starfleet in the late 32nd century. At the beginning of the pathway drive program, it was fitted with the prototype drive for testing.

In 3191, Ambassador Saru suggested that he take UFP-99 to negotiate with Primarch Tahal in person, as she would not perceive the arrival of a harmless shuttle as an aggressive act. Accompanied by Commander Nhan, he overtook Tahal's fleet using the pathway drive and successfully convinced her to turn back from intercepting Ruhn's dreadnaught.

Afterwards, Saru observed Tahal's forces under cloak, and learned that she had launched a scout to ascertain why the Federation had gone to such lengths to stop her. Saru pursued in UFP-99, and subsequently fired upon the scout to lure it close to Ruhn's dreadnought. The USS Discovery then spore jumped both Breen vessels to the galactic barrier. (DIS: "Lagrange Point", "Life, Itself")
