Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Federation-Borg conflict was a series of engagements between the United Federation of Planets and the Borg Collective stretching from the mid-2360s to 2401.


In 2153, the remains of the Borg Queen's sphere, which had been destroyed after time traveling back to prevent First Contact, (Star Trek: First Contact) were uncovered by a research team in the Arctic, leading to the reactivation of several surviving Borg drones who assimilated the research team and Arctic One and attempted to return to the Delta Quadrant. Although the ship was destroyed by the Enterprise NX-01, the Borg were able to send subspace message to the Delta Quadrant detailing Earth's location, one that would take until the 24th century to arrive. (ENT: "Regeneration")

By 2347, the Federation was aware of the existence of the Borg due to accounts of surviving members of species that had fallen victim to them, but emphatical data was very scarce, mostly taking the form of rumors of their ships and the Borg being cybernetically enhanced. As a result, in 2347, the Federation Council on Exobiology supported Doctors Magnus and Erin Hansen's independent research mission to study the Borg on the USS Raven. Accompanied by their daughter, Annika, the Hansens set out and, after eight months of searching, encountered a Borg cube and followed it through a transwarp conduit to the Delta Quadrant. The Hansens were able to develop various technologies to protect themselves as they studied the Borg and studied them for three years before being captured and assimilated. (VOY: "The Gift", "The Raven", "Dark Frontier")

Early incursions[]

In 2364, the Borg devastated several Federation and Romulan outposts along the Romulan Neutral Zone in the Beta Quadrant, although neither side were aware of who the culprit was until later. (TNG: "The Neutral Zone", "Q Who")

Encounter in System J-25[]

In 2365, humanity made first contact with the Borg when Q displaced the USS Enterprise-D to System J-25 where it encountered a Borg cube. The Enterprise failed to cause any significant damage to the cube and was unable to outrun it, leaving the starship in danger of being captured or assimilated. When Captain Jean-Luc Picard begged for his help, Q ended the encounter by returning the Enterprise to Federation space.

Afterwards, Guinan, who's species had been nearly wiped out by the Borg, warned Picard that since the Borg were now aware of Humanity's existence, they would be coming for them. (TNG: "Q Who")

First invasion of the Alpha Quadrant[]

In 2366, the Borg began an invasion of the Alpha Quadrant which was first detected after the New Providence colony was destroyed. Despite having known for over a year that the Borg were coming, Starfleet was unprepared for the incursion who Commander Elizabeth Shelby was able to confirm were responsible by comparing the "Borg footprint" left on the damaged sections of the Enterprise with the destroyed colony.

Investigating a distress call from the USS Lalo, the Enterprise found the invading cube which matched the dimensions of the one encountered previously exactly. The Borg proceeded to personally hail Picard and demand his surrender, but Picard refused and engaged the cube. The skirmish ended with the Enterprise damaged and forced to flee after breaking free of a tractor beam, but the cube forced the ship out of the nebula that it was hiding in and sent a boarding party who captured Picard. Despite an attempt to rescue Picard, he was transformed into Locutus of Borg, something that was overseen by the Borg Queen herself as the Borg Queen intended for Locutus to become her equal counterpart. (TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds"; Star Trek: First Contact)

Using Picard's tactical knowledge, the Borg cube engaged Starfleet in the Battle of Wolf 359, one of the most destructive battles in Federation history prior to the Dominion War. In a matter of minutes, 39 ships were destroyed and 11,000 people were killed or assimilated by the Borg. (TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II", "The Drumhead"; DS9: "The Emissary")

The cube then pressed on towards Earth, but was intercepted by the Enterprise. Under the command of acting captain William T. Riker, the ship performed a saucer separation and attacked the cube as a distraction for Lieutenant Worf and Lieutenant Commander Data to beam onboard the cube and capture Locutus. However, the cube resumed course towards Earth, easily destroying the Mars Defense Perimeter sentry pods that were acting as a last line of defense and entering orbit. Data interfaced with Locutus in an attempt to free Picard of the Borg control and use the captain's link to the Borg Collective against them. Although Data was unable to access their weapons or power systems, Picard broke through the Borg control of his body to tell Data to issue a sleep command, putting the Borg cube and everything on it into a regeneration cycle. Data's command caused the Borg's power net to feedback on itself and ultimately for the Borg cube to self-destruct, ending the invasion. (TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II")

