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Quote1 I thought of you while away. Of when my sister faced her darkness and emerged stronger. A survivor. A phoenix. All this change? It's all the same. Let us do what we do. Believe not in a dream or our gifts, but in each other. Quote2



As a child, Ororo was trapped in a collapsing building that killed her parents. This traumatic incident gave her a lifelong claustrophobia.[citation needed]

She spent her childhood an orphan in Cairo, Egypt working as a thief for the Shadow King who was disguised as a local crime lord. At the age of 11, Ororo pick pocketed a traveling American telepath, Charles Xavier. Xavier found the Shadow King and battled him telepathically. He managed to banish him to another plane of existence, freeing Ororo and the other orphans of Cairo.[1]

As a young girl, Storm moved to her mother's home of Kenya where she settled with her extended family in a small village in the Serengeti. It was here that her powers manifested, and and she was worshiped as a goddess. Her powers aided the village tremendously.[2] [3]

During this period, she helped a friend of hers deliver a son, MjNari, whom she resuscitated. This act earned her the title of godmother to the boy, who would later develop his own powers. Ororo returned to the village after the Shadow King returned and took control of her surrogate son. She and Rogue were able to send him back to his dimension and save MjNari.[2]


Ororo Munroe (Earth-92131) from X-Men The Animated Series Season 1 9 002

As a teenager, Ororo became a member of Xavier's mutant team of heroes; the X-Men, taking the name Storm. She became especially close to Gambit, whom she claimed to know better than anyone,[4] and Jean Grey, whom she came to consider a sister.[5]

When the young mutant Jubilee was attacked by Sentinels at a mall, Storm and fellow X-Men Rogue and Gambit came to her aid. When Jubilee was taken to the mansion, Storm explained the purpose of the X-Men to her and welcomed her to the team.[6] When the X-Men realized that the Mutant Control Agency was supplying the names of registered mutants to the Sentinels, Storm was tasked with leading Beast, Wolverine, and Morph into the agency's headquarters to destroy their records. The mission was a success, but Beast was captured and Morph died in the process.[7]

When Magneto returned and attempted to provoke a war with humanity by hijacking and launching nuclear missiles, Storm managed to stop the missiles, saving millions of lives.[8]

Xavier continued to groom her as field commander, alongside team leader Cyclops, but Storm feared her crippling claustrophobia would make her unsuitable for ever leading the team. After Cyclops and Jean Grey were kidnapped by the Morlocks, Storm was instrumental in freeing them and defusing the situation, proving that Xavier's trust in her was well placed. After defeating the Morlocks' leader Callisto, Storm became their new leader.[9]

After Gambit reported rumors that the island nation of Genosha was welcoming mutants, Storm, Gambit and Jubilee were sent to investigate. The rumors were revealed to be a ploy to lure mutants to the island, where the Genoshan government could enslave them and force them into servitude. Storm and the others were captured and forced to use their powers to construct a dam.[10] Storm attempted to escape, but the mutants were outfitted with collars that allowed the Genoshans to switch off their powers. Storm was captured, and nearly executed, but Gambit managed to convince them of her usefulness. She was thrown into a small cell, and nearly driven mad by her claustrophobia. She was eventually freed by Gambit, and used her powers to destroy the dam, which had been revealed to be powering a Master Mold, a giant Sentinel capable of creating other Sentinels.[11]

Days of Future Past[]

When the time-traveling mutant Bishop came to the past in order to avert the assassination of Senator Robert Kelly, which he claimed would lead to a future where the Sentinels drove mutantkind into camps and conquered mankind, Storm and the X-Men decided to humor his claims. To his horror, he had been pursued to the past by Nimrod, a super-sentinel. Using its advanced technology, it used her claustrophobia against her, trapping her under rubble. Storm managed to recover, and used her powers to freeze the Sentinel, allowing Bishop and Cyclops to disable it long enough to Bishop to send it back to the future.[12]

