Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

For the species that resembled blonde Humans, please see Edo.

Edosians (or Edoans) were a six-limbed, triped species native to the planet Edos.


Edosians had three arms, three legs, and three fingers on each hand – also called "hand-toes". (Star Trek: The Animated Series; LD: "Room for Growth") They were quite strong despite their relatively slender build: a single blow from an Edosian's fist was capable of breaking a desk in half. Additionally, they could emit a guttural roar when angered. (LD: "Much Ado About Boimler")

They were susceptible to the Dramia II plague. (TAS: "Albatross") While some smoked, others occasionally wore respirators. (LD: "Much Ado About Boimler", "The Inner Fight")


An Edosian Starfleet lieutenant named Arex was a member of the USS Enterprise crew from 2269 to 2270. (Star Trek: The Animated Series)

An Edosian medical specialist commanded the Division 14 ship Osler in 2380. (LD: "Much Ado About Boimler")

Another Edosian specialist, Toz, operated a retreat aboard the Dove in 2381. (LD: "Room for Growth")





Background information[]

The name of Arex's homeworld originated in a catalog published by Lincoln Enterprises in 1974, which included biographies of Arex and M'Ress. The Edosians were described as a peaceful, long-lived species worshiping many gods. Though the Animated Series may suggest that the Edosians are Federation members, the Lincoln biography claims they are merely in "loose alliance." Despite the information from the biography not originating in canon, the name of the planet seems to have been accepted in canon, and uses information from it.

Knowledge of the Edosian suckerfish among Humans, as mentioned in ENT: "These Are the Voyages...", suggests first contact with Earth, or its affiliated species, at a date prior to 2161.

Edosian luggage concept art was designed for use in LD: "Envoys", apparently inspired by Lwaxana Troi's case first seen in TNG: "Haven", though neither the luggage nor any Edosians ended up in the episode. [1]


Both Arex and M'Ress appeared in the DC Comics Star Trek title starting with issue #37 of Volume 1, both having been assigned to the USS Enterprise-A.

Arex also appeared in Star Trek Omnibus: The Original Series in the issues Star Trek: Year Four and Star Trek: Year Four - The Enterprise Experiment.

In the Star Trek: Titan novels, Lieutenant Kershu, an Edosian female, serves as a nurse aboard the USS Titan.

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