Picard's implants were subsequently removed, and he was returned to his full Human form. However, unbeknownst to anyone, the Borg had changed Picard on a genetic level when he was transformed into Locutus with the changes being beyond what even a normal Borg drone would receive. This would transform Picard into an organic receiver for the Borg Collective, causing Picard to maintain a residual link with the Collective even with his implants removed. Over the years, the effects that this had on his brain would cause Picard to get misdiagnosed with Irumodic Syndrome. (TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II", "Family", "All Good Things..."; Star Trek: First Contact; PIC: "Võx")

One of the responses to this invasion was Starfleet placing greater emphasis on its essential role in defense of the Federation for the first time in decades. This led to the development of the Defiant-class starship, a warship intended to counter the Borg. However, the prototype USS Defiant failed to perform well in its initial trial runs. Several design flaws combined with the Borg threat becoming less urgent ultimately led Starfleet to abandon the project and place the prototype ship in storage until the threat of the Dominion led to it being called into service. (DS9: "The Search, Part I")

Hugh and Lore[]

In 2368, the Enterprise responded to a distress call from what turned out to be a Borg scout ship crashed on a moon inside of the Argolis Cluster. Although most of the crew was dead, a single surviving Borg drone was found and brought aboard the Enterprise for treatment by Doctor Beverly Crusher over the objections of Picard.

Picard saw this as an opportunity to destroy the Borg once and for all even though it would be an act of genocide. Lieutenant Commanders Geordi La Forge and Data were able to devise an invasive program that would send the entire Collective into total systems failure. However, the drone adopted the name Hugh and began to develop his own sense of individuality. With another scout ship approaching, Hugh decided to return to the Collective rather than continue to risk his new friends with Picard choosing not to send him back with the program. (TNG: "I Borg")

Subsequently, Hugh's newfound sense of individuality proved to be almost as deadly to the Collective as any file stored in his memory could be. His experiences on board the Enterprise-D were spread to other drones, and eventually Hugh's cube fell into a complete state of disarray. The Borg's sense of shared identity had been disrupted, and they were no longer able to function. The Collective disconnected Hugh's ship from the hive mind and left the cube drifting in space until 2370, when it was discovered by Lore, Data's brother.

Lore assumed leadership over the group, allowing the drones to maintain their individuality, but otherwise taking control of them, running tests on various drones and leaving them with horrific injuries. Disapproving of his leadership, Hugh formed an unground group of Borg outside of Lore's control. Lore acquired a Borg ship and built a base on a remote planet and began attacking Federation planets and outposts with the help of his rogue Borg forces. Eventually, the Enterprise managed to destroy the Borg ship while Data deactivated Lore, leaving Hugh in charge of the surviving rogue Borg forces. (TNG: "Descent", "Descent, Part II")

Second invasion of the Alpha Quadrant[]

In 2373, the Borg launched a second invasion of the Alpha Quadrant with a Federation colony on Ivor Prime being destroyed shortly before stardate 50893.5. News or evidence of the attack reached nearby Deep Space 5, and long-range sensors detected a single Borg vessel. Vice Admiral Hayes was immediately informed, when it was determined the cube was on a direct course for Earth. Due to fears that Picard's previous experience with the Borg as Locutus would add an "unstable element to a critical situation," Picard and the USS Enterprise-E were ordered to patrol the Romulan Neutral Zone instead of participating in the fight.

