Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The impostor "Eli Foster" was a renegade Changeling working under Vadic in the early 25th century.

In 2401, he murdered and replaced Eli Foster, a Human Starfleet operations division ensign assigned to the USS Titan-A, while the ship was at Sol Station. He stashed Foster's body in his quarters. (PIC: "No Win Scenario")

When Admiral Jean-Luc Picard and Captain William T. Riker boarded the Titan under the pretense of an inspection tour, Foster was part of the welcoming honor guard. (PIC: "The Next Generation")

He was on duty in the Titan's transporter room when Jack Crusher aimed a phaser at him. (PIC: "Disengage")

Foster was on duty at the back windows of the Titan with Ensign Vesco on lookout for the Shrike. In reality he was working in conjunction with Vadic, who sabotaged the Titan after he allowed an undetected leak aboard go unnoticed, a leak that allowed Vadic to track the Titan from her ship. After he discovered Jack Crusher attempting to clear the leak, Foster knocked Crusher unconscious, and restored the sabotage. He later planted a bomb in another section of the ship, which, after it exploded, caused the Titan to lose its warp drive. (PIC: "Seventeen Seconds")

Changeling as Titan security officer

... Posing as a security officer…

After he was discovered, he assumed the identity of a Human security officer and was on patrol when he spied Seven of Nine carrying a Changeling receptacle. He fell back behind his partner and shot her, before turning to Seven and vaporizing the pot. Seven hit Changeling's arm when she returned fire, causing him to lose his phaser, and he charged at Seven. Seven took several shots at the Changeling, before he reverted to his liquid state and escaped through a bulkhead.

Sidney La Forge (Changeling)

… before being killed while posing as La Forge

Later, when the modifications on the Titan were nearly complete, Captain Liam Shaw considered that if the Changeling was going to attack, that point in time would be when they were most susceptible. Shaw and Seven contacted Captain Riker on the bridge and between the three, established that no one was to visit the nacelle control room to assist. Minutes before the completion of the needed modifications, the Changeling entered the control room, posing as Sidney La Forge, who offered to assist Shaw. Seven, who had returned from a prior task, entered with a phaser pointed at the Changeling posing as La Forge. While the Changeling had seemingly passed off identify herself as the real La Forge to the helpless Shaw, she was discovered by Seven, after La Forge had failed to address her as "Commander Seven", and quickly killed. (PIC: "No Win Scenario")

Doctors Beverly Crusher and Ohk later performed an autopsy on the Changeling's body to determine why it had not reverted to a liquid state after death. They discovered that the Changeling had fully replicated La Forge's internal physiology, including blood (albeit without DNA), which turned to liquid only under intense dissection. (PIC: "Imposters")



Background information[]

Foster was primarily portrayed by Chad Lindberg.

In "No Win Scenario", the Changeling was played by Ashlei Sharpe Chestnut when posing as Sidney La Forge, and by stuntman Eric Watson when posing as the Titan-A crewmember.
