Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

"Trouble with the nebula, sir, is all that static-discharging gas clouds our tactical display. Visual won't function, and shields will be useless."
"'Sauce for the goose,' Mister Saavik. The odds will be even.
– Saavik and Spock, 2285 (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)

The Battle of the Mutara Nebula was the final engagement between James T. Kirk and Khan Noonien Singh. In 2267, Captain Kirk left Khan and his followers on Ceti Alpha V in exile. Because Kirk never returned to check on their progress, he had no way of knowing that a catastrophic environmental calamity had occurred that made Ceti Alpha V a desert wasteland, just months after Khan and his followers were left on the planet. Nearly twenty years later, Khan seized an opportunity to achieve what he had wanted for so long: the death of Kirk.


In 2285, the USS Reliant was on a survey mission to find a suitable location for Project Genesis, a Federation project to turn an uninhabitable world into an M-class planet. While examining what they thought was Ceti Alpha VI, Captain Clark Terrell and his first officer, Commander Pavel Chekov, were captured by Khan and his followers. He implanted each with Ceti eels and learned not only why they had come to the planet, but also where he may find James T. Kirk. Shortly afterward, Khan and his people took control of the Reliant, marooned the crew on Ceti Alpha V, and headed for the Regula I space station.


USS Reliant

The Reliant approaches the Enterprise

Meanwhile, the now-Admiral Kirk was inspecting the USS Enterprise when he received a transmission from Doctor Carol Marcus, who was stationed at Regula I. Chekov had already hailed her and had told the station's science team that Starfleet was taking control of Project Genesis now, the order coming directly from James Kirk. The ruse was quite effective; Marcus' team had been operating independently of the Federation on their project and Khan knew that they would contact Kirk and ask to confirm the order, bringing him to the remote science outpost Regula I.

When communication was broken, Kirk ordered the starship to proceed to Regula I. En route, they came face-to-face with the Reliant, which initially failed to open communications. In a serious lapse in judgment, Kirk disregarded Starfleet regulations dictating a defensive posture when encountering a non-communicative ship. As a result, Khan opened fire in a surprise attack, severely damaging most of the Enterprise's key systems, notably weapons, shields, and propulsion. Khan then hailed Kirk, agreeing not to destroy the Enterprise on condition that Kirk would hand over both himself and all of the information on the Enterprise computers relating to Project Genesis. Kirk feigned compliance with his old enemy, but surreptitiously had Spock transmit Reliant's prefix code, commanding the ship to lower its shields. As Khan frantically tried to locate an override option, Enterprise opened fire with it's phasers, crippling Reliant's photon torpedo launcher and warp drive. An enraged Khan, accepting Joachim's objections to re-engage, was forced to withdraw.

Sometime after the skirmish, the Enterprise engineering team was able to restore auxiliary power, and the ship resumed its course to Regula I. When Kirk and an away team boarded the station, they found that several members of the science team had been murdered. They also found, in a small container, Chekov and Terrell, now traumatized. The away team and the two Reliant officers then beamed down to nearby planetoid Regula and discovered the Genesis Device, along with Carol and her son, David Marcus. Khan, still controlling Chekov and Terrell through the Ceti eels, ordered them to kill Kirk. However, Terrell turned his phaser on himself, choosing suicide over murder. Chekov, overcome by the eel in his head, fainted, the creature exiting its host's body. Upon learning from intercepted communications that the Enterprise would be crippled for days, Khan decided to maroon Kirk on the planetoid while stealing the Genesis Device for himself.

However, in doing so, Khan made a major mistake, for the forecasts Spock gave about repairs were in a deceptively simple code that stated that the time needed for repairs was actually in hours. The crew managed to repair the weapons and impulse engines, although only partial main power was available. They beamed the landing party back, and Kirk ordered the ship go to battle stations. With the damaged Enterprise still outmatched by the Reliant, both in terms of firepower and speed, Spock advised that they proceed to the nearby Mutara Nebula, where the odds between both ships would become even, as static discharge from within the nebula would severely impair the effectiveness of the sensors and render a ship's shields completely inoperable.