The cube engaged the Federation fleet in the Battle of Sector 001, destroying at least 20 ships and shattering the defense perimeter, including Hayes' flagship. Realizing that the battle wasn't going well, Picard took the Enterprise-E to Earth in violation of his direct orders where the cube had reached orbit despite suffering heavy damage to its outer hull and power grid fluctuations. Picard had the Enterprise beam aboard the survivors of the stricken USS Defiant which while disabled, remained salvageable. Taking command of the fleet, Picard used his residual link to the Collective to have the fleet target a seemingly non-critical part of the cube, destroying. As the Borg cube was destroyed, it launched a Borg sphere -- a type of Borg vessel not seen before, a tactical move that may have been the Borg's plan all along. The explosion of the cube also claimed several nearby Starfleet ships. (Star Trek: First Contact)

Combined with the Federation's war with the Klingons, this second Borg invasion greatly weakened the Federation and depleted Starfleet's strength to the point that defeating the Dominion when they entered the Alpha Quadrant in full force was assessed to be impossible. (DS9: "In Purgatory's Shadow")

Disrupting First Contact[]

Commanded by the Borg Queen herself, the Borg sphere that was launched in Earth orbit opened a temporal vortex and traveled back in time to 2063 in order to disrupt First Contact between Humans and Vulcans, thus rendering Earth vulnerable to assimilation. In an alternate timeline briefly witnessed by the USS Enterprise-E, which had been protected by a temporal wake, the assimilated Earth in 2373 had an atmosphere containing high concentrations of methane, carbon monoxide, and fluorine as well as a population of nine billion Borg drones.

The Enterprise followed the Borg sphere through the vortex and found it firing on the silo where the Phoenix was housed. The Enterprise quickly destroyed the Borg vessel with quantum torpedos before the Phoenix could be destroyed, but the Borg Queen and a number of her drones were able to beam to the Enterprise where they took over the ship as the crew attempted to aid Zefram Cochrane in repairs so as to make sure that First Contact occurred.

Although the Borg plan was successful at first, assimilating the ship and several of the crew, including Lieutenant Commander Data, it was ultimately foiled when Data chose to with Humanity over the Borg. Data and Picard were able to kill the Borg Queen, deactivating her drones, while the rest of the crew led by Commander William T. Riker aided Cochrane in making his historic flight, correcting the timeline. Once First Contact had occurred, the Enterprise returned to its own time. (Star Trek: First Contact)

Ninety years later, the wreckage of the sphere would be found, setting into motion the events that led to a message being sent to the Delta Quadrant in the first place. (ENT: "Regeneration")

Delta Quadrant conflicts[]

Early encounters[]

In 2371, the USS Voyager was pulled into the Delta Quadrant, the home territory of the Borg, by the Caretaker. In 2373, on its journey home, Voyager began finding signs that it was nearing Borg space. On the Sakari colony, they learned that an unknown alien species had decimated most of the population years earlier, discovered to be the Borg when Commander Chakotay found the ancient remains of a Borg drone on the planet. (VOY: "Caretaker", "Blood Fever")

Shortly thereafter, a derelict Borg cube was found adrift in the Nekrit Expanse, having been disabled by an electrokinetic storm. The Cooperative's successful efforts to link the freed drones from the cube together resulted in the cube and the remaining drones onboard being reactivated. However, the New Cooperative was able to activate the cube's self-destruct. (VOY: "Unity")

Federation-Borg alliance[]

At the end of the year, Voyager finally entered the heart of Borg space, only to discover that the Borg were at war with Species 8472, aliens from fluidic space. Determining that the aliens threatened the entire galaxy, Captain Kathryn Janeway made a deal with the Borg where Voyager would help the Borg defeat their enemies in exchange for safe passage through Borg space. Represented by Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix 01, the Borg accepted the deal and formed an unprecedented alliance with the Federation against their common enemy. Together, using bio-molecular warheads developed by The Doctor with Borg nanoprobes, the Borg and the Federation drove Species 8472 back into fluidic space, but it was discovered in the process that the Borg had provoked the war by invading the aliens' home and attempting to assimilate them. (VOY: "Scorpion", "Scorpion, Part II")

At the end of the conflict with Species 8472, Seven of Nine was permanently severed from the Borg Collective and reverted back to her original Human appearance with The Doctor removing 82% of her Borg implants. While ascending into a non-corporeal lifeform, Kes used her powers to push Voyager 9,500 light years closer to Earth, shortening by ten years and pushing the ship 10 years closer to Earth. Seven was subsequently allowed to join the crew, at first under restrictions until the former drone could prove her trustworthiness. (VOY: "Scorpion, Part II", "The Gift")

Due to the defeat of Species 8472, the Borg were able to continue on their path of assimilation, and some, such as Arturis of Species 116, blamed Voyager's intervention in the war and tried to take revenge for the events. (VOY: "Hope and Fear")

Voyager's involvement in the conflict led Species 8472 to dismiss the Borg as "irrelevant" and focus their efforts on Humanity, as they had proven themselves much more dangerous with the use of the bio-molecular warhead. In response, they built several terraspheres in the Delta Quadrant containing simulations of Starfleet Headquarters, and genetically modified themselves to resemble Alpha Quadrant species.

