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Toz was a female Edosian who lived during the late 24th century. She served as commanding officer of the Dove in the year 2381.

That year, the Dove rendevouzed with the USS Cerritos when its captain, Carol Freeman placed her entire engineering staff on stress-related medical leave.

Having mastered the science behind relaxation, Toz provided them with lemonade and wristbands designed to monitor their tension levels. She then gave them a tour of the available facilities, which included a playpen of puppies, mud baths with mud from Tellar Prime, and wrecking rooms.

When Freeman discovered that her engineers were working instead of relaxing, she became so irate that her stress-level went to black. Alarmed, Toz realized that they'd been treating the wrong patient, and that Freeman was the one in need of the stress therapy. Toz informed the engineers that their captain had been repressing months' worth of stress and would need to be sent to Earth for a full medical diagnostic if she didn't respond well to treatment on the Dove. When Freeman's Chief Engineer Andy Billups objected, Toz told him that all of this could have been avoided had the engineers simply accepted their stress treatments in the first place.

When all traditional attempts to reduce Freeman's stress level failed, a stressed Toz lit up a cigarette and decided to contact Starfleet to have Freeman taken to Earth. However, before she had a chance, Billups and one of his engineers, Sam Rutherford rushed in, claiming that they built a device, constructed with one of Toz's turbolifts, to reduce stress. Freeman emerged from the device with her stress levels at normal. Toz noted that with one of these machines on every starship, there would no longer be a need for the Dove. after Freeman and her engineers left, Toz angrily ordered her assistant to get rid of the machine. (LD: "Room for Growth")

Toz was voiced by Mary Holland.

She is the first female Edosian seen in Star Trek.

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