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Questions tagged [ruby]

Ruby is a multi-platform open-source, dynamic object-oriented interpreted language. The [ruby] tag is for questions related to the Ruby language, including its syntax and its libraries. Ruby on Rails questions should be tagged with [ruby-on-rails].

-1 votes
0 answers

Why is the data in a Rails view displaying as 0.0 or 42.0 instead of $42.00?

Question Title: Why is the data in a Rails view displaying as 0.0 or 42.0 instead of $42.00? Summary: How can I get this field to display e.g. $42.00 instead of 0.0 or 42.0? In addition to the ...
Jennifer James's user avatar
0 votes
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Issue with Psych::DisallowedClass Exception when using reify in PaperTrail with Sinatra

I am working on a Ruby project using Sinatra version 3.0.6 and Ruby version 3.0.0. I am using the PaperTrail gem (version 15.1.0) to track changes in my models for auditing and version control ...
xmarston's user avatar
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Ruby case examples, consistently only shows one action under when [closed]

I've waded through multitudes of Ruby case questions, here and on the web. They all have one thing in common, they only show one statement following the when. Of the form, case whatever, simple, ...
D M's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Ruby module is not an ancestor after prepend

I'm developing a plugin to the Rails (6.1.7) project Foreman (v3.5.1; based on the Foreman Plugin Template) and face the issue that one of my modules (DnsInterfaceExtensions) ought to be prepended to ...
Xavier Mol's user avatar
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How can I fix Postgres errors in Minitest?

I am using Minitest and Postgres to test my Rails website. When I added a "Like" model, I started getting Postgresql deadlock errors Minitest::UnexpectedError: ActiveRecord::Deadlocked: PG::...
tolia k's user avatar
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Can I download a old version of google chrome stable? [closed]

I use the below config file in the .ebextensions to preinstall the Google Chrome stable when deploying our Ruby application to AWS EB. commands: 01-install: command: rpm -q google-chrome-...
lei lei's user avatar
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Issue with 'libgmp-10.dll' in Ruby while compaling script with Ocra

I'm having an issue while trying to create an executable with ocra in Ruby and I'm not able to fix it no matter what, even chatGPT couldn't help. The issue is with libgmp-10.dll. The compiler works ...
Topa_14's user avatar
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finding the appropriate session for an IdP single logout request with Ruby SAML

I'm putting together a gem for our Rails apps to use SAML single sign-on/logout via Entra ID. I had some questions about the final bit I need to implement: ID provider initiated single logout requests....
Dave's user avatar
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1 answer

How to set view context in Rails?

I’m building a gem that intercepts Rails’ default render behavior. Instead of rendering a view, it looks for a helper method that corresponds to the current controller’s action name; it then uses the ...
Dennis Hackethal's user avatar
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How to remap exceptions with Grape?

In a Ruby project using Grape, I have a custom exception Api::Exceptions::InvalidValueError that subclasses Grape::Exceptions::Base. If a validation fails (which causes Grape::Exceptions::...
Manuel Jacob's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I update how ActiveRecord::Base#where interprets ranges?

It appears that ActiveRecord::Base#where partially distinguishes between ranges defined with 2 dots (0..) and ranges defined with 3 dots (0...). E.g. > User.where(id: ..0).to_sql => "SELECT ...
gabeodess's user avatar
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3 answers

authentication from scartch in rails

Hi i am learning rails from the Odin project and i am creating a simple authentication without using devise . the course doesn't really give enough info to help beginners finish that project so, Here ...
Student CZ's user avatar
1 vote
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Rails form_with-helper: What is a :scope?

I'm currently reading the Ruby on Raily API-documentation. Specific the part about the form_with helper:
cluster1's user avatar
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5 answers

In Ruby, how do I find a value in an array of hashes?

I am trying to get a value in an array of hashes in Ruby. Given the following information below: # array_of_hash_objects will look something like this: # [ # { name: 'Ruby', is_my_favorite?: ...
Matt's user avatar
  • 23
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Rails 7 error during application start - Zeitwerk-related errors

I'm upgrading my rails app from 6.1 to 7.0 and i'm running into this runtime error: I do use the Authlogic gem, but the odd thing is i have no config/initializers file for Authlogic, and i can't find ...
weetch's user avatar
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Injecting dynamic values for a specific schema to validate against

I have the following yaml file that I would like to validate using dry-rb. --- environment: # required test: # should be dynamic service_credentials: "test_credentials" # required ...
Lorenzo B's user avatar
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How to automatically derive foreign key column names with polymorphic associations?