In 2375, Voyager discovered Terrasphere 8 by chance after detecting an ersatz Federation signal. Species 8472 subsequently captured Commander Chakotay, who was on a reconnaissance mission on the terrasphere, believing a Federation attack was imminent. The crew of Voyager managed to convince them that they had no contact with Earth and no hostile intentions, and were able to broker a cease-fire in which they offered the modified nanoprobes in exchange for data on Species 8472's technology. Afterward, Species 8472 returned to fluidic space. (VOY: "In the Flesh")


In 2375, a transporter accident on Voyager created a Borg drone with 29th century technology who started going by the designation of One. A proximity transponder summoned a Borg sphere with One's modifications to Voyager not being enough to counter the Borg ship. Eventually, One beamed aboard the sphere and steered it into a proto-nebula, causing the ship's destruction. Although One survived, he was fatally wounded in the process and declined any medical treatment as his very existence posed a threat to Voyager. (VOY: "Drone")

Theft and Seven's abduction[]

Later that year, Voyager came into conflict with a Borg probe and acquired several data nodes, inspiring Janeway to raid a damaged Borg sphere for its transwarp coil which could be used to take years off of Voyager's journey home. Although the raid was successfully executed with the help of technology developed by Seven's parents Magnus and Erin Hansen, the Borg Queen contacted Seven and threatened to destroy Voyager if she would not rejoin the Collective, forcing Seven to remain behind.

Seven was transported to the Borg unicomplex where the Borg Queen who claimed that the Borg had purposefully let Voyager separate Seven from the Collective. The Borg intended to use Seven's individuality and experiences to do what they had failed to do twice before and assimilate the Human race and forced Seven to aid them in the assimilation of Species 10026. Seven helped several members of the species escape in a damaged ship which the Borg Queen, after initially stopping the escape, surprisingly allowed to happen following pleading from Seven.

The Borg Queen revealed that the Borg had developed a nanoprobe virus to surreptitiously assimilate highly resistant species which the Borg intended to release on Earth in order to assimilate Humanity. While this method would take several years, the Borg were content to wait and wanted Seven to program the nanoprobes for them, employing threats and psychological manipulation in an attempt to get her to comply.

Having deduced that Seven was forced to rejoin the Borg, Janeway launched a rescue mission for her using the stolen transwarp coil, the Hansens' technology, and the Delta Flyer. Detecting Janeway's attempts to communicate with Seven using her interplexing beacon, the Borg were able to adapt to the multi-adaptive shielding used by the Delta Flyer due to their assimilation of the Hansens. Janeway and Lieutenant Commander Tuvok beamed aboard the unicomplex with Janeway threatening the Queen to get the Borg to back off while Tuvok disabled the shielding around the area so that they could beam out. Although the Borg Queen put up a dispersal field, Seven chose the side of Humanity and aided Janeway in disabling it, allowing the Delta Flyer to beam out Janeway, Seven, and Tuvok and escape. The Borg Queen's ship chased the Delta Flyer through a transwarp conduit, but Voyager collapsed the conduit for at least a light year by firing a full spread of photon torpedoes at the threshold, destroying the Borg ship.

