Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
You may also be looking for Soul Vision.
White Vision

Reconstructed Vision.


Original Vision.

Human Vision

Vision's human form.

The Vision, or simply Vision, is a fictional character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). He is played by Paul Bettany.

Vision was the result of J.A.R.V.I.S. being uploaded into a red and green synthetic body made of vibranium, with the Mind Stone embedded in the forehead, creating a whole new creation. The body was originally created for Ultron's use, but it was stolen by the Avengers, who Vision then subsequently joined when he was "born."

He was killed when the Mind Stone was viciously removed by Thanos. He was later restored in a corpse-like form by the organization of S.W.O.R.D., which deals with "sentient weapons" such as Vision. He is now white and was programmed to obey their orders, which was to destroy Soul Vision created by Wanda Maximoff, who the real Vision had previously formed a romantic relationship with. He was also programmed to kill Wanda if he encountered her, which he did.

The fake Vision fought the real Vision until the former was able to speak to his logic of the events that led up to their encounter. He was able to access the real Vision's memories for him, which ended the battle. Although Vision's memories had been restored, the memories that went with them had not, leading him to fly off into the unknown.

Physical and personality traits[]

Vision in civvies

Vision in synthetic civvies.




Total appearances: 10.


  • The MCU's Vision was the basis for the unrelated Vision in Disney XD's animated series Avengers Assemble. Since Age of Ultron was recent at the time of Vision's introduction in the aforementioned series, the origin of how J.A.R.V.I.S. became Vision was skipped.

