Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The 1st century was defined by the calendar of Earth as occurring from the year 1 through the year 100.




Circa 30
On Kaminar, the number of Kelpiens that has not passed Vahar'ai drop to zero, and evolved Kelpiens almost drive the Ba'ul to extinction. The Ba'ul turn the situation around with measures preventing the existence of post-Vahar'ai Kelpiens, theorized to be helped by their technological advantage. A spherical lifeform records data on the planet in this era. (DIS: "The Sound of Thunder")

Dialog established this era as around 2,300 years ago, but the computer display can be seen depicting a range of years spanning from at least 2,223 to 2,217 years ago. The exact time the Ba'ul population reaches its nadir can not be seen due to only parts of the screen being seen at a time, and likely is slightly before 2223.

Circa 85
Parmen marries Philana. (TOS: "Plato's Stepchildren")

In 2268, the 2,300-year-old Philana said she married Parmen when she was 117 years old.



Bust of Augustus Caesar

A bust of Augustus Caesar appears in TOS: "Space Seed".
In TOS: "Bread and Circuses", Spock noted that the culture of the planet 892-IV, was "an amazing example of Hodgkin's Law of Parallel Planetary Development, but that on this 'Earth', Rome never fell. A world ruled by emperors who can trace their line back two thousand years to their own Julius and Augustus Caesars".

The non-canon novel The Galactic Whirlpool reference the first six emperors of ancient Rome : Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, and Nero.

Christ is mentioned in TOS: "Bread and Circuses" and DS9: "Far Beyond the Stars".
He appears on many works of art including:

Furthermore, the Bible was referenced many time in the franchise.

Lazarus was among the many identities of Flint, mentioned in TOS: "Requiem for Methuselah".

The author of A History of Rome is mentioned in VOY: "Human Error".

Distant past Timeline 2nd century

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