Afterwards, the stolen Borg transwarp conduit got Voyager 20,000 light years and fifteen years closer to home before burning out. (VOY: "Dark Frontier")

The young Borg[]

In 2376, Voyager encountered another derelict Borg cube populated by five adolescent Borg drones. One of the drones, Icheb, had been genetically engineered by his people, the Brunali, to carry a pathogen which had decimated the population of the cube. Although the drones sent a distress call which the Collective had received, the rest of the Borg were uninterested in retrieving them and had permanently severed the young drones' connection to the hive mind. Voyager convinced Icheb and three of the other drones to leave with them while the cube itself was ultimately destroyed. The four former drones had most of their implants removed and regained their individuality as Icheb, Mezoti, Azan, and Rebi. While Voyager was never able to find Mezoti's people, they found Azan and Rebi's and the three left with them in 2377. (VOY: "Collective", "Child's Play", "Imperfection")

Later in 2376, Voyager attempted to return Icheb to his parents, only to have them attempt to use Icheb to spread their biological weapon to the Borg once again. Realizing the Brunali's intention, Voyager attempted to rescue the boy from a Borg sphere that had been drawn to the planet. Although caught in the sphere's tractor beam, Voyager beamed a photon torpedo onboard the Brunali transport vessel and detonated it as the transport passed into the Borg ship's docking bay. The damage knocked out the tractor beam and allowed Voyager to escape with Icheb. (VOY: "Child's Play")

Unimatrix Zero[]

In 2377, Seven was contacted by Axum, a Borg drone representing Unimatrix Zero, a virtual world where Borg drones with a genetic mutation could exist free of the hive mind while in their regeneration cycle. As a Borg drone, Seven had also been a part of this, but none of the drones involved could remember their experiences in the real world with the number of drones who made up it being estimated to be 12,000 or more. Axum sought Seven and Voyager's help to spread a nanovirus to mask their genetic mutation, making it impossible for the Collective to detect them as Unimatrix Zero had come under threat from the Borg Queen. Having been a member of Unimatrix Zero for eighteen years, Seven brought the idea to Janeway who saw the chance to build a resistance movement within the Borg and The Doctor was able to modify the nanovirus to nullify their cortical inhibitor so that the drones could retain their memories about Unimatrix Zero while being a part of the Collective.

Resisting warnings from the Borg Queen not to interfere and even an offer to send Voyager back to Earth in exchange, Janeway, Tuvok, and B'Elanna Torres boarded a Borg tactical cube and, protected by a neural suppressant, allowed themselves to be partially assimilated, although the Delta Flyer was destroyed in the process. This enabled the team to infiltrate the cube's central plexus and release the nanovirus. The Borg Queen began losing contact with drones possessing the mutation and attempted to force Janeway to help her develop an antidote, going so far as to destroy entire ships in an attempt to contain it without success.

Eventually, the Borg managed to reprogram the nanovirus to shut down the autonomic functions of the drones with the mutation which would kill them within minutes. After learning that the Borg Queen intended to release it personally from inside of Unimatrix Zero, Janeway seemingly conceeded, but secretly ordered Chakotay to destroy Unimatrix Zero which would protect the members of it while allowing them to retain their individuality in the real world. Voyager and a Borg sphere commanded by General Korok, an assimilated Klingon from Unimatrix Zero, used their deflector emitters to disrupt the interlink frequency of Unimatrix Zero, destroying it as the residents awakened from their regeneration cycles. Working together, Voyager and the Borg ship rescued Janeway's team from the tactical cube just in time as the Borg Queen initiated its self-destruct in a failed attempt to stop them.

Although this resulted in the destruction of Unimatrix Zero, it also resulted in the creation of a fleet of multiple Borg vessels under the control of former drones, these drones going on to make up the resistance movement against the Borg; Unimatrix Zero was gone, but the drones themselves had survived. It is unknown if any of those drones did succeed, although Korok promised to stay in contact with Voyager. (VOY: "Unimatrix Zero", "Unimatrix Zero, Part II")

Decimation of the Borg[]

In 2378, Voyager was approached by an Admiral Kathryn Janeway from the 2404 of an alternate timeline where the ship had taken a number of years more to return home. Bringing with her advanced technologies developed from decades of fighting the Borg, Admiral Janeway attempted to take Voyager home years early using the Borg transwarp network. Unable to counter the ablative armor and transphasic torpedoes that the Federation ship was equipped with, the Borg Queen was reluctantly forced to let them pass. However, upon discovering the transwarp hub inside of the nebula that Voyager was directed to, Captain Janeway abandoned their course in favor of finding a way to destroy such a vital Borg asset despite her future self's warnings that the hub was too well protected to do both.

