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Marvel Database


The heir to the fortune of Da Costa family, Roberto was afraid to tell his parents that he was a Mutant. He was kidnapped by the Friends of Humanity but rescued by the X-Men, who took him to the X-Mansion. Unwilling to be kept prisoner, Roberto left and went to a nightclub, where the X-Men once again found him before Friends of Humanity could lay hands on him again. After forming a connection with Jubilee, Roberto showed her his powers and gave her his card, before leaving.[1]

At some point, Roberto returned to the X-Mansion, where he and Jubilee continued to hang out together on various occasions. At one point, the pair is drawn into a bizarre video-game dimension hosted by the alien mischief-maker Mojo under the pretense of playing a newly-installed game system. But in Mojo's game, players have only one life to wager: their own. Roberto and Jubilee battle Mojo's baddies, but Roberto is attacked aggressively and driven to the edge of death. Fortunately, Jubilee locates an extra life placed by a tester avatar resembling herself and gives it to him. The pair's strength renewed, they eventually locate Mojo, down him long enough to escape the game and eventually kiss after escaping.[2]

He was later at the X-Mansion watching the News following the attack on Genosha.[3] He and the X-Men then went to Genosha to help, before leaving to come out to his mom.[4] Roberto and Jubilee later went for some retail therapy at the mall, before Ford and everyone else around them turned into Prime Sentinels. Catching Jubilee, he revealed to her that he had been training in the Danger Room but still hadn't gotten the hang of steering in flight. Crashing the party, his mom told the pair to go with the Prime Sentinels, who put inhibitor collars and took them away.[5]

Roberto Da Costa (Earth-92131) from X-Men '97 Season 1 9 01

These would later be deactivated when Magneto unleashed a Global EMP, deactivating their collars and the Prime Sentinels that detained them. The pair were then chased down an alleyway by the Friends of Humanity before being rescued by Storm and Forge. Sunspot, now donning an X-Uniform joined Magneto and Rogue after his mom shut him out. He later faced off against an understandably angry Jubilee on Asteroid M. When Professor Xavier's attempt to control Magneto's mind was interrupted by Cyclops to buy the other X-Men time to defeat Bastion on Earth first, an enraged Magneto used his powers to restrain all present on Asteroid M, including Roberto. Roberto was horrified when Magneto proceeded to rip the Adamantium from Wolverine's body in retaliation for nearly gutting him.[6]

Roberto Da Costa (Earth-92131) from X-Men '97 Season 1 10 001
Just after Xavier used his powers to force Magneto to undo the Global EMP, which rendered both comatose, Bastion arrived on Asteroid M to force the asteroid to crash into Earth to bring another extinction event. Roberto, now calling himself Sunspot joined Rogue to engage Bastion in an aerial battle in space. Eventually the other X-Men arrived and together they defeated Bastion. Unfortunately, the US Government fired missiles at Aesteroid M in a vain attempt to stop it from impacting Earth, but the damage caused the asteroid to immediately descend towards the planet. Sunspot saved Jubilee from being sucked out into space and the two flew back to Earth as the other X-Men stayed behind to stop the asteroid's impact. Sunspot and Jubilee watched on Earth as Magneto, who was able to heal his mind thanks to Xavier, used his powers to return the asteroid to space but were shocked and horrified when the asteroid exploded and disappeared, leaving the public to believe the X-Men died in the destruction. He was listed as AWOL on Forge's roster 6 months later.[7]



  • Solar Radiation Absorption: Roberto Da Costa can use solar energy and utilize it for physical strength and flight, covering parts or all of his body.
  • Superhuman Strength: He can use absorbed solar energy to boost his physical strength.
  • Flight
  • Plasma Spheres: Roberto can release stored solar energy as orbs of white-hot plasma that will incapacitate and/or incinerate a target. He is able to focus the projectile energy as desired.


See Also

Links and References

