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Vue.js - Automatic update of v-for not working with assigning new array

I've been following this tutorial on vue3: Vue.js Tutorial: Beginner to Front-End Developer Everything seems to be working on my side too, except ...
Philipp M's user avatar
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Simple todo list in vue

i am learning vuejs and i'm building a small todo list app. I can't pass the array though to the child component that takes care of displaying the list: Parent component <template> <div ...
GNetcoming's user avatar
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How to make this carousel unreliable on id assigned in props?

I've recently build a carousel with slots. But it has one issue. This component is based on the fact that id for each slide is defined as a prop, so code looks more complicated and I'm sure that there'...
Akirambur's user avatar
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2 answers

Can we use vue splice inside foreach() to delete multiple elements?

I have a image grid(in array form), There I am trying to add multi-deletion functionality. So When checkbox of each image from grid is checked, I am maintaining an array named selectedImages with ...
Smiley Sharma's user avatar
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How to extract index from this string?

I'm studying how to create my own lightbox component in vue. I figured out how to do it, but I faced one issue. I don't know how to get an access to this index of the array. <LightBox :thumbnail=&...
Akirambur's user avatar
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Update and delete an object within an array of a Pinia store in Vue

I am making a CRUD in Vue 3 and I am using Pinia to save my objects as an array. Everything works fine but already when I want to update one of the objects I get the error of: [Vue warn] Set ...
Julian Gómez 's user avatar
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Dynamically adding counter to v-data-table with two buttons to increment and decrement and the number between them

The problem here is I am getting data from an api and the data has no property like 'count' so I need to create another array and use it in v-for. But I want to specify a number with the counter and ...
Abdullah Okay's user avatar
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Vue.js item doesn't get deleted from array

I've been trying to figure out just why this isn't working and I must be missing something. I am using example code for inspiration but it doesn't seem to co-operate the same way as in the example, as ...
Murfy's user avatar
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Calculate price of array services based on multiple onlick using vuejs

I have a problem as can be show on the picture balow.On the right I have a list of services which when clicked affects the final price of services on the right. I have written a code unfortunately it ...
Kevin Otieno's user avatar
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How to watch for change on a specific input in list of inputs in Vue 3

I am attempting to set up a vue 3 watcher that watches for changes to input fields in a v-for list. I set up an array of objects, each with a type. I want to add input to the field with the type "...
JS_is_awesome18's user avatar
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Simple List Rendering in Vue with finding Index and passing props

so I do the beginning todo list stuff. I have this array state() { return { news: [ { id: 1, title: "Titel 1", ...
mikasa's user avatar
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How to calculate Total Amount by Change Status Debit or Credit from array in components in Vue3 JS

I have one Amount column in my table and I want to calculate total debit, total credit, total remaining amount by chnage in status of dropdown debit and credit. if dropdown selection is debit then &...
Ameer Hamza's user avatar
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Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map') when trying to display two arrays

I have a component containing an array, which has certain categories and headers. I wanted to put these into a collapsible menu, but ran into trouble because since all the items are in a single array, ...
Cphml444's user avatar
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format currencies in a Vue component?

Good day everyone, I'm trying to format the value that JSON brings me in currency, I saw some suggestions but I still can't convert the value. This is how I've my code structured <template> ... &...
SnowFall's user avatar
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How to use an external array in Vue JS

I've been trying to use an external array in my VueJs code, but I've been running into problems Here's my code: import iconsData from 'components/iconsData.js'; export default{ data(){ ...
dayo's user avatar
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