Eventually, the two Janeway's devised a plan to both get Voyager home and strike a devastating blow to the Borg. Admiral Janeway traveled to the Borg unicomplex where she contacted the Borg Queen and offered her the advanced technologies in her possession in exchange for the Queen sending a Borg cube to forcefully tractor Voyager back to the Alpha Quadrant, claiming that it was to protect her own Collective. However, the Borg Queen was able to locate the admiral and captured and assimilated her, unaware that Admiral Janeway had planned for this: before leaving Voyager, Captain Janeway had injected her future self with a neurolytic pathogen which was spread amongst the Collective when Admiral Janeway was assimilated, cutting the Borg Queen's control over the majority of the Collective.

With the Borg Collective thrown into chaos and the Queen literally falling apart, Voyager was able to enter a transwarp conduit leading back to the Alpha Quadrant, destroying the interspatial manifolds and setting off a chain reaction that consumed the entire transwarp network. The Borg Queen discovered that Sphere 634 could still hear her thoughts and redirected it to destroy Voyager, rationalizing that by killing Captain Janeway in the present, neither Admiral Janeway nor her pathogen would exist. The Borg Queen died of the pathogen while the unicomplex self-destructed, killing the trillions of drones there as well as Admiral Janeway, shattering the already broken hive mind. With the Borg having adapted to the Voyager's armor, Janeway had her crew allow the ship to be brought into the sphere's docking bay.

The transwarp conduit opened less than a light year from Earth where Admiral Owen Paris quickly scrambled all available ships to intercept. As Starfleet fired on the Borg sphere, Voyager destroyed it from inside with a transphasic torpedo and emerged from the wreckage, having finally made it home. (VOY: "Endgame")

The combination of the pathogen and the destruction of the transwarp network utterly decimated the primary Borg Collective, bringing it the very edge of destruction. While the Borg Queen survived, her cube was left stranded at the very edge of space, poisoned, and with no worlds to consume. Over the following decades, the Borg Queen would cannibalize her few remaining drones to survive and descend into insanity. (PIC: "The Last Generation")

A few Borg cubes were known to have survived, such as the Artifact, but they remained cut off from the Collective and were dormant. (PIC: "Maps and Legends"; LD: "wej Duj", "Twovix"; PRO: "Let Sleeping Borg Lie")

Peace time[]

In 2384, the USS Protostar visited a surviving Borg cube rendered dormant by the pathogen for information on the Vau N'Akat living construct. The young crew inadvertently woke the Borg up, but Zero, a Medusan, managed to send them back into dormancy. (PRO: "Let Sleeping Borg Lie")

By 2399, the Borg Reclamation Project was established at the Borg cube known as the Artifact. An independent organization by treaty and run by Hugh -- who'd had most of his Borg implants removed in the nearly 30 years since he had become the leader of Lore's rogue drones and had also become a Federation citizen -- the project sought to help the surviving Borg on the cube reclaim their individuality. These former drones would become known as xB which was meant to be the first step towards the establishment of a new identity that left the Borg past behind. However, according to Hugh, xBs were the most despised people in the galaxy. xBs were seen either as property to be exploited or hazards to be warehoused, although the Romulan Free State had a more expansive vision and saw the xBs as both. (PIC: "Maps and Legends", "The End is the Beginning", "The Impossible Box")

By 2401, the Federation had begun building the Sagan-class starships which were equipped with components derived from research on the Borg technology of the Artifact. (PIC: "The Star Gazer")

In 2401, led by the USS Stargazer, Starfleet made contact with a Borg faction led by an atypical Borg Queen who sought membership in the United Federation of Planets. This proved not to be the primary Collective, but one formed by the Borg Queen of an alternate timeline who had merged with Doctor Agnes Jurati in 2024. Jurati had convinced the Queen to form a new Collective based on choice while in the 21st century. Revealing the existence of a threat the source of which was unknown even to the Borg, the Borg and the Federation worked together to stop a destructive energy wave released by a massive transwarp conduit opening at the center of the Alpha Quadrant. Afterwards, Jurati's Collective were granted provisional membership in the Federation to watch over the transwarp conduit for whatever might eventually come through. (PIC: "The Star Gazer", "Hide and Seek", "Farewell")