The battle[]

"Sauce for the goose, Mister Saavik. The odds will be even."
– Captain Spock, 2285 (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)
USS Enterprise misses the Reliant

Enterprise narrowly misses Reliant as what would become known as the Battle of the Mutara Nebula commences

USS Enterprise hit by phasers amidship

Reliant inflicting severe damage to the Enterprise

The Enterprise fled towards the nebula, with the Reliant in pursuit. Khan ordered the launch of a photon torpedo that deliberately missed the Enterprise's starboard nacelle pylon, as a deterrent against entering the nebula. However, knowing the limitations of fighting within the nebula, the Reliant refrained from entering until Kirk opened communications and taunted Khan into pursuing the Enterprise inside. As Kirk anticipated with Khan's consistency with his temper, the Augment leader took the bait in a rage over the objections of his crew and renewed the pursuit at full impulse. Once they entered, both ships found that their shields were disabled and their visual and tactical systems were severely impaired. The conflict became a game of "hide and seek", with both vessels firing at each opportunity they got. On the second opportunity of firing, the Enterprise was just aft of the Reliant, but because phaser locks were rendered inoperable by the nebula, Sulu had little alternative but to aim them manually. As he was about to fire upon the Reliant, the Enterprise was rocked by storm activity within the nebula, jogging Sulu's aim, and the phaser fire narrowly missed the Reliant. In retaliation, the Reliant fired a torpedo from one of its aft launchers, comfortably missing the Enterprise.

Some minutes passed with no conflict until both ships saw each other almost on a collision course. As the Enterprise performed evasive maneuvers to starboard, Khan fired phasers on the Enterprise, disabling the ship's port torpedo launcher and further damaging the engineering section. This offensive forced Enterprise Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott to take main power off-line due to radiation leakage. The Enterprise was able to inflict significant damage to Reliant as well in the short firefight, firing phasers hitting just behind the bridge, killing much of Khan's bridge crew in the process, including his second-in-command, Joachim, crushed beneath a broken support beam.

USS Enterprise ambushes the USS Reliant

The Enterprise ascends

Contemplating where Khan's next attack might come from, Kirk realized he couldn't predict such a move by his foe. Spock then informed Kirk that, although Khan was highly intelligent, his critical weakness was his inexperience – his attack pattern indicated "two-dimensional thinking", Khan had not considered attacking from above or below. Having realized this weakness, Kirk ordered the ship to descend vertically and to standby on photon torpedoes. After returning to the bridge from medical treatment, Chekov offered his assistance to Admiral Kirk. Kirk ordered Chekov to man the weapons console.

USS Reliant's nacelle destroyed

The Enterprise destroying the Reliant's nacelle

USS Reliant disabled

Reliant, with one of its warp nacelles destroyed, and the ship heavily damaged in general, adrift in the nebula

The Enterprise crew caught Khan by surprise when his ship passed over the Enterprise, which allowed Kirk's ship to ascend behind the enemy and begin a brief but crippling onslaught on the Reliant at close range. First, a photon torpedo was fired from the starboard launcher, destroying the Reliant's own roll bar torpedo launcher atop the ship. Secondly, a phaser burst hit the Reliant's port warp nacelle, severely damaging it. Finally, a second torpedo was fired, which blew the damaged nacelle off the ship entirely, killed most of the rest of Khan's crew, and maimed Khan in the process. In spite of the severe damage that the Reliant had sustained and severe physical injuries, Khan was not ready to surrender. Commander Uhura hailed the Reliant, demanding its immediate surrender, but as a final act of vengeance, a dying Khan activated the Genesis Device, which would reorganize all matter in the nebula, including the Enterprise. The only way the Enterprise and its crew could possibly survive the detonation (four minutes from Khan's activation) would be to jump to warp, but the ship's main engines were still off-line. Thinking about a philosophical conversation that he had had with Kirk, Spock, having rushed to the engineering room, transferred his katra to Doctor Leonard McCoy and entered the mains control compartment, managing to repair the damage to the warp drive. The Enterprise jumped to warp seconds before the Reliant exploded. The detonation of the Genesis Device re-organized the matter within the Mutara Nebula and created a new planet designed by the device's matrix.


