Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

Crew of the USS Farragut during the late 2250s.

Crew manifest[]

Name Rank (final) Position Division Dates Species Note
Chapel, Christine Nurse Medical Prior to 2259 Human  
Garrovick Captain Commanding officer Command –2257   Killed in action
Kirk, James T. Lieutenant First officer Command 2250s Human  
Noonien-Singh, La'an Commander Command division officer Command 2260s Human Assigned to the Farragut in an alternate timeline.

Unnamed personnel[]

199 dead crewmen []

Two hundred crewmen, including Captain Garrovick, died as a result of an attack by the dikironium cloud creature in 2257. (TOS: "Obsession")

These crewmembers were only mentioned in dialogue.

Chief medical officer []

In 2259, the chief medical officer of the Farragut was a female. She was informed by several other Starfleet officers regarding Lieutenant Saul Ramon. One of his friends was worried about him, said he kept talking about seeing things that weren't there. First officer Kirk later checked in with the Farragut's doctor about other personnel that were showing signs of the same symptoms as Ensign Nyota Uhura and Lt. Ramon. (SNW: "Lost in Translation")

This chief medical officer was only mentioned in dialogue.

The Autobiography of James T. Kirk has the Farragut's chief medical officer as being Mark Piper.

Commanding officer[]

Captain Garrovick, who was killed in 2257, was later replaced by another commanding officer. This officer requested that Lieutenant Commander Una Chin-Riley of the USS Enterprise train Kirk and "show him the ropes." He felt Kirk was full of talent but still had one or two issues to work out before he began his commission as the Farragut's new first officer. (SNW: "Subspace Rhapsody")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

Engineering teams[]

These engineering teams assisted the team from the USS Enterprise in "mop[ping] up the problem systems" on Bavali Station, while the station's teams got the deuterium refinery up and running. (SNW: "Lost in Translation")

These engineering teams were only mentioned in dialogue.

Executive officer []

This officer served as the second in command of Farragut when the crew was partially decimated by the dikironium cloud creature in 2257. This officer noted in his log that "Lieutenant Kirk is a fine young officer who performed with uncommon bravery," and believed that Kirk had done everything he could to fire weapons. However, Kirk was much more critical of his own performance. (TOS: "Obsession") His position was eventually taken over by Kirk. (SNW: "Lost in Translation") According to Kirk, This officer kept his distance and nobody questioned him. (SNW: "Subspace Rhapsody")

This officer was only mentioned in dialogue.

According to the comic book story "Debt of Honor", this officer was Commander Art Chenowyth (β), and The Captain's Oath similarly used the name Commander Cheng. By contrast, the The Autobiography of James T. Kirk referred to him as Commander Coto.

Helm officer []

Farragut helm officer

the helm of the USS Farragut in an alternate 22266

This female officer served as the helmsman of the Farragut in an alternate 2266 where James T. Kirk served as captain. (SNW: "A Quality of Mercy")

This officer was portrayed by Ana Shepherd.

Kirk's replacement[]

This officer took over the position held by Lieutenant James T. Kirk upon his promotion to first officer. The several months that it took to train for this position temporarily held up Kirk's move to his new position. (SNW: "Lost in Translation")

This replacement was only mentioned in dialogue.

Transporter chief[]

The Transporter chief of the Farragut sent out a message to the USS Enterprise. (SNW: "Subspace Rhapsody")

Only this officer's title was seen onscreen.

External link[]
