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Questions tagged [prometheus]

The Prometheus monitoring system, including the server, alert manager, push gateway, exporters, client libraries and other components.

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prometheus pod stuck in CrashLoopBackOff error

I have this prometheus pod , which is stuck in "CrashLoopBackOff" error from a long time. I have deployed this prometheus on kubernetes using helm charts through terraform. Here are the logs ...
Kanika Gola's user avatar
-1 votes
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Istio - 404 NR route_not_found

I have a linux box in GCP with docker installed and Prometheus running as a container. I also have 2 GKE clusters (A & B) with istio installed (just as an ingress controller only) - service mesh ...
Alan's user avatar
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Monitoring app with session based authentication with Prometheus

I have spring-boot app that uses session-based authentication mechanism ( using redis to store the sessions ) and i would like to use Prometheus to monitor this app. As far as i know prometheus ...
Darlyn's user avatar
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Is it recommended to embed retry logic in a service health check? [closed]

I am building out a health check for our service to check if our dependent service(s) are available. We don't get a constant throughput but would like some early warning if we are not able to process ...
Rustom's user avatar
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Prometheus Metrics with Docker Swarm

Metrics collection with Docker Deploy Replica I am a developer, but in my new job, the company doesn't have a DevOps team. So, we don't have any type of metrics collection or proper CI/CD flows. ...
KenaiOz's user avatar
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Merging two time series into single in Grafana Dashboard

I want to plot a Timeseries of TPS of few APIs in Grafana Dashboard. But the challenge is I want to extract the URIs based on Joining 2 Queries as below. Example : Following query returns the ...
Suhas's user avatar
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Kubernetes HPA unable to fetch custom metrics from Prometheus Adapter

I am facing an issue with Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) which is unable to fetch custom metrics from the Prometheus Adapter. Despite following the configuration steps and verifying that ...
Alexandru Constantin Arvinte's user avatar
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Installing Prometheus using helm. Alertmanger and prometheus server pod are coming in pending state. Looks like PV is not creating automatically

[root@ip-172-31-19-160 ~]# helm upgrade -i prometheus prometheus-community/prometheus --namespace prometheus --set alertmanager.persistence.storageClass="gp3" --set server.persistentVolume....
sumantapr's user avatar
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Removal of label in prometheus [closed]

I'm trying to remove/drop two metric/label's in Prometheus but with no luck. Using the kube-prometheus-stack helm-chart. When i'm searching for the 10 biggest metrics in grafana/explorer i found two ...
vonanka's user avatar
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Grafana alert when dynamic label does not change any more

I have a a prometheus metric with dynamic labels indicating the revision of some data source. The records of the versions_info data source look like this: {instance="",...
Joachim Breitner's user avatar
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Telegraf metrics getting dropped for prometheus output

I am running telegraf 1.30.1 in multiple ec2 instances but in random interval, it stops giving the metrics. I am reading the metrics exposed by the telegraf on 9127 port by prometheus. Not seeing any ...
AWS_Developer's user avatar
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Inconsistent results for average request time per request URL in Grafana+Nginx+Loki

I am using stack of Nginx + Loki + Prometheus + Grafana. I tried to implement a table which will show average request time grouped by the URL. I came up with this query avg_over_time({filename="$...
ablaszkiewicz1's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to change prometheus configuration to change interval after 3 months? [closed]

I want to setup prometheus for a specific senario.I want to store metrics for 1 year of interval 15 seconds.But data of 3 months past as not so important I want interval of of 5 minutes. I mean if I ...
mahdi's user avatar
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How to join one prometheus metric with another?

I have two metrics: one called template_details_total that publishes details about a template such as its name and ID e.g., template_details_total{id='1', name='t_name'}, and another called ...
Abhinav Prasun's user avatar
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PromQL query for specific duration

Stuck on a simple task. The request should only be processed if the request condition is true for more than 10 minutes. Let's say cpuLoad{instance=""}>80 It should be output only ...
Stas_khodorich's user avatar

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