In my Ruby on Rails 7 application I have a large Account model with various has_many associations (most of them are left out for brevity here): class Account < ApplicationRecord has_one :...
Tintin81's user avatar
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xapian-full-1.2.3 not able to install succesffully

Application not starting after ubutu patch upgrade. /home/azureuser/app2/current fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent ...
user3715261's user avatar
-1 votes
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Implement prometheus and garafana for a ruby on rails application [closed]

I am looking for a help to implement prometheus and garafana in my rails app. I have tried using prometheus-client and yabeda-prometheus gem. I have also tried with prometheus-exporter gem but all in ...
Muhammad Ans's user avatar
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Native file open dialog in Windows Ruby

As far as I understand, there are no gems which help to open native file dialogs, so I am interested in writing one, specifically for Windows I'm stuck at the first step which is getting the CLSID for ...
Zachary's user avatar
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Ruby (3.3.4) and Rails (7.1) - rails s Zeitwerk - uninitialized constant Utils::ScriptsUtils::Utils (NameError)

I am trying to update my ruby app from ruby 2.6.6 to ruby 3.3.4 and Rail 5.1 to Rails 7.1 I know it is not a good practice to do so, but in my case (which is a bit complicated) I felt I didn't have ...
bseido's user avatar
  • 19
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Installing Jekyll on my M3 Macbook won't "stick"

I think I have painted myself into a corner trying to override the default Ruby install so that I can install Jekyll. Here is a rough timeline: I follow this tutorial to the letter and it works, my ...
cmp's user avatar
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Ruby on Rails: how to efficiently save nested attributes (recursively)?

I'm using Rails and trying to make saving of nested attributes more efficient. The database used is MySQL. Code basis BoardSet.rb class BoardSet < ApplicationRecord has_many :boards, ...
klues's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Exception: <internal:/usr/local/Cellar/ruby/3.3.4/lib/ruby/3.3.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb>:136:in `require'

Exception: <internal:/usr/local/Cellar/ruby/3.3.4/lib/ruby/3.3.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb>:136:in `require': cannot load such file -- xcodeproj (LoadError) from <internal:/usr/...
user8852538's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How do I make sure that I only load flights on search and not initial page load

Rails baby here! trying to work it out with Rails 7. I have a small toy app here that tries to search for flights then have users book a flight. I have managed to string together the app to a point of ...
Taku Mapfumo's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How can I get commands in Rails Migration file using regex?

I'm trying to get commands from a Rails migration file as an array based on a specific migration command, using regex. My code works well on most cases, but when there is a command with multiline code,...
dfop02's user avatar
  • 129
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1 answer

Rails: Form that sets up default values for an object?

Say I have an object that has some attributes with default values. I set up the default values for these attributes at a model level like so... after_initialize :set_defaults def set_defaults ...
cheetoriko's user avatar
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Trouble Configuring SAML Authentication in Rails with Devise: Signature Verification Failure

I am currently integrating SAML authentication into a Ruby on Rails application using the Devise SAML Authenticatable gem, and I've encountered a significant challenge regarding the signature ...
Merouane Amqor's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to configure Rubocop to skip counting log lines - Metrics/MethodLength AllowedPatterns/AllowedMethods

Running RuboCop results in the following error $ rubocop Running RuboCop... Offenses: C: Metrics/MethodLength: Method has too many lines. [25/10] ( def ...
Mr.'s user avatar
  • 9,952
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1 answer

Rails Cookies not updating on other pages

Is there a way in Rails to delete/reset a particular cookie when the value has been changed on one page? So I have 10 tabs, if the cookie is changed on tab 1 it doesn't update on the rest of the tabs ...
Manav's user avatar
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Rails Shrine with Uppy can't perform direct uploads

Trying to integrate uppy on my rails app. I'm using rails 7 minimal version with Shrine gem. I'm able to upload to s3 but as i try to integrate uppy it just fails. I get errors in browser console and ...
Arif's user avatar
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Extract which bytes should be included in the hash calculation (Signature)

I'm looking to implement the enveloped signature in a project and I'm creating a proof of concept. The integration documentation requests that: Prepare the signature document Calculate which bytes (...
Tiago Paza's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How to avoid sql injection warning for rails scope [closed]

I have written scope on modal as below and called ruby class method 'display_link_query' scope :data, -> { select("id,#{display_link_query} as display_link .references( :...
Uday Magdum's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

print function info without repeating or explicit calling a function in ruby

For debugging propose, in each method there is a print of the function namespace and its argument module Test def, arg2) args = method(__method__).parameters.to_h { |p| [p.last, ...
Mr.'s user avatar
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App not starting with cryptic Passenger log error

I have a Rails app set up with Passenger + Nginx. When trying to access the app I get the following error in passenger's logs: /home/my_user/.rbenv/versions/3.3.1/bin/ruby: No such file or directory --...
hananamar's user avatar
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What is best way to set time in a Rails app form so that the time is the same once I enter it and doesn't change?

