Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)
For the novel, please see Battlestations!.
"All decks, all stations. Battle stations."
Captain Jean-Luc Picard, 2364 ("Where No One Has Gone Before")

Battle stations was a general alarm used in naval operations (such as those that influenced the policies of Starfleet) when a starship was going into battle. On Federation starships, a battle stations alarm was usually made in addition to a red alert or an earlier tactical alert alarm.

On Deep Space 9 and the USS Defiant, personnel carried type 2 phasers while a battle stations alarm was in effect. This practice was also adopted on the USS Enterprise-E by 2379. (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior", "Call to Arms"; Star Trek Nemesis)


In 2152, when developing the protocol that would eventually come to be known as "tactical alert," Lieutenant Malcolm Reed stated to Captain Jonathan Archer that he wanted it to be "something a bit more comprehensive than battle stations." After some persuading, Archer agreed to consider the idea, but told him to think of something "less aggressive" to call it than "battle stations." (ENT: "Singularity")

In 2155 in the mirror universe, Captain Jonathan Archer ordered all hands to battle stations on the USS Defiant as the ship intercepted a battle between the ISS Avenger and a group of four rebel starships. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II")

In 2256, Captain Philippa Georgiou ordered battle stations aboard the USS Shenzhou when a Klingon fleet began firing upon it and other assembled Starfleet vessels. (DIS: "Battle at the Binary Stars")

In 2258 in the alternate reality, James T. Kirk, having just advanced to acting captain of the USS Enterprise, ordered that he wanted all departments at battle stations and ready in ten minutes as the ship pursued the Narada to Earth. (Star Trek)

In 2268, Captain James T. Kirk ordered all decks to battle stations on the USS Enterprise prior to an encounter with dikironium cloud creature with the note that it was not a drill. (TOS: "Obsession")

That same year, when a priority 1 distress call is received, an order is given to "man your battle stations, all hands" on the Enterprise. (TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles")

Not long after, when red alert sounded on the Enterprise, Lieutenant commander Jadzia Dax, who had been transported back in time with other members of the crew of the USS Defiant asked what they should do. Captain Benjamin Sisko replied that they should get to battle stations. (DS9: "Trials and Tribble-ations")

In 2293, Captain Hikaru Sulu ordered all hands to battle stations on the USS Excelsior during an attack by Kang's K't'inga-class battle cruiser. (VOY: "Flashback")

In 2364, Captain Jean-Luc Picard ordered all decks and all stations to battle stations aboard the USS Enterprise-D as the crew prepared to aid The Traveler in his attempt to return the vessel to the Alpha Quadrant from millions of light years away, even though the ship was not actually engaged in, nor entering a battle situation. (TNG: "Where No One Has Gone Before")

That same year, having been granted temporary command of the Enterprise-D with Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Commander William T. Riker trapped on the surface of Minos, Lieutenant Geordi La Forge called for both red alert and battle stations after the ship sustained an attack from a weapon originating from the planet. (TNG: "The Arsenal of Freedom")

Also that same year, both Riker and Lieutenant Worf advised battle stations to Captain Picard as the Enterprise-D discovered destroyed Starfleet bases in the Romulan Neutral Zone. Picard refused both this and the suggestion to go to red alert, but did consent to placing the vessel on yellow alert. (TNG: "The Neutral Zone")

In 2367, Captain Jean-Luc Picard ordered all hands aboard the Enterprise-D to stand to battle stations as the vessel prepared to proceed to confront a Romulan ship regarding the apparent kidnapping of Ambassador T'Pel. (TNG: "Data's Day")

In 2368, when the long-term memories of the crew of the Enterprise-D were temporarily erased by the impostor Kieran MacDuff, they were led to believe that the Federation was at war with a species called the Lysians and that their orders were to destroy the Lysian Central Command. As the ship approached the central command Captain Jean-Luc Picard called for red alert and battle stations. (TNG: "Conundrum")

In 2369, Commander William T. Riker ordered battle stations after the Enterprise-D received a distress call from the shuttlecraft of the archaeologist Professor Galen and the vessel dropped out of warp to discover the shuttle under attack by Yridians. Later, while investigating the mystery that had prompted the Yridians to attack, Captain Jean-Luc Picard ordered battle stations as the Enterprise entered the Loren system, suspecting that they might arrive at their destination of Loren III to find their competition waiting. (TNG: "The Chase")

That same year, when Counselor Deanna Troi and Lieutenant Commanders Data and Geordi La Forge visited a Romulan ship "frozen in time" that appeared to be attacking the Enterprise-D, they were surprised to discover that the crew were not at battle stations, but rather that the ship was on evacuation alert. This and other evidence led them to realize that what was happening was most likely not a Romulan attack. (TNG: "Timescape")

Also that same year, when Cardassian vessels surrounded Deep Space 9, which had moved to stake a claim on the newly-discovered Bajoran wormhole, Major Kira Nerys created a bluff that the station was protected with a complement of nearly 5,000 photon torpedos and integrated phaser banks on all levels. While the ruse was briefly effective, the bluff was soon called, forcing Kira to issue a call to battle stations. (DS9: "Emissary")

In 2371, Commander William T. Riker ordered all hands to battle stations on the Enterprise-D when a distress call from the Amargosa observatory stating that they were under attack. (Star Trek Generations)

That same year, Captain Kathryn Janeway ordered battle stations during a Vidiian attack on the USS Voyager. (VOY: "Fury")

In 2372, Captain Benjamin Sisko called for battle stations on Deep Space 9 when a fleet of Klingon vessels surrounded the station. (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior")

In 2373, Captain Jean-Luc Picard called for red alert and battle stations after Picard ordered the USS Enterprise-E to the Battle of Sector 001. (Star Trek: First Contact)

That same year, following a failed attempt to seal the Bajoran wormhole, Captain Benjamin Sisko called for battle stations when a Jem'Hadar fleet emerged. (DS9: "In Purgatory's Shadow")

Also that same year, Sisko declared battle stations when a large force of Dominion vessels approached Deep Space 9. (DS9: "Call to Arms")

Additionally that year, Janeway ordered battle stations on Voyager as a ship of the Etanian Order attempted to attack a colony planet of the Nezu. (VOY: "Rise")

In 2374, Janeway called for battle stations on Voyager prior to an engagement with Species 8472. (VOY: "Scorpion, Part II")

That same year, during an attack by the Krenim in an alternate timeline, Captain Kathryn Janeway declared "All hands, battle stations. This is turning into the Week of Hell." Sixty-four days later, Commander Chakotay ordered all hands to battle stations prior to another Krenim attack. (VOY: "Year of Hell")

Also that same year, Janeway ordered battle stations during an apparent attack on Voyager by the dream species. The event, however, was actually a fiction created as part of a collective unconsciousness to trick the Voyager crew into believing they were still awake. (VOY: "Waking Moments")

Additionally that year, Cadet / acting Commander Karen Farris called all hands to battle stations on the USS Valiant prior to the ship's beginning shadowing a Jem'Hadar battleship. (DS9: "Valiant")

In 2375, Chakotay ordered all hands to battle stations prior to an engagement with a Borg sphere. (VOY: "Drone")

In 2376, Captain Rudolph Ransom ordered all hands to battle stations on the USS Equinox prior to an engagement with Voyager. (VOY: "Equinox, Part II")

That same year, during a daydream of The Doctor's, Janeway declared battle stations on-board Voyager prior to an engagement with a Borg sphere. (VOY: "Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy")

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