When Bishop accused Gambit of being the assassin, Gambit's mysterious past spurred Wolverine's suspicions. Storm attempted to diffuse the situation, affirming her trust in Gambit but stating that all of them, including she herself, were capable of evil. Storm and most of the team left to Washington, D.C. to thwart any potential assassination while Gambit, Bishop and Wolverine remained behind. They found themselves clashing with the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, and soon learned that Mystique was the would-be assassin.[4]

While the assassination was thwarted, Kelly was instead kidnapped by Magneto and shortly thereafter Master Mold. Desperate to stop Master Mold and the Sentinels, the X-Men stormed its base and destroyed the machine, freeing Kelly, who recanted his anti-mutant stance in gratitude.[13]

Sinister and the Friends of Humanity[]

After the destruction of Master Mold, Jean and Scott decided to get married. However, unbeknownst to the X-Men, the priest conducting the ceremony was in fact Morph, their thought-to-be deceased teammate. Morph had in fact been saved by Mr. Sinister, a geneticist seeking Scott and Jean's genetic material in order to create a race of super-mutants enslaved to him.[14]

Simultaneously, the Friends of Humanity, a mutant-hating group led by Graydon Creed staged a mutant attack at the inauguration of Robert Kelly, hoping to drive up anti-mutant hysteria. The X-Men intervened, but while they were gone, Morph posed as Magneto to lure Xavier away from the mansion. Before leaving, he left Storm in charge of the team during Scott and Jean's honeymoon.[14]

Having realized that the Friends of Humanity had set them up, goading them into a battle in order to frame them as the aggressors, Wolverine angrily ignored Storm's orders and left to take on the group. The mansion was then infiltrated by Morph, who caused random acts of chaos, goading the X-Men into further battles with the Friends of Humanity and the police. Morph tricked the police into firing at Storm, leaving her hospitalized. While Storm recovered, the other X-Men learned that Morph had returned and freed Scott and Jean from Sinister's clutches.[15]

Restless, Storm soon convinced the doctors to release her so that she could return to her duties. She returned just in time to see that Jean had detected a disturbance in Astral Plane centered in Storm's home village. Receiving a call from her home, Storm and Rogue traveled to Tanzania. They found the villages on fire, plagued by Storm's godson Mjnari, who had been possessed by the Shadow King.[2]

The Shadow King had possessed Mjnari to lure Storm back to him, offering to release Mjnari in exchange for Storm giving up her body to him. Storm agreed, but fought his control, trying to take her own life to kill him by flying into space, forcing him to leave her body. With Mjnari's help, they lured the Shadow King back into the rift in the Astral Plane, sparing her village and imprisoning the monster once more.[2]

However, the Friends of Humanity continued to strike, now manipulated by Apocalypse, an ancient being seeking to enslave mankind. Posing as a human scientist, Apocalypse developed a virus that he told the Friends of Humanity would be relatively harmless, but allow them to frame mutants as the spreaders. The return of Bishop, as well as the intervention of another time-traveler known as Cable, revealed that in the future, the plague would mutate after infecting a mutant, causing it to become deadly.[16]

While at the mall with Jubilee, Storm was forced to rescue her from a mob after a member of the Friends of Humanity deployed the plague, framing Jubilee as the carrier. While watching a broadcast of an anti-mutant protest, Storm recognized the man who had spread the virus at the mall. The X-Men managed to stop Apocalypse's scheme and the Friends of Humanity.[17] The Friends of Humanity were temporarily disbanded after being infiltrated by Wolverine, who outed their leader as the son of famed mutant Sabretooth.[18]

With Xavier having fallen into the clutches of Sinister, he managed to lure the X-Men to the Savage Land, where they were stripped of their powers and used for his experiments. With help from Morph, the X-Men were freed and seemingly managed to destroy Sinister.[19]

The Phoenix[]

After an encounter with an alien ship,[20] Professor Xavier found himself telepathically connected to an unknown alien being. Tormented by these visions, Xavier dispatched the X-Men to hijack the space shuttle Starcore. Storm was charged with helping the X-Men board the shuttle, but Xavier asked her to remain behind on Earth.