I have a Rails 7 form where I enter in data to populate a database. I have a start_time and end_time in the form: <%= f.time_select :start_time, :value =>'%I:%M %p') %> <...
mwhocl's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Rails: How does form_with know, which Controller-action to invoke?

Taken this form as an example: <%= form_with model: @product do |f| %> <!-- ... --!> <% end %> The routes-file: get "/products", to: "products#index" get &...
cluster1's user avatar
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How to handle session managment in ruby on rails app with mixed structure monolithic and api using devise and devise jwt

I have a Ruby on Rails 7 app with devise to handle Registration and session managment for 3 models, Admin, Company and Users. Company has_many users, Admin and Company works in the monolithic ...
Giordano Díaz's user avatar
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How to download Sidekiq Pro (private gem) in pipeline

Sidekiq Pro is a private Ruby gem that requires authorization and, although I've gotten it to work locally, I've been unable to get it to work in the pipeline. I use a yaml file on my repo to define ...
tofersApology's user avatar
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Heroku : ruby app, issue when i tried to push it

i create an app on ruby on rails with heroku this app already exist online now I try to push a new version of this one on heroku, but i have an issue. i already update my ruby and rails version (...
Fabien Goussen's user avatar
0 votes
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Model method not recognizing parameters

I'm building a rails app where users can search through "Playlists", which is an object containing a title, image, and tracks. I've defined a search method in the Playlist model that takes ...
Jillian Hoenig's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Saving an associated polymorphic object duplicates it

I have two models, one of them being polymorphic and second one being a "parent" one: class Person has_one :asset, as: :assetable accepts_nested_attributes_for :asset end class Asset ...
mbajur's user avatar
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For Ruby extension, how should I save a reference in C or Rust side?

I'm working on a client-side caching library that caches objects in a HashMap. A simple example is below: fn insert(key: RString, obj: AnyObject) -> AnyObject { let rust_struct = self....
Yang's user avatar
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Can't activate jar-dependencies-0.3.10, already activated jar-dependencies-0.4.1

I'm getting this error. can't activate jar-dependencies-0.3.10, already activated jar-dependencies-0.4.1 Please help me My project has gem 'jar-dependencies', '0.4.1' but in my system it was ...
ankit susne's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Ternary operator not working inside Lambda function Ruby

I am trying to write a Lambda function in Ruby, to calculate the nth Fibonacci number. fib = -> (n) { n in [1, 2] ? 1 : fib.[n - 1] + fib.[n - 2] } This gives me the error, ./fib.rb:3: warning: ...
Shirsak's user avatar
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Rails: Extended class that calls another extended class

Setup: We got an initializer (in config/initializers) that requires a file where we define our extensions. This file does something like this: module UbiquoExtensions end :SomeClass.include!(...
raquelhortab's user avatar
0 votes
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bundle install cannot load such file

When I try bundle install or RCT_NEW_ARCH_ENABLED=1 bundle exec pod install in my project I get this error. Mac on chip M2 /opt/homebrew/opt/ruby/bin/bundle:25:in `load': cannot load such file -- /opt/...
IncognitoUser's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Ruby setter-methods: Is the equal-character (=) a convention or functionality?

Taken this class as a example: class House def initialize(color, size) @color = color @size = size end def color @color end # Is the = part of the syntax or a convention? def ...
cluster1's user avatar
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Trying to install Nanoc (with Ruby) on Fedora Linux, but getting an error I can't decipher

I try to install Nanoc on Fedora Linux. I've successfully installed Ruby using dnf install ruby Checked it with ruby -v and made sure rubygems is installed. Also checked version to verify ...
zektiv's user avatar
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Issue with rails hotwire trix textarea resize

im trying to create a textarea resize grippie more or less like the SO for a trix textarea with rais stimulus so i set this controller below the issue is when i pull down the textarea the textarea ...
jjplack's user avatar
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