Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Bannon's Nebula

Bannon's Nebula

Bannon's Nebula was an emission nebula located at coordinates 3372/5818. It had a complex structure with a density of 7.4e3×103 per cubic centimeter and a core radius of 8.3 light years. The nebula was a stellar nursery and rich in deuterium.

In 2259, Starfleet constructed Bavali Station inside the nebula, then at the frontier of known space. This deuterium refinery was expected to anchor exploration of the regions beyond and counter the Gorn presence nearby. Due to delays in its completion, the USS Enterprise and USS Farragut were assigned to expedite the process. Ensign Nyota Uhura discovered that the nebula was inhabited by extradimensional lifeforms bonded to deuterium atoms, who were obstructing the refinery's activation as they were being killed by Starfleet's deuterium extraction operations. At her urging, the Enterprise and Farragut released all the deuterium they had collected, and destroyed the station. (SNW: "Lost in Translation")

This nebula was named in honor of Melissa Navia's late partner Brian Bannon. [1]
