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Questions tagged [ruby]

Ruby is a multi-platform open-source, dynamic object-oriented interpreted language. The [ruby] tag is for questions related to the Ruby language, including its syntax and its libraries. Ruby on Rails questions should be tagged with [ruby-on-rails].

48,423 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
18 votes
1 answer

_mysql_init not found when using DataMapper

I have a simple MySQL table: % mysql -u rampion dev -e 'describe person' +-------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra ...
rampion's user avatar
  • 88.5k
17 votes
2 answers

Deploy path doesn't work for Git Deploy Method in middleman-deploy

I am using middleman-blog and middleman-deploy. What I would like to do, is within the branch I am deploying to, I want the static files to be deployed to a subfolder within the repo (i.e. not the ...
marcamillion's user avatar
  • 33.6k
17 votes
2 answers

'configure: error: cannot compute sizeof (long long)' on scientific linux when installing ruby

I'm trying to update my version of ruby, running on Scientific Linux, but the command: $ rvm install ruby-2.1.6 fails with this error: checking size of long long... configure: error: in `/localdisk/...
Eilidh Troup's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

RubyMotion is Not Loading AudioToolbox framework

So I was trying to use AudioToolbox with RubyMotion, 1, Added app.frameworks << 'AudioToolbox' in Rakefile, 2, And in one of my simple view controller method, simply added p AudioFileID ...
simsicon's user avatar
  • 321
14 votes
1 answer

Yard relative link to extra file

I want to link to another extra file from my README using Yard. For example, I have the following line: ...detailed instructions [here]( on how to contribute I want this to ...
hackyday's user avatar
  • 1,319
14 votes
2 answers

SSL_connect (Errno::ECONNRESET)

We have UI automation test framework based on cucumber. Recently we have moved from Ruby 1.9.x to 2.2.0 and after that we are facing problem in login to our application via test framework. It says SSL ...
Karthikeyan R's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Setup issue in CAS Server in Rails 3.x

I have installed rubyCAS Server on ec2 server, using Rails 3.2 and Ruby 1.9.3 and configured configure.yml file, my server: webrick port: 9292 ssl_cert: /mnt/rubyonrails/testingcas.pem Note: I ...
Ankit's user avatar
  • 312
13 votes
1 answer

bundler: failed to load command: fastlane (/usr/local/bin/fastlane) in ubuntu when run in GitHub Actions

I am using this command to install fastlane in GitHub Actions in Ubuntu image: - name: Bundle install run: | cd ./android curl -sSL | gpg --import - ...
Dolphin's user avatar
  • 35.8k
12 votes
1 answer

How to fix encoding problems with Puppet

I am in the file encoding hell with Puppet. Even the simplest try does not work: hiera-data/test.yaml: --- test: Äñö init.pp: $test = hiera('test') file { "/root/encoding.txt": ensure => ...
mmoossen's user avatar
  • 1,257
12 votes
2 answers

Rails + Puma + Bunny - Timeout error

When set rabbitmq connection in initializer #config/initializers/rabbitmq.rb $rabbitmq_connection = "amqp://#{user}:#{pass}@#{host}:#{port}#{vhost}" $rabbitmq_connection.start $...
Sergii Brytiuk's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

What causes OpenSSL::SSL::SSLErrorWaitReadable "read would block"?

What does the OpenSSL::SSL::SSLErrorWaitReadable "read would block" mean? I am getting the error OpenSSL::SSL::SSLErrorWaitReadable with the message read would block. I think this is because of ...
Automatico's user avatar
  • 12.7k
10 votes
0 answers

How do I escape HTML by default in Liquid?

I know that it's possible to escape HTML in liquid by using the escape filter # cthulhu is "<blink>blink</blink>" {{ cthulhu || escape }} but is it possible to make liquid escape the ...
Andrew Grimm's user avatar
  • 80.5k
10 votes
1 answer

pdf-writer-1.1.8/lib/pdf/writer.rb:712: invalid multibyte char (US-ASCII)

I am using ruby version 1.9.3 and getting error when I start thin server /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/bundler-1.12.4/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:100:in `require': /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9....
veer7's user avatar
  • 21.1k
10 votes
1 answer

Explicity disable image sharing to facebook using mini_fb gem

I use mini_fb to share text and images to facebook. My requirement is When share text then it should share only text When share text with image, then both text and image should be shared. My ...
Krishna Rani Sahoo's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Validate file type on Direct Uploads with Active Storage? Is it possible?

I created a method in my model to validate the upload file type. But it won't work, and I assume it's because i am using Direct uploads. Is it possible to validate the file type with direct uploads ...
uno's user avatar
  • 1,461

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