Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Captain Garrovick was a male Starfleet officer who lived in the mid-23rd century. He was the commanding officer of the Federation starship USS Farragut and the father of Ensign David Garrovick.

USS Farragut

Captain Garrovick served as the Farragut's commanding officer until his death in 2257.

James T. Kirk had his first deep space assignment under Garrovick, who Kirk later characterized as one of the finest men he had ever known. During a mission to Tycho IV in 2257, Garrovick and two hundred of his crew were killed by a dikironium cloud creature.

Kirk felt survivor guilt over his captain's death; it was not until many years later that Kirk learned there had been very little he could have done to prevent the disaster, as phaser fire had no effect upon the creature. After the creature was finally killed, Kirk offered to tell Ensign Garrovick several tall stories about his father. (TOS: "Obsession")

By 2259, a new commanding officer had replaced the deceased Garrovick. (SNW: "Subspace Rhapsody")


Background information[]

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.


Who's Who in Star Trek 2 mentions Captain Garrovick's first name as "Stephen" in the "Starships" entry. Star Trek: Federation - The First 150 Years also calls him "Stephen", as does the Star Trek Into Darkness iTunes app, and the Star Trek New Voyages episode "In Harm's Way" (the latter spoken by Captain Pike to Captain Kirk when disputing that Kirk was captain of the Farragut). However, the Star Trek: The Original Series - Core Game Book gives him the first name "Thomas", while the game Star Trek: Starship Creator calls him "Joseph".

Garrovick's mirror universe counterpart was mentioned in the short story "The Greater Good", contained in the anthology Shards and Shadows. In 2264, he was the captain of the ISS Farragut and took great pleasure in humiliating Lieutenant James T. Kirk in front of the entire crew. In revenge, Kirk arranged for Garrovick and two hundred of his crew to be killed by a dikironium cloud creature. Kirk later claimed that he had slept sounder during the night after Garrovick's death than he had in years.

According to The Autobiography of James T. Kirk, Garrovick was in command of the USS Republic before being assigned to replace Captain L.T. Stone as captain of the USS Farragut. He transferred command of the Republic to Ronald Tracey.

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