Final end of the Collective[]

Following the end of the Dominion War in 2375, not all of the Changelings were pleased with the peace following the war and under the command of Vadic, who had suffered greatly as a part of Project Proteus, these Changelings broke away from the Great Link. (PIC: "Dominion", "Seventeen Seconds")

Following this divide in the Great Link, Worf was contacted by Odo, and warned of Vadic's break away, rogue terrorist faction. Out of the mounting fear of reigniting the Dominion War, Starfleet was not able to acknowledge their existence, and Vadic's forces slowly integrated themselves into the highest echelons of Starfleet itself, by using the very abilities they were given against their former tormentors. (PIC: "Seventeen Seconds", "Imposters")

The Borg Queen eventually made contact with Vadic and the two formed an alliance to destroy Starfleet and exact revenge by using the latent Borg DNA that had been placed in Admiral Jean-Luc Picard when he was transformed into Locutus of Borg and which had been passed down to his son Jack Crusher. In 2401, recovering Picard's original Human body from Daystrom Station, the Changelings used the fleet's transporter system to incorporate the Borg DNA into all Starfleet personnel, allowing for their assimilation via remote signal when the time came. (PIC: "Võx")

However, the plan experienced challenges when Picard and the crew of the USS Titan-A began working to protect Jack. In addition, they received help from Worf and Commanders Ro Laren and Raffaela Musiker who were investigating Changeling conspiracy. This culminated in the deaths of Vadic and her forces and the destruction of the Shrike, but in trying to understand what was going on with him, Jack was drawn to Jupiter where he met with the Borg Queen aboard her Borg cube where he allowed the Borg Queen to turn him into Võx and the command signal for the Collective. (PIC: "Imposters", "The Bounty", "Dominion", "Surrender", "Võx")

As Fleet Admiral Elizabeth Shelby, who had made her career developing ways to fight the Borg following the Battle of Wolf 359, demonstrated the new fleet formation mode, the assimilation of Starfleet and its young officers began. Under the control of the Collective, the assimilated officers began eliminating their older peers as anyone above twenty-five years old was immune to the takeover. While Seven of Nine and Raffaela Musiker stayed behind to retake the USS Titan-A while Picard and his old command crew fled in a repair shuttle.

Commodore Geordi La Forge took Picard, Worf, William T. Riker, Beverly Crusher and Deanna Troi to the Fleet Museum at Athan Prime where La Forge had secretly spent twenty years rebuilding the USS Enterprise-D which was now the only ship in the fleet immune to the Borg takeover. The Enterprise's old command crew reactivated the ship to combat the Borg one last time. (PIC: "Võx")

By the time that the Enterprise arrived at the Sol system, President Anton Chekov had sent out a planetary distress call describing the seemingly hopeless situation while Earth was defended by Sol Station and its planetary shields. Seven and several older crewmembers managed to retake the Titan and used its stolen cloaking device to break free of the automation and make attack runs, but eventually both the Titan and Sol Station were overwhelmed, and Earth's defenses fell, leaving the fleet to target all of the major cities for destruction.

The Enterprise confronted the Borg Queen's cube over Jupiter which proved to be only 36% operational. The Borg Queen lowered her defenses so that Picard could beam over, accompanied by Worf and Riker who sought the location of the beacon that the Borg were using to broadcast the command signal coming from Jack. As Picard faced off with the Borg Queen and attempted to save his son, Worf and Riker fought off a few surviving drones and located the beacon which proved to be at the very heart of the cube.

Taking the helm, Data was able to fly the Enterprise right into the heart of the Borg cube, despite La Forge believing it to be a path that not even a computer or the best pilot could navigate. However, as the beacon was interfaced right into the very substructure of the ship, destroying it would also destroy the Borg vessel and everyone on it. With no choice, the Enterprise fired, setting off a chain reaction as Picard finally convinced Jack to break free of the Borg. Telepathically sensing the away team's location, Troi flew the ship in to rescue them and the Enterprise escaped as the Borg cube exploded, killing the Borg Queen and destroying all that was left of the primary Borg Collective, bringing a final end to the Borg threat. (PIC: "The Last Generation")
