Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Krulmuth-B portal inactive

Krulmuth-B portal inactive...

Boimler and Mariner at portal

...and active

The Krulmuth-B portal was a time portal located on surface of the planet Krulmuth-B that was believed to be thousands of years old. It consumed horonium to open bidirectional passages to the past, and bore glyphs in an ancient Nausicaan dialect reading "this is a time portal".

In 2381, the USS Cerritos was assigned to take routine sensor readings of the portal and ensure that there were no problems. Ensign Beckett Mariner volunteered to lead the mission, knowing that it was one of her friend Ensign Brad Boimler's "all-time favorite portals". At the site, Ensign Sam Rutherford accidentally activated the portal with the radioisotopes emitted by his holo-camera. Boimler was pulled inside and transported to 2259, where an away team from the USS Enterprise had arrived after detecting the portal's activity.

Shortly after, the portal was taken by the Orion science vessel D'Var. With Boimler's assistance, the Enterprise crew tracked down the D'Var and traded their cargo of tritriticale grain for the portal. However, before Boimler could use it again, Mariner also came through from the future in an attempt to rescue him. Her transit depleted the portal's horonium supply, though the Enterprise crew was able to extract more from a component originally from the Enterprise NX-01 that had been installed on the Enterprise during its construction.

At the portal, the Starfleet personnel found Captain Harr Caras of the D'Var and his landing party blocking their way. Caras had been promised the portal earlier by Boimler, in an abortive attempt to recover the tritriticale. Captain Christopher Pike brokered an agreement by which the Orions would receive credit for discovering the portal, in exchange for allowing Boimler and Mariner through. After the two returned to their own time, the portal lay inactive for over 120 years until the Cerritos' arrival. (SNW: "Those Old Scientists")
