Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Sevet was a male Vulcan who lived during the mid-23rd century. He was a long time associate of Sarek's, the husband of T'Pril, and the father of T'Pring.

For a Vulcan, Sevet was rather amicable, but was easily swayed by his protocol-strict wife, T'Pril; he often feigned a bit of absentmindedness to justify his opinions and align them more with his wife's.

In 2259, he joined his wife and T'Pring aboard the USS Enterprise. While aboard he found himself overly intrigued with Captain Christopher Pike's preparation of Vulcan dishes and with learning the Human game of charades. (SNW: "Charades")

In the novel Vulcan's Glory, T'Pring's father was named Solen (β).
