Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
For the SNW episode of the same name, please see "Charades".

Charades was an Earth game in which someone used only gestures to convey a clue in the hopes that others would guess what they were trying to communicate.

During Spock and T'Pring's V'Shal dinner with their parents on the USS Enterprise in 2259, Christopher Pike suggested playing charades to stall for time, as Spock had been temporarily transformed into a full Human by the Kerkhovians and could not complete the required rituals. T'Pring's father Sevet was interested in trying the game. (SNW: "Charades")

In 2384 the crew of the USS Protostar successfully used charades to communicate their plan to Dal R'El when he was on the nearby USS Dauntless. (PRO: "Mindwalk")

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