Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Commander Ohk, MD, was a female Trill who served as the chief medical officer aboard the USS Titan-A - later renamed the USS Enterprise-G - during the early 25th century.


Dr Ohk and Orion Titan Ensign 01

Ohk and an ensign treating Beverly Crusher.

In 2401, Doctor Ohk treated Dr. Beverly Crusher after the latter was beamed directly to the Titan-A's sickbay from the SS Eleos XII.

When Captain William T. Riker inquired on Crusher's condition, Ohk informed him that though the patient had suffered an arterial wound, Ohk had managed to stop the bleeding and believed Crusher would pull through. To facilitate Crusher's recovery, Ohk had her under heavy sedation and objected when Riker grabbed a hypospray and awakened Crusher. (PIC: "Disengage")

Ohk rejected Crusher's efforts to treat the wounded during the Shrike's subsequent attack on the Titan, dismissing her technical knowledge of their medical equipment as being out of date. However, Crusher's experience proved critical to saving Captain Liam Shaw's life after Ohk was unable to diagnose the cause of his deteriorating condition through modern medical scans. (PIC: "Seventeen Seconds")

Ohk was managing injuries in sickbay while the Titan was trapped in a gravity well in a nebula in the Ryton system, including the placement of Eli Foster in a body bag. (PIC: "No Win Scenario")

She subsequently welcomed Crusher's help and assisted her in the autopsy of a rogue changeling that had been killed after infiltrating the Titan. (PIC: "Imposters")

Ohk at communications

Ohk on the bridge during the Frontier Day battle

After the Titan's younger crew members were assimilated by a Borg signal on Frontier Day, Ohk and a few other unaffected personnel assisted Commanders Seven of Nine and Raffi Musiker in retaking the bridge. She then manned the communications station during the subsequent battle. (PIC: "The Last Generation")



Background information[]

Ohk was played by Tiffany Shepis.

Her joining status has never been confirmed, but since Trill symbionts tend to have very short names, it is likely that she is indeed joined and that Ohk is the name of the symbiont.