Once arriving at the space station, the X-Men encountered Erik the Red, an agent of the alien Shi'ar Empire. During their escape from the station, they were forced to pilot the shuttle through deadly radiation. Jean volunteered to pilot the shuttle, believing she could use her telekinetic powers to shield herself from the radiation. Jean successfully piloted the shuttle back to Earth, but in the process she bonded with the Phoenix, the ancient guardian of the M'kraan Crystal. She was hospitalized, struggling to understand her new power.[21][22]

With the Professor's visions growing worse, he left for Muir Island where he finally encountered the source of the visions: Princess Lilandra Neramani of the Shi'ar Empire. Lilandra had stolen the M'kraan Crystal from her brother Emperor D'ken, and was pursued by his Imperial Guard. While most of the X-Men traveled to Muir Island to save Xavier from his step-brother, the Juggernaut, Storm and Cyclops remained behind to care for Jean.[23] Now in tune with her new powers and sensing what was happening on Muir Island, Jean teleported there are rescued Xavier, Lilandra and the X-Men. Storm and Cyclops arrived shortly thereafter in the Blackbird, just in time to witness Jean take most of the X-Men onto Lilandra's ship, leaving Storm, Xavier and Jubilee behind.[24]

The team soon suffered setbacks, as D'ken got his hands on the crystal, threatening the fate of the entire galaxy. D'ken's use of the crystal triggered environmental disturbances around the world, with Storm doing her best to alleviate the damage. The X-Men succeeded in stopping D'ken, with Jean sacrificing herself to take the crystal into the sun.[25]

Savage Land, Savage Heart[]

While riding horses with Rogue, Storm was surprised to see Sauron, a Savage Land mutant. Sauron had been sent to kidnap Storm and bring her to the Savage Land by Zala Dane, who wished to use Storm to awaken her god, Garokk. Zala Dane convinced Sauron to hypnotize Storm and remove her inhibitions. On Garokk's command, Storm was unleashed upon the Savage Land, and used her powers to drive the weather into a frenzy, her raw power feeding Garokk.[26]

The X-Men were in hot pursuit, and managed to subdue Storm. Still rattled by Sauron's hypnotism and by the spreading evil of Garokk, Storm lashed out at them and any image of Garokk she came across. Storm begged her friends to restrain her and not allow her to recover her strength, but after they were distracted by Garokk, Storm broke loose. Lashing out at him, she inadvertently restored Garokk to full power. He was only defeated when Sauron attempted to drain his strength, with the two eliminating each other, and freeing Storm from Sauron's hypnosis. Storm apologized to Rogue for her actions, and admitted that she was frightened by how much she had enjoyed unleashing her powers, never before having felt so free.[27]

Dark Phoenix[]

To the X-Men's shock, Jean had survived and now returned to the Earth. However, the Phoenix had been corrupted by the human emotions it felt through Jean, and was now driving her mad. After failing to find the answer to her condition in Muir Island, she was sent back home for treatment.[28]

As Storm watched over Jean while Cyclops was out, Emma Frost of the Inner Circle Club took advantage of Jean's weakness. Together with Mastermind, the pair were able to brainwash Jean, turning her against the X-Men. When they stormed the Inner Circle Club's mansion, they were taken hostage. Despite their best attempts, the X-Men were unable to get through to Jean. Using Jean's body, the Phoenix soon tired of the Inner Circle's manipulation and broke free, giving the X-Men the opportunity to defeat them.[29]

A battle soon broke out between the X-Men and the Phoenix, and when she hurt Cyclops, Jean was able to briefly reassert control, and leave the planet. Consuming the star of an uninhabited system, the Phoenix was witnessed by a Shi'ar vessel, prompting Empress Lilandra to dispatch the Imperial Guard to Earth. When the Phoenix returned, the X-Men set a trap for her, and with help from Jean herself, Xavier was able to bury the Phoenix deep in her mind.[30]

