Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)
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Marooning was the deliberate abandonment of members of one's crew. It could be done as a safety measure or to one's superiors and those on their side as part of a mutiny.

In 2258, James T. Kirk recorded a log in which he accused then-acting captain Spock of marooning him on the planet Delta Vega, an action he believed to be a violation of security protocol 49.09, which regarded treatment of prisoners held on a starship. He later clarified to Spock Prime, who seemed pleased to see an old friend, that the other Spock had marooned him for mutinying against him. (Star Trek)

In 2265, Captain James T. Kirk was forced to maroon Gary Mitchell after the lieutenant began exhibiting extraordinary powers that were a danger to the crew of the USS Enterprise. (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before")

In 2267, Kirk left Khan Noonien Singh, his followers and Marla McGivers on Ceti Alpha V, an action which Khan viewed as marooning. Upon being found by a landing party from the USS Reliant in 2285, Singh proceeded to do the same to them. He also expressed his wish to do the same to Kirk "for all eternity". (TOS: "Space Seed"; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)

Later that year, Kirk described his status following the desertion of Enterprise's crew to Omicron Ceti III as being marooned in orbit, given that he could not fly the ship himself even with automatic controls. (TOS: "This Side of Paradise")

In 2373, Benjamin Sisko was aghast at Yedrin Dax's suggestion that he deliberately maroon the crew of USS Defiant on the planet Gaia 200 years previous so that their colony would exist. (DS9: "Children of Time")

That same year, Cing'ta was a marooned on an inhospitable planet in the Badlands when the Maquis learned that he was an informant. (DS9: "For the Uniform")

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