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Questions tagged [vue-component]

Component is a powerful Vue feature that allows extending basic HTML elements to encapsulate reusable code.

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Quasar qpopup edit async validation not working

I am facing issue with qpopupedit async validation I created a codepen. I think it is converting return boolean value to a string. can anyone check why it is not working ? I created a Codepen you can ...
Pash's user avatar
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Vue 3 upgrade props are passed but not show in the component

I have following Vue 3 component image-template-row-item which has the prop templates-types which is defined in the component in the props: now this prop is always passed as undefined to the ...
Muhammad Essam's user avatar
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[Vue warn]: Failed to resolve component: UserBasket

I ran into an issue that had me scratch my head for a few days now. I am doing a application with vuejs3 frontend. For all the code I provide I removed the most other code and kept what I think is ...
Tarakos's user avatar
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VeeValidate handeSubmit Not returned values

I work with vee-validate validation for vue. I choose handleSubmit method: <template> <div> <Form @submit="onSubmit" :validation-schema="schema"> <...
LarakBell's user avatar
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VUE js: prevent a function to run once when initially loaded/mounted

I'm trying to create a form that sends the submitted data into a database: I'm new in vue and still reading the documentation, if the answer is in the documentation please do remind me. The below is a ...
Fritz Adelbertus Sitindaon's user avatar
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Re-render a OpenWeatherMap component when switching language in Vue 3

I am a beginner using Vue 3, to learn it I am developing a simple weather webapp using OpenWeatherMap API. I have added multilanguage support using vue-i18n library and everything works fine. But ...
feub's user avatar
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two-way binding of a checkbox does not happen

For the code posted below vue component it is a child component and is hosted in a specific parent. When I make two ways binding via vModelCheckGeoTIFFOverlayBandAverages by introducing a change to ...
Amr's user avatar
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vue 3 composition api, can not return value from a helper function to component

i think this is a problem of scope inside my helper function, i have successfully implementing the same logic in my component and it works perfectly i have already using a composable function to use ...
Ayoub Groubi's user avatar
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Vue child component not mounting during rendering

const componentData = { "label": "body", "category": "default", "children": [{ "label": "Droppable Component&...
Muhammad Zeerak's user avatar
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how to change v-calendar default color using vue.js 3

<template> <v-row> <v-col> <v-sheet> <v-calendar class="custom"></v-calendar> </v-sheet> </v-col> </v-row&...
Pongsatorn Tassaro's user avatar
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VUE [Vue warn]: Wrong type passed as event handler to onClass - did you forget @ or : in front of your prop?

At some point I noticed that a lot of warnings appear in the project, maybe because I reinstalled node_module or something else. The problem is that when adding attributes to a custom component errors ...
Shamil's user avatar
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Vue2.x vue custom element when i passed param like 111. the dot at the end was removed. Is it well known issue? How to fix it

Vue2.x vue custom element when i passed param like 111. the dot at the end was removed. Is it well known issue? How to fix it. Step npm run build vue file use file from /dist in php project Problem ...
Supisara Khongthiang's user avatar
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Binding multiple properties to a component using and object as props - Vue 3

I'm having a little problem binding multiple properties to a component using an object. When I use this component on any other page I expect to pass the props in matching the ContentOptions interface ...
bricewa's user avatar
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Question about vue 3 lifecycle and availability of properties

I want to load some content of a vue component based on a given argument. Here is some code to illustrate: ParentComponent.vue <Suspense> <div class="row g-0"> <div class=&...
Roland Deschain's user avatar
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How to just add the content of a component to Vue DOM and not the wrapper itself, like React.Fragment in React JS

I'm trying to refactor my code into readable and short pieces. Therefore sometimes I need to create a dumb component which only is holding the repetitive part of my code. For example I wanted to use ...
Erik's user avatar
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