Just when the Phoenix had been repressed, Lilandra and the Imperial Guard arrived to seize her. With no other choice, Xavier challenged Lilandra to a trial by combat between the X-Men and Imperial Guard, with Jean's life in the balance. Honorbound, Lilandra was forced to accept. The Imperial Guard defeated the X-Men, but due to the stress of the battle the Phoenix emerged once again. It easily dispatched the Imperial Guard, but before it could wreak further havoc, Jean seized control of her body and used a Shi'ar star-cruiser to commit suicide.[31]

Restored to purity by Jean's death, the Phoenix offered to resurrect Jean, through the life-force of the X-Men. Each of the X-Men gave of themselves, allowing Jean to return to life.[31]

A Helping Hand[]

Some time afterwards, Storm helped Cyclops and his erstwhile father take down a crooked Shi'ar officer, allowing the two men to reconnect for the first time in decades.[32]

When Xavier's step-brother the Juggernaut took advantage of most of the X-Men being away to attempt to kill him, Storm and Rogue rushed to the Professor's aid, arriving just in time to discover that the Juggernaut had been de-powered and mortally injured. When Xavier tasked the X-Men with helping the comatose Juggernaut reclaim his powers, Storm questioned his judgement, asking him to consider what he was doing.[33]

Nevertheless, when Xavier later wavered, deeply angered and disturbed by what his brother had revealed to him about their childhood while communicating with him telepathically, Storm counseled him not to forgive his brother, but to try and understand him, reminding him that he had taught them not to let their past control their hearts. The Juggernaut's powers were restored, and in what Xavier interpreted as an act of gratitude, he left them in peace.[33]

Beyond Good and Evil[]

With their first attempt at a wedding having failed, Cyclops and Jean decided to try again. The wedding was a success, with Storm serving as one of the bridesmaids, but just as the happy couple were about to drive off to their honeymoon, they were suddenly knocked out, as the guests were attacked by the Nasty Boys, who kidnapped Jean.[34]

The X-Men set about looking for Jean to no avail. While scanning for her, Xavier was ambushed and captured by Mr. Sinister. The X-Men narrowly managed to rescue Xavier, but encountered Shard, a mutant from the future who offered to help them find Jean.[35] Learning that Apocalypse had captured Shi'ar Imperial Guardsman Oracle, Xavier deduced that he and Sinister were working together and kidnapping telepaths.[36]

Despite Storm's objections, the X-Men decided to track down other telepaths and monitor them, essentially using them as bait. They failed to stop Psylocke from being captured, but managed to learn that Mystique, Sabretooth and Magneto were also working for Apocalypse. The X-Men captured Sabretooth and managed to wring information about Apocalypse's plan from him; that Apocalypse planned to gain control over time itself. This coincided with the arrival of time-traveling mutant Cable, who was journeying back in time in the hopes of defeating Apocalypse, with whom he had been fighting a desperate war in the future.[35]

Cable's plan was to destroy Apocalypse's life-support system in the past, preventing him from being reborn in the present. Storm and most of the X-Men accompanied Cable to Egypt in 1200 BC. While Storm, Gambit, Cyclops and Archangel, who had joined the X-Men for this mission, remained behind to fight the Horsemen of Apocalypse, the others entered Apocalypse's pyramid to destroy his life-support systems. Storm and the others caught up just in time to land in Apocalypse's trap, as he kidnapped Xavier and knocked the others out. While they succeeded in destroying the pyramid housing his life-support system, Apocalypse was unaffected by virtue of now existing outside of time.[37]

With the final telepath captured, Apocalypse was only narrowly stopped by the betrayal of Magneto and Mystique, and the intervention of Bishop, who managed to free the telepaths, who in turn combined their powers to destroy Apocalypse..[38]

Return of the Morlocks[]

