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Questions tagged [vuejs3-composition-api]

The tag has no usage guidance.

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Update data after query fetching on success with vue query v5

I am using @tanstack/vue-query package, and I am not sure how to update data after the query fetching is completed successfully. I can write data update logic in query function but I want to extract ...
Phyo Thiha's user avatar
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Keep passed slots to a slotted component via a functional wrapper

Playground I have the following: <script setup> import { ref } from 'vue' import Input from './Input.js' import Text from './Text.vue' const msg = ref('Hello World!') </script> <...
Alexander Nenashev's user avatar
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Question about vue 3 lifecycle and availability of properties

I want to load some content of a vue component based on a given argument. Here is some code to illustrate: ParentComponent.vue <Suspense> <div class="row g-0"> <div class=&...
Roland Deschain's user avatar
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Arrays in pinia seem to be not reactive

I have problems in pinia with reactivity of an array of objects which have an array of objects themselves. In pinia I have an array of voyage-objects. A voyage has an array of leg-objects. If I add a ...
Markuz's user avatar
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Use of Vue component leads to typescript error ts2749 in template

I want to build an example on the Vue Playground. I created the following 4 files: <!-- App.vue --> <script setup lang="ts"> import LegList from './LegList.vue'; </script> ...
Markuz's user avatar
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PrimeVue Datatable change paginator icons

I have a PrimeVue datatable in my Vue 3 composition API app. I am using unstyled mode and the Lara preset. I have set paginator to true and it works fine. However, I want to use different icons for ...
Steve's user avatar
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Button text won't update to 'Finish' when i get to the last question for my VUE 3 quiz app

Building a quiz app in vue 3 and everything works as its suppose to til i get to the last question, where the button text is suppose to say 'Finish' as soon as the question is loaded. new to vue and ...
Brandon Howard's user avatar
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Getting intellisense errors when declaring or using TS types/interfaces in Vue.js SFC files

I'm developing a component for my Nuxt 3 project. I'm trying to declare an interface to provide strong typings for the component props, e.g.: <script setup> interface Props { float: number; } ...
gyohza's user avatar
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VueUse onClickOutside does not work with right click

I am currently trying to use onClickOutside but it only works when i click outside with the left mouse button. I need to get this working for the right mouse button too. Any solution for this? Maybe i ...
MrSpt's user avatar
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How to extend/use mixin in Vue 3 composition API with script setup

I am using Composition API with <script setup> in one component (ComponentA.vue) and want to extend a mixin (Greeting.ts) inside Component A. Problem statement : When I am trying to access ...
Rohìt Jíndal's user avatar
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How can I access context's req in Nuxt3?

How can I access context's req in Nuxt3? nuxt2 asyncData({req}) { const body = req.body; } I used useRequestEvent().req.body and useNuxtApp().event.req.body. but both is undefined. nuxt3 const event =...
Yumi Park's user avatar
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How get route's params with Nuxt3

I used Nuxt3 with Composition API. When moving from bakset to order, basket is using router.push, and is turning over parameters. How can I get these parameters from order? In the nuxt2 version, you ...
Yumi Park's user avatar
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How to create a vuejs3 or nuxt3 component from data loaded from an API

I'm creating a SPA on Nuxt 3 (ssr: false) that loads data from a Drupal site. Each "page" of my SPA corresponds to a Drupal page loaded via Drupal JSON API and I can use the v-html directive ...
Pascal Pivaty's user avatar
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How to Test route from useRoute in a Vue.js 3 Composition API Component?

I'm facing challenges in testing a Vue.js 3 component that utilizes the useRoute from the Vue Router within the Vue Test Utils, Mocha, and Chai framework. My component is written using the Composition ...
Андрей Кондратов's user avatar
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Manually changing route in vue js 3 is causing problem

I have created vue js application. I don't have my own domain. I have hosted my code on two websites and My code is working fine. But when I change any route by writing url ...
MD Shafikul Islam's user avatar

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