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Days of Future Past[]

Lucas Bishop (Earth-31393) with from X-Men- The Animated Series Season 1 11 03

Bishop when he was a tracker for the sentinels.

In a dystopian future in the year 2055, where America is ruled by Sentinels, Bishop was a Tracker hired by the Sentinels to hunt down his fellow mutants. However, once he had achieved a prescribed quota of captured mutants, the Sentinels turned on him as well and he was forced to join the mutant resistance, allying with mutant inventor Forge and former X-Man Wolverine. Forge planned to send someone back in time to alter important events in their history, in the hope of preventing the terrible future. Although Wolverine was initially supposed to go, to prevent an assassin (believed to be Gambit) from killing Senator Kelly, Bishop expressed doubts that Wolverine would be able to kill a fellow X-Man and volunteered to go instead.[1]

Back in the past, Bishop found himself stricken with amnesia, but as he discovered the X-Men, his memories gradually returned. Upon seeing Gambit, Bishop remembered why he had come to the past and attempted to kill him. Unwilling to listen blindly to Bishop's warnings, the X-Men stopped him from killing Gambit. Instead, Bishop and Gambit were left behind in the mansion, watched over by Wolverine, while the rest of the X-Men went to try and prevent the assassination.[1] [2]

When Gambit ditched Bishop and Wolverine in order to go to Washington, D.C. to clear his name, Bishop pursued him. Gambit managed stop the assassin, revealed to be shapeshifting mutant Mystique, who had assumed his form. Bishop came upon the scene, and unable to tell the two apart, decided to take both of them out. Rogue intervened, breaking the bracelet that anchored him in the past, and sending him back to his own time.[3]

Time Fugitives[]

When he returned to the future, he found that the new timeline was no better.[2] Now, it was decimated by a man-made mutant plague. Returning to the past again, Bishop encountered the X-Men once more. Teaming up with them once more, they discovered that the plague had been created by Apocalypse. Bishop and the X-Men managed to destroy his laboratory and avert the plague, but a vengeful Apocalypse killed them in response.[4]

Unbeknownst to Bishop, his actions had affected not just his own time, but a more distant future inhabited by Cable. With the plague prevented, vital antibodies necessary for the survival of humanity never formed, causing uncontrolled mutations to bring about the extinction of the mutant race. Cable traveled back in time to just when Bishop arrived in the past, and tried to stop him from preventing the plague's release.[5]

Cable failed but was able to use Wolverine's advance healing factor to synthesize these antibodies by exposing him to Apocalypse's plague, allowing Bishop and the X-Men to destroy the plague but protecting Cable's own future, as well as sparing the X-Men from Apocalypse's wrath.[5]

One Man's Worth[]

Bishop returned to his own time, which was now restored to the state it had been before he had begun his travels. He and the resistance, including his sister Shard fought a desperate war against the Sentinels, but were betrayed by Fitzroy, who offered to use his powers to allow the Sentinels to travel through time in exchange for sparing his life. Master Mold sent Fitzroy and super-sentinel Nimrod back in time to kill Charles Xavier, creator of the X-Men and inspiration to the mutant resistance.[6]

Bishop and Shard pursued the two back to the time of the X-Men, but found that they had arrived too late. The past had already been altered by Nimrod and Fitzroy, and the world was now one where mutantkind, led by Magneto, fought a losing war against the machines.[6] They found this timeline's Wolverine and Storm, a married couple, and convinced them to travel further back in time with them to stop Nimrod and Fitzroy.[6]

The group found a young Xavier and tried to convince him they were telling the truth and that his life was in danger. When a racist café owner insulted Storm and the others, a brawl broke out, prompting Xavier to run away. While the group was able to find and incapacitate Nimrod, Fitzroy succeeded in assassinating Xavier. Forced to try again, they returned to 2055 in order to travel back once more, only to find that the future had been altered, with Master Mold the undisputed ruler of the world.[7]

While the group convinced Forge to send them back, Master Mold sent his forces to stop them. Having realized that Master Mold would kill him as soon as he outlived his usefulness, Fitzroy decided to betray him and ensured that Bishop, Storm and Wolverine were able to travel back once more, giving Bishop a message for his earlier self. However, Shard forced to stay behind. They traveled back to just when they lost Xavier, and prevented him from falling into Fitzroy's trap. They rescued him from Nimrod as well, but the earlier version of Fitzroy, still unaware of what his alternate self had learned, trapped them with a bomb. Bishop played him a message recorded by his alternate self, prompting Fitzroy to spare them and return to his own time. With Xavier safe, Bishop returned home, and Wolverine and Storm returned to their original selves, their timeline now erased.[7]

Beyond Good and Evil[]

With his timeline once again restored, Bishop attempted to return home, but a massive disturbance in time caused him to instead become unmoored from all timelines, and trapped in the Axis of Time. Accompanied by the mad caretaker of the Axis, in truth the timetraveler Immortus, Bishop tried to learn the reason he had been trapped.[8]

He soon learned that the Axis had been taken over by Apocalypse, who planned to unmake reality itself and recreate it in his image. To that end, he began kidnapping powerful telepaths, planning to use their power to accomplish his goals. Bishop finally reached Apocalypse's stronghold just in time to free the telepaths, who combined their powers to destroy Apocalypse.[9]

Return to the Past[]

Whether as a result of Apocalypse's disruption of the Axis, or other undisclosed events, Bishop found himself once again in the late '90's during the time of the X-Men. Now trapped in this era while Beast worked on repairing his timetravel bracelet, Bishop became a full-fledged member of the X-Men.[10] Bishop was later present at the United Nations during the trial of Magneto.[11] He was at the mansion when the Goblin Queen unleashed her inferno, he later joined the X-Men in rescuing baby Nathan. After rescuing Nathan, Beast finished fixing his time band, and he returned to the future with Nathan.[12] However he and Nathan were split in the timestream and they arrived at different points in the future.[13]

Six months after the disappearance of the X-Men, Bishop was finally able to make it back to the past, there he walked in on a younger Forge referring to him as Daniel. He then introduced himself and explained that the X-Men weren't somewhere in their time, but rather across time. [14]





  • Laser blaster




  • Bishop's mutant file, according to a Sentinel HUD, was 051063-241.[1]

See Also

Links and References