While celebrating Christmas, a wistful Storm accompanied Jubilee and Wolverine to the mall to buy presents. There, they found the Morlocks robbing an ambulance. When Storm and the other stopped them, they revealed that Leech was grievously ill, driving the Morlocks to desperation. They pointed out that despite being leader of the Morlocks, Storm was never around, and that she should help them now in their hour of need. Storm helped them escape and returned with them to help care for Leech, enduring barbs from Callisto.[39]

While Storm wished to take Leech to the mansion in order for Beast to give him medical attention, Wolverine told her that Leech was too weak to travel. Desperate to save Leech, Storm tried to convince Wolverine to give him a blood transfusion, hoping that his healing powers would help Leech. Wolverine initially refused, having tried this procedure many times on others, only to watch it fail over and over again. He eventually relented, and against the odds, Leech was saved.[39]

Realizing that she had failed the Morlocks, she ceded leadership to Callisto.[39]

Storm Front[]

While flying in the Blackbird, the X-Men were beset by sudden and devastating weather patterns. Storm was pained by the weather, detecting something unnatural about the storm. Despite her desperate attempts, she was unable to calm the weather, and fell from the sky, only to be caught by Arkon, a transdimensional traveler from the land of Polemachus. Arkon revealed that he had caused the storm in order to find her, and that his world desperately needed her aid.[40]

Arkon took her back to Polemachus, itself beset by terrible storms, which had weakened Polemachus' version of the ozone lair. Storm sensed that the planet was dying, and agreed to help. While feeling out the planet's weather, she sensed a device causing a disturbance. Arkon revealed that the device was vital to Polemachus' survival, and begged her to accomodate its presence. With great effort, Storm succeeded in briefly calming the world's weather, before her X-Men teammates arrived in pursuit, starting a brawl with Arkon which broke her concentration.[40]

Storm once again calmed the weather. The charming and handsome Arkon offered to make her his queen in gratitude for her help, and an overwhelmed Storm decided to accept, with the pair sharing a kiss in front of a cheering crowd. While her teammates were concerned with her sudden changes, Storm told them that her erratic behavior was because she was happy for the first time in her life. Tired of the X-Men's endless struggles and happy to have found a new purpose, Storm implored her teammates to trust her and to stay for her wedding.[3]

However, Arkon was not who he seemed. The planet's disastrous weather had in fact been caused by the device Storm had detected, which Arkon used to control the planet's slaves. With Polemachus in ruins, Arkon was determined to invade the planet's nearest neighbour Belgania in order to secure new workers to rebuild. Storm soon began to sense that something was wrong, when the palace servants treated her with fear and after seeing Arkon punish a servant for not kneeling in his presence.[3]

While Storm tried to convince herself that Arkon was a good man and that she could fix the ills of Polemachus, her X-Men teammates became wrapped up in a slave revolt and discovered Arkon's plans to raid Belgania. They revealed the truth to Storm, who angrily rejected Arkon and unleashed her powers upon the city. She was only calmed down when Jubilee told her that she was hurting innocents. Despite Arkon's pleas, Storm left him and destroyed the device controlling the slaves, ensuring Arkon's fall.[3]

Graduation Day[]

Despite Storm and the X-Men's struggle to promote peace between mutantkind and humanity, tensions between the two species continued to escalate. During a televised debate against anti-mutant bigot Henry Gyrich, Professor Xavier was outed as a mutant and attacked with a weapon that caused him to lose control of his telepathic powers. Near death from the attack, Cyclops, Beast and Wolverine rushed him back to the mansion.[41]

Despite the best attempts of his students, no medical technology on Earth was enough to save Xavier's life, and even with help from Jean, the Professor was too weak to contact his Shi'ar lover Empress Lilandra in order to request her help. The televised attack against Xavier drove many mutants into believing that all their lives were at stake. This heightened tension was utilized by Magneto, who began raising an army of mutants to seize control of the world.[41]

