Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Captain Angel was a pirate who commanded the Serene Squall, a pirate vessel that raided along the Federation border during the mid-23rd century.

Masquerading as former Starfleet officer Dr. Aspen, who was left stranded on an uninhabited planet, Angel boarded the USS Enterprise in 2259 to convince Captain Christopher Pike to aid in rescuing three colonial ships stranded outside Federation territory. Angel claimed that their Vulcan husband had been killed leading an aid mission that was raided by the Squall. Traveling through the decks with Lieutenant Spock while the pirates seized the ship, they eventually reached engineering, where Spock disabled the security lockdown initiated by first officer Una Chin-Riley just prior to the pirates taking the bridge. When he disengaged the lockdown, however, Angel rerouted control to the bridge and took full control of the ship, revealing their true identity.

Angel's mission was not only to take the Enterprise, but also to capture Spock himself. Their intention was to force a prisoner exchange from T'Pring, Spock's betrothed and an official with El-Keshtanktil, which rehabilitated Vulcans that strayed from the path of logic. On meeting with T'Pring along the Federation border, Angel proposed exchanging Spock for their own lover, Xaverius. From some of their adopted mannerisms, Spock deduced that "Xaverius" was in fact his own half-brother Sybok, a V'tosh ka'tur. Thanks to a ruse from Spock and Nurse Christine Chapel, along with Pike and the crew seizing control of the Squall, the effort failed. Though the Squall and its crew were captured, Angel escaped using a transporter built into a pendant around their neck, and fled in their own personal craft. (SNW: "The Serene Squall")

Angel was played by Jesse James Keitel.
