Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Quote1 Know what I hate about your kind? You act like you got it so bad. Normal people have it hard, too. Harder! We just have the dignity not to whine about it. You see? It's the whining. I hate your whining just as much as I hate you. Quote2


Carl Denti (Earth-92131) from X-Men '97 Season 1 2 001

Carl Denti was a leader of the Friends of Humanity running a cell that was hunting mutants for a bounty and shipping Sentinel Blasters built from scavenged Sentinels. The cell was taken down when the X-Men rescued Roberto Da Costa.[3]

Denti later developed a Neutralizer rifle based on the same technology from the Inhibitor Collar. Planning to publicly rob Magneto of his mutant powers, Denti donned the guise of the X-Cutioner and took this rifle to the United Nations. After defeating the X-Men, X-Cutioner took aim, but Storm sacrificed herself to save Magneto.[1]



See Also

Links and References

