Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Quote1 You X-Men might use your gifts to protect everyone, but all you do is remind us that our days are numbered, that humanity itself is obsolete. You've no idea how it feels to be left behind by the future. Quote2
—Bolivar Trask[src]


Bolivar Trask was the inventor of the Sentinels and was much longer-lived than his Earth-616 counterpart. Like his partner Henry Gyrich, he wanted to strike against mutants with Sentinels, believing them to be threats to humans. After the X-Men destroyed his Sentinels,[2] he and Gyrich the Sentinel operation to Genosha. Again, the X-Men destroyed it.[3]

Again, Trask and Gyrich rebuilt the Sentinel program and used Sentinels to rescue Senator Kelly from being assassinated by Magneto. However, the main Sentinel Master Mold turned on him and tried to take over the world. The X-Men were fortunately able to put an end to Master Mold.[4] Due the Master Mold fiasco, Trask and Gyrich were forced to go into hiding. They were kidnapped by Sentinels sent by Master Mold so they could witness his return. The X-Men again stopped Master Mold and rescued Trask and Gyrich.[5]

Trask would later get his hands on another Master Mold in the Sahara Desert and his sentinels faced off against the X-Men. Following his defeat, the UN took him into custody and Master Mold was dismantled.[6] Sometime later, Mister Sinister promised to get Trask his life back in exchange for his DNA. After the massacre in Genosha, he started running and begging for death. [7] He would later call the X-Men telling them to come to the UN Peace Legion in Madripoor, he cleared the lobby with sleeping gas. By the time the X-Men got to him, he was ready to jump off the building of the UN peace legion, directly quoting Robert Oppenheimer. Not wanting to become more of a monster he tried to jump off the building, only to be caught at the collar by Rogue, before being dropped to his death. He didn't stay dead for long as he was resurrected into a Prime Sentinel by Bastion and started to defeat the X-Men, before being blast by an EMP grenade courtesy of Cable.[1]




  • Genius-level intellect


See Also

Links and References

