Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
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This page contains information regarding Star Trek: Discovery, and thus may contain spoilers.

The Breen fighter was a small warp-capable warship used by the Breen Imperium as a fighter and scout ship during the late 32nd century. It was equipped with directed energy weapons and a cloaking device.

In 3191, Ruhn's dreadnaught launched forty fighters against the USS Discovery. Discovery managed to lure the fighters into a plasma region that they then detonated with a spread of photon torpedos. All of the Breen fighters were destroyed in the ensuing explosion.

Meanwhile, Primarch Tahal deployed a cloaked Breen fighter as a scout to ascertain why the Federation was so determined to deter her fleet from intercepting Ruhn's dreadnaught. Ambassador Saru and Commander Nhan, aboard UFP-99, engaged the scout and drew it close to the dreadnaught, whereupon both Breen vessels were spore jumped to the galactic barrier by Discovery, decades of travel away from Breen space. (DIS: "Life, Itself")
