Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Borg Queen's cube was an immense Borg cube used by the Borg Queen in her attempt to assimilate Starfleet in 2401, thereby averting the extinction of the Borg through evolution. (PIC: "The Last Generation")


After establishing conscious mental contact with Jack Crusher, who possessed a unique ability to transmit an assimilation signal due to inheriting Borg-modified DNA from Jean-Luc Picard, the Queen used a hidden transwarp conduit to bring her cube to his shuttle, inside Jupiter's Great Red Spot. Jack boarded the cube and, overwhelmed by the Collective, allowed himself to be assimilated. The cube then directed most of its resources into a powerful beacon, with which it broadcast Jack's signal to take over the Federation fleet gathered above Earth for Frontier Day.

Borg beacon

The activated beacon inside the cube

The USS Enterprise-D subsequently arrived in the Sol system and detected the cube emerging from Jupiter's atmosphere. The cube lowered shields and redirected weapons, inviting Picard aboard to witness the Queen's victory. As Picard made his way to Jack and the Queen within the unimatrix array, William T. Riker and Worf sought out the beacon. The cube then opened fire on the Enterprise, though Beverly Crusher was able to neutralize its external turrets.

Borg Queen's cube explodes

The cube is destroyed by the Enterprise

Riker and Worf located the beacon at the center of the cube; with his android speed and reflexes, Data managed to pilot the Enterprise to it via a circuitous route within the cube's structure. Meanwhile, Picard plugged himself into the Collective and convinced Jack to willingly disconnect himself. The Enterprise destroyed the beacon with multiple phaser shots and photon torpedoes shortly after, triggering a cataclysmic chain reaction. Thanks to Deanna Troi's telepathic abilities, the Enterprise located and beamed aboard its people before escaping the cube. With the cube's destruction, the Queen's control over the Federation fleet was broken, halting the assault on Earth. (PIC: "Vox", "The Last Generation")

Technical data[]

The Queen's cube was far larger than previously encountered cubes, measuring tens of kilometers across, and mounted a large antenna cluster on every face. Its interior contained passages large enough to accommodate a Galaxy-class starship, which were lined with weapon emplacements. Ravaged by the neurolytic pathogen, only 36% of the cube still remained functional along with a handful of drones, the rest having been cannibalized to sustain the Queen. (PIC: "The Last Generation")

Close inspection of the hull suggests that the Queen's cube was at least partially composed of dozens of smaller cubes.
