Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

"Well, it's the shiniest gas station I've ever seen."
– Erica Ortegas, 2259 ("Lost in Translation")

Bavali Station was a Bavali Station-type Federation fuel refinery constructed by Starfleet in 2259. Located at the frontier of known space inside the deuterium-rich Bannon's Nebula, the outpost was expected to unlock "half the quadrant" for a new age of exploration. It was also positioned to counter recent expansionism by the Gorn, due to its proximity to their territory.

Despite its strategic importance, construction of the station ran far behind schedule. The USS Enterprise and USS Farragut were tasked with expediting its completion, with Christopher Pike temporarily elevated to fleet captain for the duration of the project. It was discovered that the station had been sabotaged by Lieutenant Saul Ramon, under the influence of extradimensional lifeforms that were bonded with deuterium atoms inside the nebula.

Ensign Nyota Uhura, who had also been contacted by the lifeforms, managed to decipher their cryptic communications as a cry of distress, as they were being killed by Starfleet's deuterium extraction operations. At her urging, the station was evacuated of all personnel, many aboard the station's escape pods, and destroyed by the Enterprise using photon torpedoes. (SNW: "Lost in Translation")

This station's name was only mentioned in writing.


  • Bavali Station personnel