Desperate to ease tensions and stop Magneto, Cyclops, Jean and Wolverine traveled to Genosha to confront Magneto, while Storm remained by the Professor's side. In the resulting battle, Magneto's magnetic powers inadvertently super-charged Jean's telepathy. The battle halted after Scott told Magneto that the Professor was dying. At Jean's suggestion, Magneto agreed to return with them to save Xavier's life. Boosted by Magneto, Xavier was able to telepathically contact Lilandra. As Xavier briefly awoke from his coma, he gave parting words to all the gathered X-Men, telling Storm she honored him with her friendship. As the Shi'ar arrived to take Xavier away, he entrusted the X-Men with his spirit.[41]


Ororo Munroe (Earth-92131) from X-Men '97 Season 1 001

In the months that followed, the X-Men found new acceptance from the world and a sanction from the United Nations, as tensions between mutants and humans de-escalated. The team was joined by Bishop, who had been stranded in the past, and continued their fight for human and mutant co-existance.

The team was soon thrown into disarray when the last will of Xavier revealed that he had left the mansion and the team to Magneto. Magneto assumed leadership of the X-Men, resisting their demands that he prove himself, and instead demanding their loyalty. When the U.N. learned of his location, they sent a taskforce to arrest him. Magneto agreed to come peacefully in order to stand trial for his crimes.[5]

When the Friends of Humanity invaded the trial, the X-Men tried to deal with them, with Storm sticking close to Magneto. The Friends of Humanity had stormed the trial; in order to give their leader, the X-Cutioner, the opportunity to fire a rifle that would de-power Magneto. Storm threw herself in front of Magneto and lost her powers as a result.[5]

With Beast's tests revealing that the effects were irreversible, a shell-shocked Storm decided to leave the team. While traveling the country eventually made her way to Texas, where she encountered Forge, a mutant inventor who claimed he could restore her powers.[42]

The pair grew closer as Forge worked on ways to reverse the loss of her powers. His first attempt was unsuccessful, and guilty over not having told her the truth of why he had sought her out, he confessed that he had worked for the U.S. government and given them designs that had eventually been used to construct the X-Cutioner's weapon. Storm grew angry, and even after Forge told her that he loved her, she angrily rejected him for lying to her.[43]

While Storm attempted to leave, she found herself teleported back to Forge's home, as the two came under attack from the Adversary.[43]


At the ranch, Forge used his mother's spell book to expel the demon and then Storm helped him search for a rare cactus which can cure the poison. Storm found the cactus in a cave, but was cornered by the Adversary once again. Overcoming her fears, Storm regained her powers and defeated the Adversary. Storm healed Forge, and then they learned about the attack on Genosha.[44]



Storm was deemed an Omega Level Threat by Sentinels.[45]



Flight by wind currents, X-Men Blackbird


  • Iona Morris voiced Storm on X-Men: The Animated Series and Spider-Man, later being replaced by Alison Sealy-Smith, who took the role on X-Men '97.
    • In the first season of X-Men: The Animated Series, Storm's lines were recorded three times by three different voice actresses. The original actress was a white woman, whom the producers decided to replace after realizing it could be seen in bad taste to have her voice the show's most prominent black character. American actress Iona Morris was then brought to re-record Storm's lines. Because American voice actors get paid residuals based on their work being rerun, most of the cast of X-Men: The Animated Series was comprised of Canadian actors. In order to avoid paying Morris residuals, Canadian actress Alison Sealy-Smith was brought to voice Storm from the second season onward. Sealy-Smith additionally re-recorded Storm's lines for the first season. While Morris' voice work was used in the original airing of each episode, all reruns featured Sealy-Smith's voice.[46]
  • When Storm guest-starred in parts 2 and 3 of the Secret Wars arc in Spider-Man (1994 animated series), Iona Morris returned to the role because the episode was recorded in Los Angeles, where Morris was based, since it would've been too costly to get Sealy-Smith.


