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Marvel Database

James Howlett (Earth-92131) from X-Men '97 Season 1 001
Quote1 Been in a lot of wars, bub, the brave always die first. Quote2
Erik Lehnsherr (Earth-92131) from X-Men '97 Season 1 001
Quote1 Logan. Finally, this feud is OVER. Quote2


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The X-Men work to settle the score before it is too late.



  • The premise for this episode was heavily inspired by the storyline "Fatal Attractions."
James Howlett (Earth-92131) and Erik Lehnsherr (Earth-92131) from X-Men '97 Season 1 9 001

Magneto rips out Wolverine's Adamantium

  • DeMayo's Diner is a reference to series creator Beau DeMayo.
  • Cable's protest of the aesthetics of the X-Men uniforms is met by Cyclops retorting, "What did you expect? Black leather?" This exchange is an invertion of a similar exchange between Wolverine and Cyclops from the film X-Men, in which the former lampshades the X-Men's more flashy costumes from the comics by sardonically asking, "Well, what would you prefer? Yellow spandex?"
  • The idea of having some of the X-Men returning to older uniforms "was baked into the show from the start as it deals with nostalgia, how we look to the past to navigate the future, and which parts of us we leave behind and which parts we carry forward."[1]
  • The Blue Team that went to take on Magneto are a reference to the Pryde of the X-Men pilot episode, with Cyclops, Wolverine, and Nightcrawler being present and Jubilee taking the place of Kitty Pryde.
  • The Hulk's design more closely resembles his depiction from the 1996s Incredible Hulk show (currently designated on Earth-534834), rather than the design he had in his cameo on X-Men: The Animated Series.

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References


  1. ↑ DeMayo, Beau (May 7, 2024) Beau DeMayo on X: "@XTernal23 Yes, them going back to their OG costum... X. Archived from the original on May 18, 2024.