"The ship? Out of danger?"
"Don't grieve, admiral. It is logical. The needs of the many outweigh…"
"…The needs of the few."
"Or the one."
– Spock and James T. Kirk, 2285 (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)
McCoy receiving Spock's katra

Spock transfers his katra to McCoy. "Remember."

Enterprise's escape came at a great cost; the radiation that Spock exposed himself to caused severe enough injuries that he died. The surviving Enterprise crewmembers held a funeral for Spock and sent his body to the Genesis Planet in a photon torpedo casing. They rescued the crew of the Reliant from Ceti Alpha V and returned to Earth. There, Spock's father, Sarek, revealed to Kirk that, in order to return Spock's katra to Vulcan, his body would need to be recovered and returned to Mount Seleya. However, the Genesis Planet had since been declared off-limits due to the controversy surrounding the use of the Genesis Device – the Klingon Empire feared that the Federation could use it as a weapon. However, Kirk, willing to sacrifice his career to save Spock, gathered his other senior officers and headed for the Genesis Planet. Saavik and David Marcus were there on a mission to survey the planet, but their ship was destroyed by a Klingon Bird-of-Prey, manned by Klingons who were eager to obtain information on the device. Meanwhile, Spock had been reborn by the Genesis effect, but was suffering rapid aging.

The planet was on the brink of destroying itself when Kirk arrived, but the Klingons disabled the Enterprise and killed his son, David. Faced with a boarding party, Kirk activated the vessel's auto-destruct sequence. After beaming to the planet, he and his companions watched the Enterprise be destroyed, but they were eventually successful in locating Saavik and Spock. After defeating the Klingon commander, Kruge, in a brief hand-to-hand fight, Kirk managed to beam himself and the others to the Klingon Bird-of-Prey, and they escaped just as the planet destroyed itself.

With a ceremony that his crewmates witnessed on Vulcan, Spock's body was reunited with his katra.



Background information[]

The battle, as ultimately visualized, was conceived by Production Designer Joe Jennings and Art Director Mike Minor. At the "Star Trek Designers Talk Trek History At Art Directors Guild Event" in 2009, Jennings recalled how the battle was originally scripted as having the two vessels pounding at each other at close range in open space. He considered the battle thus scripted – likening it to a man-o'-war slugging match from the era of sail – ludicrous, pointing out that, more realistically, spaceships would go at each other in high-speed passes under open space circumstances (as was adopted in the Battle of Wolf 359 and Dominion War battle scenes in their respective, later Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episodes, as well as in the Star Trek: The Next Generation films, most notably Star Trek: First Contact). Together with Minor, Jennings came up with the concept of the Mutara Nebula knocking out both ships' navigational and tactical systems as a more believable rationale for the slower-paced close quarter combat between the two vessels, which was ultimately accepted by the writing staff. After the sequence was filmed, Jennings gleefully recalled Director Nicholas Meyer's reaction; "You were right. Thanks for not saying so!" (Star Trek: 45 Years of Designing the Future)

An element in the battle Joe Jennings considered equally ridiculous, but was not able to change, were the handlings performed in the torpedo bay – as the photon torpedos should have been fired directly from storage. In an interview in the Star Trek II director's edition DVD special feature "Designing Khan", he said that seeing the ensigns with hooks pulling the grating off the torpedo conveyor before launching it drove him crazy, since any real ship that took that long to load weapons would probably be destroyed in about ten seconds. Coincidentally, Jennings' concerns in this respect were later addressed by Nicholas Meyer in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, where it was indeed strongly implied that torpedos were fired directly from storage in scene 55, in which Captain Montgomery Scott uttered the line, "Negative, Captain. According to Inventory we're still fully loaded," after the Kronos One was unexpectedly hit by a torpedo volley from the Enterprise's torpedo bay.

Ironically, the battle was, three decades later, exactly re-enacted as originally scripted, including the sailing ships imagery (albeit flying ones) that it had conjured up with Jennings, in the 2011 version of The Three Musketeers, where the Star Trek battle was paraphrased as a pop culture reference.


According to the computer game Star Trek: Starfleet Academy, a recreation of this battle is now a standard training simulation at Starfleet Academy. Its primary educational purposes are to reinforce the importance of taking proper precautions when approaching a non-communicative ship (even a Starfleet vessel) and then to practice space combat in poor sensory conditions.

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