  • Storm was virtually similar to her comic counterpart right down to her costume. One difference in the series was the addition of MjNari, her foster son, who did not exist in the comic, but was instead a reference to a much older character from the story arc, "Lifedeath II."
  • This incarnation of Storm had a tendency to invoke her power over the weather verbally, through spoken commands that resembled mystic incantations thanks to her formal, grandiose speech patterns. The reasons for this in-universe was unclear, as she was frequently shown being able to use her powers without these vocal commands. However, one behind-the-scenes justification is that the showrunners assumed the audience of the time would not understand what she was doing if she did not explain it, and that the vocal conjurations served as a handy bit of exposition. Another possibility is that aside from these spoken invocations, Storm had very little dialogue outside her own focus episodes, so the commands helped to characterize her and set her apart from her teammates. Either way, her melodramatic invocation of her powers remains one of the things the animated Storm is best remembered for.
  • She was almost always referred to as 'Storm,' even in scenes where her real name would have been more appropriate. Only Beast and the Shadow King ever called her 'Ororo' on the show.
  • Though her eyes are supposed to be blue, there are many times throughout the series when her eyes are brown.

See Also

Links and References


  1. ↑ X-Men: The Animated Series S4E16
  2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 X-Men: The Animated Series S2E03
  3. ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 X-Men: The Animated Series S5E08
  4. ↑ 4.0 4.1 X-Men: The Animated Series S1E12
  5. ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 X-Men '97 S1E02
  6. ↑ X-Men: The Animated Series S1E01
  7. ↑ X-Men: The Animated Series S1E02
  8. ↑ X-Men: The Animated Series S1E03
  9. ↑ X-Men: The Animated Series S1E05
  10. ↑ X-Men: The Animated Series S1E06
  11. ↑ X-Men: The Animated Series S1E07
  12. ↑ X-Men: The Animated Series S1E11
  13. ↑ X-Men: The Animated Series S1E13
  14. ↑ 14.0 14.1 X-Men: The Animated Series S2E01
  15. ↑ X-Men: The Animated Series S2E02
  16. ↑ X-Men: The Animated Series S2E07
  17. ↑ X-Men: The Animated Series S2E08
  18. ↑ X-Men: The Animated Series S2E10
  19. ↑ X-Men: The Animated Series S2E13
  20. ↑ X-Men: The Animated Series S3E02
  21. ↑ X-Men: The Animated Series S3E04
  22. ↑ X-Men: The Animated Series S3E03
  23. ↑ X-Men: The Animated Series S3E05
  24. ↑ X-Men: The Animated Series S3E06
  25. ↑ X-Men: The Animated Series S3E07
  26. ↑ X-Men: The Animated Series S3E08
  27. ↑ X-Men: The Animated Series S3E09
  28. ↑ X-Men: The Animated Series S3E11
  29. ↑ X-Men: The Animated Series S3E12
  30. ↑ X-Men: The Animated Series S3E13
  31. ↑ 31.0 31.1 X-Men: The Animated Series S3E14
  32. ↑ X-Men: The Animated Series S3E16
  33. ↑ 33.0 33.1 X-Men: The Animated Series S3E17
  34. ↑ X-Men: The Animated Series S4E07
  35. ↑ 35.0 35.1 X-Men: The Animated Series S4E09
  36. ↑ X-Men: The Animated Series S4E08
  37. ↑ X-Men: The Animated Series S4E10
  38. ↑ X-Men: The Animated Series S4E11
  39. ↑ 39.0 39.1 39.2 X-Men: The Animated Series S4E12
  40. ↑ 40.0 40.1 X-Men: The Animated Series S5E07
  41. ↑ 41.0 41.1 41.2 X-Men: The Animated Series S5E14
  42. ↑ X-Men '97 S1E03
  43. ↑ 43.0 43.1 X-Men '97 S1E04
  44. ↑ X-Men '97 S1E06
  45. ↑ X-Men '97 S1E01
  46. ↑ Cronin, Brian (5 November 2017) Comic Legends: Why Did the X-Men Animated Series Have 3 Storms? Retrieved on 13 November 2017.
  47. ↑ X-Men: The Animated Series S1E01, on Sentinel's HUD