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Questions tagged [vuejs3]

Use this tag for questions specific to version 3 of Vue.js, an open-source, progressive Javascript framework for building user interfaces.

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Issue with Yup validation schema using conditional fields

I'm trying to set up a validation schema using Yup for a form that has two conditional fields: page_id and custom_link. The requirement is that one of these fields must be provided. If one is filled, ...
luukd's user avatar
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Quasar qpopup edit async validation not working

I am facing issue with qpopupedit async validation I created a codepen. I think it is converting return boolean value to a string. can anyone check why it is not working ? I created a Codepen you can ...
Pash's user avatar
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Tailwind config is not respected in nuxt 3, my config options are ignored, I would like to limit tailwind to my content paths

I set up tailwind in my nuxt project and it works great to use basic tailwind styles. But the problem is I can not make any modifications to the tailwind config like changing the content paths. It ...
nightwolf555's user avatar
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Having problems with vue devserver proxy not redirecting

I have a simple vue applicaition which I am running on port 8080. I also have a graphql server running on port 3000. There is a vue component on my app which calls the function getData(); This get ...
Alici-EdOna's user avatar
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how to validate array field in vee-validate

I am new with vee-validate 4 and quasar . now I have form like this : <q-form @submit="onSubmit" class="form " id="myform"> <q-input class="col-...
morteza mortezaie's user avatar
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1 answer

VueJS: Can a child component observe if a parent component has defined its event handler

given a child component Foo.vue <template> ... <button @click="emit('bah', ...)">...</button> ... </template> <script setup> const emit = defineEmits(['...
Jay Edwards's user avatar
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Is there a practical way to infer a list of event names when using defineEmits() in Vue 3?

In a reusable component, I'm attempting to create a simple function that will create proxies for props to bind to children components. They will hold their own internal value and be initialized by the ...
Erutan409's user avatar
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How to disable next button of the vue-form-wizard? or override it with custom button and hide only the next button

I am new to vue js, I am using this vue-form-wizard and I am not sure if there is a way to disable the next button by some conditions, so depends on the conditions will enable or disable the button &...
Rooh Al-mahaba's user avatar
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facing problem with sending multiple files

so im coding with vue and im using cloudconvert api which converts my files to pdf and gets me the number of pages, also im using a package called dropzone which i can drop files into it and it ...
user26266025's user avatar
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3 answers

Picture isn't changing dynamically with light on/off button on website

I'm trying to change a picture (daytime picture vs nighttime picture) dynamically when a person hits the light button. It works, but I have to refresh the page for the picture to show. Daytime and ...
Josh's user avatar
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Can't set expire on a Redis key

I am trying to set an expiration time on a Redis key and have tried several approaches without success. I use "redis": "^4.6.15". In e.g. this answer they said to do it like this: ...
eligolf's user avatar
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Quasar 2 / Vue 3: Cannot use keyword 'await' outside an async function - top level await

I have a new Quasar 2 / Vue 3 app open in VSCode, created using the Quasar CLI and accepting all the defaults including using eslint. I have NOT started the app (quasar dev). Vitest is installed via ...
Murrah's user avatar
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Vue 3 upgrade props are passed but not show in the component

I have following Vue 3 component image-template-row-item which has the prop templates-types which is defined in the component in the props: now this prop is always passed as undefined to the ...
Muhammad Essam's user avatar
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HTML Input pattern attribute is not working in Vue 3 as expected

I have a simple form in my Vue 3 app as below, <form @submit.prevent="createProject"> <div class="my-3"> <label for="name" class="form-label"&...
Kasun Sampath Weligamage's user avatar
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beforeEnter navigation guard not triggering when router.push() is called on the same route

I have a search engine which is not properly updating when after having searched something, I try to search something else. When I want to search something, the search function in the search component ...
ernoa's user avatar
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