Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Ankeshtan K'til

Ankeshtan K'til

Ankeshtan K'til or Ankeshtan K'til Retreat was a Vulcan criminal rehabilitation center located on the third moon of Omicron Lyrae. There, members of the El-Keshtanktil guided Vulcan inmates in purging the emotions that led them to commit their crimes, though activities such as calisthenics, gardening, and painting, so that they could return to civilized society.

In 2259, T'Pring served as a rehabilitation specialist at Ankeshtan K'til. That same year, her fiancé Spock's half-brother Sybok was imprisoned at Ankeshtan K'til under the alias of "Xaverius". As a result, Spock was targeted by the pirate Captain Angel, who had hoped to use Spock's life to blackmail T'Pring into freeing "Xaverius". (SNW: "The Serene Squall")
